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Old 07-08-15, 03:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep-2011
Posts: 397
housing for a juvi carpet?

Okay so I have him in a 16 qt tub and he is eating fine and only semi nippy.
I want to go ahead and move him into the 24Lx 18D x 12 cage(its about like a 20 tall on its side. I want him downstairs so I can handle him a bit more often then once a week.
Do you think it will make him more nervous, the cage is side opening and I will black out one side of the sliding glass doors.
I failed miserably with my last jungle, he was a biter from day one and after a couple years he was even worse. Seriously I had use a hook to hold him off when I changed his water dish.I rehomed him to a breeder.

I really really want this guy to tame down before he gets big, cause then I start getting wimpy and dont like being bit.I know there must be a fine line between stressing them out by handling too much and then not handling enough so they dont ever tame down. So all advice is welcome
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Old 07-08-15, 05:06 PM   #2
Join Date: Nov-2014
Posts: 841
Re: housing for a juvi carpet?

My only experience with carpets is with my two 7 month old high-percentage IJs. With that disclaimer, I started them off in 2'x4'x3' enclosures from day one. They have a couple inches of mulch that I catch them burrowing into on rare occasions, live plants, and the requisit perches. They never refuse meals, shed great, etc. I handle them a couple days a week or so.

My female reminds me a lot of a cornsnake. Inquisitive, handles well, never attempts to bite. My male is a little bitey; more like a kingsnake. I have started tap training both, though.
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Old 07-08-15, 05:32 PM   #3
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Re: housing for a juvi carpet?

That size is fine. Just offer many places to hide.

Some carpets, like any other snake, will not calm down no matter what you do. Though most nippy carpets will calm down with age.

Handling isn't always the answer. As you mentioned, it could cause them undue stress. I've had several snakes that came very defensive, with no signs of becoming docile. After a while I've stopped handling them and they eventually calmed down. Now I can take them out whenever and they'll show no signs of defensiveness.
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Old 07-12-15, 04:48 AM   #4
Join Date: Jul-2014
Posts: 331
Re: housing for a juvi carpet?

What type of carpet is it? Obviously, all snakes have different "personalities", but there are some generalizations. For example, jungles can be nippy/cage defensive, MD's are mostly placid, etc.
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