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Old 06-25-15, 10:03 AM   #1
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Getting a Garg gecko

The thing is, I am going to a repticon this weekend, but am concerned with avaliable stock. What is the most reliable online place to order a Garg gecko or any of its required items or supplies? I was hoping for a variety of options and have only found one site (which I forgot what it was) that had multiple morphs.

This is not for advertisement and do not want it to become one. All I want is advise from people who have experience with these people or companies.please pm me if you feel it would be too much like advertisment. Thanks^.=.^
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon
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Old 06-25-15, 11:25 AM   #2
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Wouldn't you get more options by going direct to hobbiest breeders rather than online? Obviously I'm no good for where to order online from as I'm in the UK
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 06-25-15, 11:33 AM   #3
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Originally Posted by Snakey-Jay View Post
Wouldn't you get more options by going direct to hobbiest breeders rather than online? Obviously I'm no good for where to order online from as I'm in the UK
I have yet to find a local (even hours away actually) that have garg geckos regardless more than normal or reticulated:/
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon
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Old 06-25-15, 11:42 AM   #4
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Ah fair enough mate, well good luck with your search then mate..
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 06-25-15, 11:53 AM   #5
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Originally Posted by Snakey-Jay View Post
Wouldn't you get more options by going direct to hobbiest breeders rather than online? Obviously I'm no good for where to order online from as I'm in the UK
Looking online makes stock from breeders all across the country available, rather than just those nearby The UK is really small, so pretty much every UK breeder is "local", but in the US there's a lot of ground to cover

That said, a lot of the biggest breeders should be at the con anyway. Quite often breeders do the majority of their sales at cons, so they travel quite a lot to get to as many cons as they can. If you don't find exactly what you're looking for there, then talk to the breeders that are there anyway and ask them for info on other sources, or find out if they have stock that they didn't bring. Shipping reptiles can cost a lot, so if you can get something at the con it'll be worth the savings.
0.1 tangerine albino honduran milksnake /// 0.1 snow southern pinesnake /// 0.1 black pinesnake /// 1.0 "hypo" north Mexican pinesnake (jani) /// 1.0 cincuate pinesnake (lineaticollis) /// 1.1 red striped gargoyle geckos /// 0.1 kitty cat /// 2.6.12 tarantulas(assorted species)
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Old 06-25-15, 12:16 PM   #6
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Originally Posted by Snakey-Jay View Post
Ah fair enough mate, well good luck with your search then mate..
Thankyou, I hope everything is good at repticon
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon
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Old 06-25-15, 12:24 PM   #7
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Originally Posted by prairiepanda View Post
Looking online makes stock from breeders all across the country available, rather than just those nearby The UK is really small, so pretty much every UK breeder is "local", but in the US there's a lot of ground to cover

That said, a lot of the biggest breeders should be at the con anyway. Quite often breeders do the majority of their sales at cons, so they travel quite a lot to get to as many cons as they can. If you don't find exactly what you're looking for there, then talk to the breeders that are there anyway and ask them for info on other sources, or find out if they have stock that they didn't bring. Shipping reptiles can cost a lot, so if you can get something at the con it'll be worth the savings.
You have a good point there, I'm so used to being in a black hole with nothing special other than the Louisiana speckled Kingsnake

Btw, I forgot to mention, I'm going to the Baton Rouge con.
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon
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Old 06-25-15, 02:26 PM   #8
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Originally Posted by prairiepanda View Post
Looking online makes stock from breeders all across the country available, rather than just those nearby The UK is really small, so pretty much every UK breeder is "local", but in the US there's a lot of ground to cover .
Hahah yeah I know the size difference, the convention was what I was referring to by going direct to the breeders... You can't handle individuals or get a real feel for the animals online.. I'm sure you'll find what your looking for, the American conventions look awesome
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 06-26-15, 08:17 AM   #9
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

So, I'm headed out today since it starts early in the morning(got VIP tickes for 9:00 opening) gonna be my first time in Baton Rouge or to any con. Any tips? Like how to talk to people there or getting prices down if need be? (On the animal)
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon
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Old 06-26-15, 09:03 AM   #10
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Originally Posted by DDW View Post
Like how to talk to people
If you figure that one out, let me know.

I know a lot of people try to haggle on prices at cons, and many breeders are up for that, but some also actually have lower than usual prices already when they sell at cons. So be respectful, and if they're not open to haggling then don't push it.

Pick up some hand sanitizer on your way if you don't have some already, as you'll have a chance to handle a lot of different animals. Some breeders have bottles of it on their tables to use, but many don't, and it's always good to protect both yourself and other animals you might touch. Once you're there, look at everything! Go through the whole place and check out every table to make sure you don't miss anything. But don't buy anything until you've seen it all, unless something you really need is in limited supply. Don't want to carry around a bunch of stuff while you're exploring, or miss out on a better deal.
0.1 tangerine albino honduran milksnake /// 0.1 snow southern pinesnake /// 0.1 black pinesnake /// 1.0 "hypo" north Mexican pinesnake (jani) /// 1.0 cincuate pinesnake (lineaticollis) /// 1.1 red striped gargoyle geckos /// 0.1 kitty cat /// 2.6.12 tarantulas(assorted species)
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Old 06-26-15, 09:23 AM   #11
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Originally Posted by prairiepanda View Post
If you figure that one out, let me know.

I know a lot of people try to haggle on prices at cons, and many breeders are up for that, but some also actually have lower than usual prices already when they sell at cons. So be respectful, and if they're not open to haggling then don't push it.

Pick up some hand sanitizer on your way if you don't have some already, as you'll have a chance to handle a lot of different animals. Some breeders have bottles of it on their tables to use, but many don't, and it's always good to protect both yourself and other animals you might touch. Once you're there, look at everything! Go through the whole place and check out every table to make sure you don't miss anything. But don't buy anything until you've seen it all, unless something you really need is in limited supply. Don't want to carry around a bunch of stuff while you're exploring, or miss out on a better deal.
I probably won't anyway XD I've never been good at that kind of thing. I understand and as you said, the prices will probably already be good

I have a bottle of hand sanatizer in my bag, I figured that would be something good to have.
I get you there that is one of the reasons I got the VIP tickets. That and the free stuff. Less crowd ect.... and I will be staying at the campground nearby (walking distance yay!) So if I do end up getting something I wouldn't want to Cary around, I can bring it back to the RV and I will be there both days too.
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon
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Old 06-26-15, 04:06 PM   #12
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

At the rv park really close to where repticon is being held! I can't wait till tomorrow morning! Wish me luck
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon
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Old 06-26-15, 07:18 PM   #13
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

How exciting! You're bound to see loads of cool critters there. Pretty cool that there's a campground nearby, too. Saves you the cost of a hotel.
0.1 tangerine albino honduran milksnake /// 0.1 snow southern pinesnake /// 0.1 black pinesnake /// 1.0 "hypo" north Mexican pinesnake (jani) /// 1.0 cincuate pinesnake (lineaticollis) /// 1.1 red striped gargoyle geckos /// 0.1 kitty cat /// 2.6.12 tarantulas(assorted species)
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Old 06-26-15, 07:40 PM   #14
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

your soo lucky! my dream is to go to a reptile convention! there aren't even home keep snakes here.. never mind conventions! ha ha
i hope you find what you want! good luck!
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Old 06-26-15, 07:57 PM   #15
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Re: Getting a Garg gecko

Originally Posted by prairiepanda View Post
How exciting! You're bound to see loads of cool critters there. Pretty cool that there's a campground nearby, too. Saves you the cost of a hotel.
Yah, it's more like parking lot with hook ups but it's worth being so close. I can walk right to the entrance and be there in less than a minute my mom thinks it's just going to be snakes and few other stuff but I keep telling her that there are a lot more things than snakes there. (Btw she was surprised to learn that Garg geckos make noises sometimes. I was too when I learned tbh) I can't wait! Idk if I'll be able to sleep well tonight waiting. It's going to be raining most likely tomorrow but I hope to be one of the first over there. Maybe the rain will get in early and help me sleep:/
1.0 Gargoyle Gecko {Danny Phantom};0.1 Albino Ball Python {Glitch};0.1 BCI {Mouse};
3.0 Dogs {Revan, Maul, Bane};2.2 Cats {Izzy, Lillian, Baker, Eustace}
Wishlist: 1.1 Ball Pythons {breeding}, 1.1 Speckled Kings {breeding}, Brazilian Rainbow Boa, Mexican Black King, Reverse Okatee Corn, Reticulated Python, Bearded Dragon
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