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View Poll Results: Would you like more morphs up here in Canada?
Yes 20 74.07%
No 2 7.41%
Don't care much 5 18.52%
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Old 02-13-03, 11:05 PM   #1
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I just want to ask something...

Does anyone think that the morphs for corn snakes in Canada is so limited?

Does anyone want things like
Silver Queens
Red and Orange Candy cane
Amel Bloodreds
Anery Bloodreds
Caramel Bloodreds
Striped (in all morphs)
etc etc

If so, what would you want?
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Old 02-14-03, 01:09 AM   #2
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Why morphs, aren't the regulars pretty enough? Just my 2 cents Cdn.
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Old 02-14-03, 01:45 AM   #3
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A good portion of morphs would not survive in the willd so we should just enjoy the buty of NATURE at it's best thats is what i think
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Old 02-14-03, 03:03 AM   #4
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Well yes I totally would agree that the normals are very pretty already.

But since they are now in captivity.......having more morphs/coloration on them is for everyone's pleasure.

I mean for anything in the wild that is an albino/anery that doesn't mean that they will not survive or anything. It's just that the chances are lowered. Because they are easily seen in the wild. But they are not in the wild anymore. If they are in the wild, we wont even have these snakes up here in yes keeping it close to natural is a good thing. But these snakes already carry these genes. Not like that we are making these genes happen or anything. I mean the chances of having butter/lavender/or amel is just as great to have in the wild. What we are doing right here is just making the process faster and also keeping them safe in captivity. That's all.....

At least this is what I think. I mean since we are caring for these animals now. (and we are not crossing with other gene pool) then we aren't exactly going against nature. It's just keeping the more 'weaker' genes to that's why I like the corns so much with morphs..........

That is also why I think that we should get more morphs up here in Canada.....IMHO.....

Hope that I didn't offend anyone....cause I am just stating why I would want more morphs up here.....also please bear with english isn't too good.....
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Old 02-14-03, 09:35 AM   #5
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I'd like some stripped, bloodreds, silver queens, pewters, etc etc etc. I like the way they look, and since they arent in the wild it doesnt really matter if their colours would get them eaten. I think they are pretty and I'd like to have one of each if I could, hehe
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Old 02-14-03, 12:46 PM   #6
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I do agree that some specimans of normal, win any morph out there, hands down. But then again, since genetic mutations occur anyways, I have no problem with appreciating those too. I used to hate morphs thinking they were unnatural. What's unnatural is something manmade. Morphs which sprung up in captivity, are still natural. The genes weren't altered by Man himself. They existed and we just increased the chance of occurence. Please note that i'm in no way trying to change someone else's perspective but rather stating my own.

As for what morphs I'd like to see up here in Canada, I'd go with everything that there is. It's sad that Canada has a very limited resource regarding snakes. There's a lot of species which aren't being produced here, or not in high enough numbers. You guys in the US are too lucky. Time to share the wealth.

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Old 02-14-03, 01:02 PM   #7
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I'd like to see more caramels, butters, and ambers. I like everything else you listed but so far it seems those three are in shortest supply....with butters at least being semi-available. I personally haven't seen any ambers or caramels for sale lately. I would also LOVE for someone in Canada to start a locality specific collection of normals. And have different localities available and true. Being truely of that localitly would be as important as the health of the snakes in my opinion.
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Old 02-14-03, 09:35 PM   #8
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well currently up until this moment.....I have all the morphs listed above....and more than that too.....except the caramel bloodreds..

but what I really want to know is what people really think.....
Cause I mean if people in Canada doesn't really want these morphs out there...I guess that I'll not breed them and keep these snakes as my own pets instead of selling these out to people. That is why I am really curious about how the Canadian Market thinks about these morphs and stuff in corn snake and lot of other snakes.
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Old 02-16-03, 06:49 PM   #9
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Personally I would love to see more morphs,

Why should the states have all the eye candy?

1.0 Sulcatta,1.0 Miami Phase Corn, 1.1 Malaysian Bloods, 1.1 Cali Kings, 2.0 San Matias Rosy Boas, 0.1 El Rosario Rosy, 1.1 Rosy boas (unknown local), 1.0 BCI,1.1 BRB's, 1.3 Fat tails, 3.5 leos and eggs cooking!
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Old 02-16-03, 08:35 PM   #10
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I have no problem with morphs at all. You know me....I love all the corn snakes.....especially that sweet pewter you have. I would definately like to see more of those.
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Old 02-16-03, 08:59 PM   #11
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Somebody I know sells nearly all of those, but not all of those. I think we should have a couple more, even though there are tons and tons and tons already, more of them won't cause any harm
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Old 02-16-03, 10:28 PM   #12
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Just wondering....
who has all these?
Cause I am interested in getting some of these snakes myself.....

if it's possible can you let us know?

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Old 02-17-03, 04:48 PM   #13
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I'd like to see more butters available here
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Old 02-17-03, 06:00 PM   #14
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I would definately like to see some of the less common corn morphs more readily available in Canada, and I would especially like to see them being brought in from multiple sources and by more than a few people. I think there will be a high demand for many of the dramatic colors, both from pet buyers and potential breeders.

I do worry that only a few primary Canadian breeders will have the higher end colors and their breeder snakes are usually from one or two US source breeders. People here will buy pairs of siblings from them because that is all that is available, and will be breeding those to each other in the future to get the new colors. If we don't have enough diversity in the genetics of what is imported, or make the effort to outcross it here and work with appropriate hets to maintain some genetic diversity we will lose the strength that there is in these lines.

I think there is quite a bit of responsibility in being a pioneer breeder of selected morphs - whether in their genetic development or by breeding to increase availability in a new market. Of course, many of these corn lines are still in their developmental stages with the primary breeders, so there are some limits on what is available and the costs of bringing herps into Canada is still quite high - lots of challenges and many of us appreciate what some of the bigger collectors here are making available to us.

mary v.
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Old 02-17-03, 08:03 PM   #15
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All I have to say is Creamsicle Okeetee and Lavenders! Need I say more? Some day, sigh
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