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Old 07-31-14, 04:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun-2014
Posts: 4
Feeding Help? Can't get my ETB to eat.

I have a beautiful ETB. She is about 5 feet long and 2 inches in girth.

I have had her for 2 months maybe more. I can't get her to eat. At first I tried feeding her once a week. Tried for 3 weeks. Then just left her be for a month. Tried again. and again. She shows no signs of wanting it. I have tried appropriate sized rats, small mice, large mice. Nothing has gotten her attention.

The cage stays about 78 with a warm spot (barely goes over to it)
Humidity is handled by a mister. Goes up and down between 65 and at the low end and 90 at the high.

i have wrapped the 90 gall aquarium with a black sheet to make it feel more enclosed. The viv is completely planted with plants going all the way to the top and sides to make it more covered. All reptile approved so no bad stuff. PLenty of vines and places for her to hang

I have tried soaking rats in chicken broth but I can not get a reaction out of her. She has several times striked then just dropped her food. I have left food in there for several days (live feeder) I put the feeder in a container it coulndnt get out of. But still nothing from her.

Any ideas please. I know they can go a year without eating. Or if they are pregnant and those kind of things. But she has pooped 2 times of fairly good amounts so she was eating before I bought her.

Let me konw.
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Old 08-01-14, 07:50 AM   #2
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Re: Feeding Help? Can't get my ETB to eat.

What's the hot spot of the enclosure? Could simply be too cool.

Also you're trying a lot of things. What was she eating before you bought her? I would go with that and attempt to feed it every 7 days.
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Old 08-01-14, 08:27 AM   #3
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Re: Feeding Help? Can't get my ETB to eat.

You're making sure the food is warm when you offer it, right?
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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Old 08-02-14, 10:02 PM   #4
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Re: Feeding Help? Can't get my ETB to eat.

Hot spot stays around 80.

I have tried numerous things. I got her from a local shop. And they dont know what she was eating. THey had her a day but I am good friends with the manager and hes a tried and true reptile guy so i listen to what he says.

I have tried fresh kill/frozen thaw/ and live.

The frozen i thawed under hot water and let sit in the hot water a couple more minutes just to be sure. She will attack... but she will drop it almost immediately.
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Old 08-03-14, 02:50 AM   #5
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Re: Feeding Help? Can't get my ETB to eat.

Does she look skinny? How soon after getting her did you try feeding her, and how often are you trying to feed her?

If she is keeping on weight, pooping, shedding, etc. normally then I wouldn't be too concerned yet... perhaps she just needs more time to settle in, especially if she was switched around quite a bit right before you got her?
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