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Old 01-19-14, 08:58 PM   #1
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Naming your reptiles

Ok...just taking the temp of the board here. I don't name my reptiles. I'm not really sure why. I kinda figure that if they can't fetch the paper for me, it's kinda pointless. I did name my cat....however, she won't fetch the paper either. She barely tolerates me, but my youngest basically insisted. So, she has a name, that she takes great glee in ignoring when I yell at her.

My diamond python was "named" prior to me getting him. I've tried to use it (Leo), but it's just not working for me. Maybe I'm not clever enough to come up with witty names. Idk....I just can't name something that has basically a pencil eraser for a brain.

So, names or no names? What say you?
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Old 01-19-14, 09:02 PM   #2
CK SandBoas
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I've named all my snakes that have a permanent home with me. They are my pets, and I've always named my pets, be it dog, cat, bird or raccoon....The only ones I don't name are the babies I produce that I don't designate as holdbacks.
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Old 01-19-14, 09:03 PM   #3
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I like to name my creatures just so I can have something to call them that I like.
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Old 01-19-14, 09:05 PM   #4
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I don't name animals. Not my thing I guess either. Plus I feel stupid as all hell talking to a reptile and calling it by name. Dogs and cats I understand, reptiles / fish, not so much.
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Old 01-19-14, 09:07 PM   #5
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I name my pets, to differentiate between animal A and animal B. pretty simple way of differentiating between different animals.
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Old 01-19-14, 09:08 PM   #6
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by revent View Post
I like to name my creatures just so I can have something to call them that I like.
This. It's mostly just to have something to call them when communicating with other people about your animals.

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Old 01-19-14, 09:23 PM   #7
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I name my animals...its fun picking out names, and its easier to differentiate between them...instead of saying "the lavender corn" I just say "perri" and hubby knows who I am referring to...
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Old 01-19-14, 09:30 PM   #8
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Re: Naming your reptiles

This is something my girlfriend makes fun of me for. Ill name some of them but I never use the name, and i forget what ive named them because i dont use the name; I always refer to them as what they are(pastave male,lesser female, kalatoa female,etc). But I have 2 snakes that I only refer to them by name when speaking to her(my 13 year old ball python bubbles, and my jampea retic nagini). But if im talking to anyone other than my GF they are the jamp, and 13 year old normal female.
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Old 01-19-14, 09:43 PM   #9
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Re: Naming your reptiles

See my signature. Nothing against other people naming them. I had a Black Pine snake that never really settled in to the fact that I was no threat to him. He eventually adopted the name "Satan". He was a great display animal and It wouldn't take much to taunt him into his hissing fury, until he bit me in the eye.
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Old 01-19-14, 09:57 PM   #10
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Re: Naming your reptiles

If it's a pet, it gets a name for me. It just feels weird talking about them without it. Plus names help my friends and family connect to them easier. Unless they were a rescue that I didn't intend on keeping. I've taken in a lot of sick/injured turtles and tortoises, gotten them up to health, and then found forever homes for them. I don't name things I don't want to get attached to.
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Old 01-19-14, 10:22 PM   #11
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I allocate a designation to them... feel weird calling them names since they don't respond to it.

Easier for me so the wife knows which reptile I'm talking about.

I have a snake called Greyham.... I also have snakes designated number 3 and number 11
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Old 01-19-14, 10:23 PM   #12
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Originally Posted by Shann View Post
If it's a pet, it gets a name for me. It just feels weird talking about them without it. Plus names help my friends and family connect to them easier. Unless they were a rescue that I didn't intend on keeping. I've taken in a lot of sick/injured turtles and tortoises, gotten them up to health, and then found forever homes for them. I don't name things I don't want to get attached to.
This. My pets are my family, whether they know they're own name or not.
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Old 01-19-14, 10:24 PM   #13
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Re: Naming your reptiles

Never got around to naming my herps. Had my dog for about 4 years and he just got a name for his last B-day.
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Old 01-20-14, 12:21 AM   #14
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I name my pets because it's an easier label for me.

For example I have a jungle carpet python from Will Bird's Andrew Hare Hellow Yellow x Bradley's Python pete line

So in short I used to label him HY X BR JCP M '13. I just gave him the name "bull" because of a bull nose ring pattern on his face... much easier to remember him by since it's only one syllable.
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Old 01-20-14, 01:22 AM   #15
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Re: Naming your reptiles

I could never imagine not naming my animals... I name all of them, even fish. I had 14 different coloured Poecilia (Mollies) and they all had different names and my Betta that I have now even has a name, it's Tai.

Giving them names helps me connect to them on a deeper level. I feel that they are really part of the family once they have a name. Also I tend to name them things that slightly suit their individual personalities. (that doesn't include the fish though.. I just give them names that I like.)
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