Hello .. If you remember.. My male carpet died about a month ago due to malpractice from the vet .. (check old post for the full story)
This Friday I have a meeting with the Director and the Vet of the animal Hospital in questions to discuss compensation..
My male was a half coastal / Irian Java carpet python .. he was about 5 years old and a proven breeder 2 years in a row.. if i remember corectly .. 6 feet some inches and around 4 pounds..
In your oppinion .. How much is he worth .. what should I ask for him? Some of my animals are still sick due to the overdose of Flagyl .. (My female burm will probably die sometime soon also - the overdose has stressed her out so much that she has already lost 13 pounds .. and seems to be getting worst everyday

What do u guys/girls think I should also ask for or discuss with them?
This is kinda stressing me out.. Any advice would be apreciated ..
Thanks everyone