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Old 05-03-13, 05:47 AM   #1
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One of my enclosures has mushrooms growing near one of the plants, theres a few of them. Is this going to be harmful or should it be fine to leave them? Never had mushrooms spontaneously grow in a tank, and I didn't get the dirt from outside.

I have pillbugs a few millipedes and springtails roaming around in the bottom ....
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Old 05-03-13, 11:15 AM   #2
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Re: Shrooms

Potentially harmful. Take a few pictures for me. Cut it in half lengthwise and take another picture like that. Note the color of any spores that have dropped on the caps of ones underneath other ones. Then remove them.
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Old 05-03-13, 01:20 PM   #3
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Re: Shrooms

Originally Posted by RandyRhoads View Post
Potentially harmful. Take a few pictures for me. Cut it in half lengthwise and take another picture like that. Note the color of any spores that have dropped on the caps of ones underneath other ones. Then remove them.
They are too small to cut in half, will just rip apart.

heres the only pic I could get somewhat clear. they are silvery grey, and when I grabbed the shroom part it seems the pores were black or dark brown. I pulled them all out. The exoterra has alot of substrate, its not wet though. Theres always stuff growing, it seems its coming out of the peatmoss. Including other weird green plants (not fungi)
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Old 05-03-13, 01:56 PM   #4
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Re: Shrooms

Bahahahahaah. So I posed that pic and another of the shrooms in my cage. And some kid on my facebook (I only use it for reptile stuff and hes the kid I got the GTP from) liked it. He thought it was drugs lmao
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Old 05-05-13, 10:37 AM   #5
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Re: Shrooms

Randy, no idea what it is?
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Old 05-05-13, 06:48 PM   #6
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Shrooms

I was just going to answer "Sure"!!

Ahh yes. I remember shrooms They grow wild a few hours from my house. We could get a garbage bag full in a day round trip. Now this was 20 yrs ago mind you but yeah, they were fun at the time

Hey I"m just being honnest here

Never seen them in a viv before ( those are not psylocybin).
Do you have similar mushrooms growing outdoors in your location?
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Old 05-05-13, 06:49 PM   #7
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Re: Shrooms

Sorry been camping all weekend.

That is some type of Coprinaceae. Maybe Coprinus radians or C. micaceus, but without better pictures and more info I can't tell you which species exactly.
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Old 05-05-13, 06:59 PM   #8
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Re: Shrooms

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
I was just going to answer "Sure"!!

Ahh yes. I remember shrooms They grow wild a few hours from my house. We could get a garbage bag full in a day round trip. Now this was 20 yrs ago mind you but yeah, they were fun at the time

Hey I"m just being honnest here

Never seen them in a viv before ( those are not psylocybin).
Do you have similar mushrooms growing outdoors in your location?

Psilocybe caerulipes...P. silvatica..?

Not many grow near Ontario... curious what you were picking.....
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Old 05-05-13, 07:05 PM   #9
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Re: Shrooms

Can I eat them randy? Bahahaha

We have all kinds of mushrooms growing in my front yard. But the weird thing is I didn't take anything from outside my house for this enclosure. And the one that ended up growing in there is not one of the ones I've ever seen before. I ripped them all out and stirred up the soil. We will see what that does for now.
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Old 05-05-13, 07:19 PM   #10
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Re: Shrooms

I think it was Psilocybe semilanceata and there was a second kind that I do not recall. I will try to dig up some photos. They are all on film so bare with me. Both are common in moss field in certain areas of Quebec countryside. You need a friend who knows where to go. Typicaly we would find small patches of 30-40 shrooms and then walk to another patch in a mossy mucky mess but it was well worth it. At a huge camp out in 1990 we supplied over 100 people for free. It was crazy. Everyone was "feelin the love" so to speak. I haven't even had them in years but wow we had a blast.
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Old 05-05-13, 07:19 PM   #11
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Re: Shrooms

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Can I eat them randy? Bahahaha

We have all kinds of mushrooms growing in my front yard. But the weird thing is I didn't take anything from outside my house for this enclosure. And the one that ended up growing in there is not one of the ones I've ever seen before. I ripped them all out and stirred up the soil. We will see what that does for now.
Do not eat them. Some mushrooms in that genus are edible, and delicious such as Coprinus comatus, some like Coprinopsis atramentaria are edible, but contain Coprine, which is very similar to Disulfiram, which when taken with any alcohol causes horrible GI reactions.

Even if those were edible, they are too small and insignificant to think about eating...

As for not bringing anything from outside, there are hundreds of thousands of spores floating in the air at any given time. Most never get the chance to shoot out hyphae, because they need to land in the right environment to germinate, even if they get to that point, they need another spore/hyphal strand of the opposite sex in close proximity to fuze and form mycelium.
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Old 05-05-13, 07:22 PM   #12
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Re: Shrooms

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
I think it was Psilocybe semilanceata and there was a second kind that I do not recall. I will try to dig up some photos. They are all on film so bare with me. Both are common in moss field in certain areas of Quebec countryside. You need a friend who knows where to go. Typicaly we would find small patches of 30-40 shrooms and then walk to another patch in a mossy mucky mess but it was well worth it. At a huge camp out in 1990 we supplied over 100 people for free. It was crazy. Everyone was "feelin the love" so to speak. I haven't even had them in years but wow we had a blast.
Ahh...thought you were hunting in Ontario, not Quebec. Those definitely sound like P. semilanceata. Common pasture actives, fruiting in large numbers. Long thin tall stems, bell like cap with a pointy nipple on most?
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Old 05-05-13, 07:29 PM   #13
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Re: Shrooms

Originally Posted by RandyRhoads View Post
Do not eat them. Some mushrooms in that genus are edible, and delicious such as Coprinus comatus, some like Coprinopsis atramentaria are edible, but contain Coprine, which is very similar to Disulfiram, which when taken with any alcohol causes horrible GI reactions.

Even if those were edible, they are too small and insignificant to think about eating...

As for not bringing anything from outside, there are hundreds of thousands of spores floating in the air at any given time. Most never get the chance to shoot out hyphae, because they need to land in the right environment to germinate, even if they get to that point, they need another spore/hyphal strand of the opposite sex in close proximity to fuze and form mycelium.
Yea I was messing, I don't do drugs or smoke or drink or anything at all. Never even smoked a cigarette. And I studied all that life cycle junk in plant pathology, but I never saw it in any other enclosures and that species I've never seen in my area. I think it came in with the moss I bought at home depot, or even spores on one of the plants ....
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Old 05-05-13, 08:26 PM   #14
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Re: Shrooms

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Yea I was messing, I don't do drugs or smoke or drink or anything at all. Never even smoked a cigarette. And I studied all that life cycle junk in plant pathology, but I never saw it in any other enclosures and that species I've never seen in my area. I think it came in with the moss I bought at home depot, or even spores on one of the plants ....

I wasn't referring to anything drug related with you eating that species of mushroom....
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Old 05-05-13, 08:31 PM   #15
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Re: Shrooms

Originally Posted by RandyRhoads View Post

I wasn't referring to anything drug related with you eating that species of mushroom....

Oh, I was referring completely to drug related matters when I asked initially lol

And I like botany admittedly, I just took a random plant pathology class for related subject material, and it turned out to be a very akward class with me and 9 farmers and turf grass majors. The professor asked what everyone's favorite plant was, and I was the only one who didn't have an answer lmao

Spent 4 months talking about grass rusts and fungal rots of corn or whatever, so I hated it. Sporangia, basidiomycetes, oomycetes, SOooooooo many life cycles. I got a C ..
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