Actually i've been doing a bit of research on the net and that seems to be the most appealing to me right now

I realize that it may need a bigger tank after a while, but he should be good in a regular 75 for a good amount of time, yeah? And i also could just build a pvc frame and put some of that screen around it to make the tank higher if i need...i've done that before w/great success.
So i'm thinking...On the right side....maybe about 1 and a half feet of water (not deep, just starting from the right side, going in about 1 and a half feet) and have it gradually grow up to land...maybe have the water 8 inches deep tops is what i'm thinking. I'd have a submersible filter (small one since its not a lot of water) and then a small powerhead in there...i'm thinking put a pipe from the powerhead going under the land area and have it come up on the other end (dry end) and make a "river" back to the main water.
CWD's can swim, right? Just making sure before i go all out on this lol. Dont wanna drown him.
Anyways...i'd have a larger branch hanging out over the water w/some sort of vine growing on it...anyone know of any cool looking viney plants that would do well in this type of tank?
Next...would one of those little "fogger machine" things benefit this at all? Like how you get that little bit of fog to hang just over the water? Just wondering, cuz the guy says the tank has one of those as well. I would think it would help keep the humidity higher, right?
Sorry, lots of questions, i know!!
Thanks for anyone who takes the time to read this. this even in the right section? I dont think it is...i think i put it here on accident lol.