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Old 01-25-05, 02:28 PM   #1
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Herps and the City

Okay so I've decided I want to try my hand at field herping this Spring and Summer. Unfortunately I live downtown, but next to a huge park along side the Ottawa river. Do you guys think it's possible for me to find anything out here besides ducks and squirrels? There's parts of the river alongside bike paths that are easy to get to and quiet... I've also heard that people can find turtles there, so I guess it's possible.

Other than the river, does anyone know of any areas in the Ottawa region that are great for field herping?
Heather Rose
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Old 01-25-05, 02:33 PM   #2
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Heather you are more than welcome to go out to my parents farm in Ashton in the spring where you can see THOUSANDS of garter snakes and milks and YES I said THOUSANDS.We have a HUGE den site there and I see them EVERY year by LARGE numbers.

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Old 01-25-05, 07:38 PM   #3
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hey heather their not to many places within the city you would have to go out towards kanata or other outlying areas but gatineau park isnt a bad spot, its not to far from you if your downtown and there a fair bit of fauna there
take it easy
Steve & Sari
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Old 02-05-05, 06:51 PM   #4
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I've seen so much crazy stuff in the Don Valley in Toronto over my years its rediculous.

Green Snakes, Butlers Garters, Eastern Garters, Ribbon Snakes, Deekay's Snakes, Red Bellied Snakes, Leopard Frogs, Red Eared Sliders (no doubt someone let it go and it survived), painted turtles, snapping turtle (god knows how it got there...), toads, and once even a five lined skink!

Oh and salamanders and praying mantises too. All kinds of crazy stuff in Toronto. Crawfish in High Park... Nutty stuff.
Snakes are too cool
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Old 02-05-05, 08:08 PM   #5
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ottawa herping

If you can get out to Bells Corners just by meadowlands and huntclub I believe(but don't quote me on it I suck with street names
Jack Pine trail
Beaver creek trail
and the lime kiln

all three are trails that you could easily spend the whole day on
also try Gatanue Park over in Hull

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Old 02-05-05, 08:14 PM   #6
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Ashton you don't say
I grew up in the thriving metropolis of Munster Hamlet

just across the road from the ball diamond there

small small world
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Old 02-05-05, 08:16 PM   #7
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many many evening spent at the ole Ashton Pub
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Old 02-05-05, 08:17 PM   #8
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sorry just reminising now
ahhh those were the days
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Old 02-17-05, 01:16 AM   #9
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CallDawg, i grew up in Stittsville and was friends with some people out in munster. How old are you? I wonder if we know any of the same people.

I haven't had any luck in the stittsville or kanata area, but i'm thinking this summer i will head out to munster or ashton and take a look.

When can we start expecting to find things?

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Old 02-18-05, 03:53 PM   #10
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I was born in 71 lived in Munster till about 91.

knew alot of people there, like Jay Ruttan, Brad young, tim wysoko, John Carey and such.

Also knew quite a few people in Stittsville

What High Scool Did you Attend
A.Y. or South
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Old 02-18-05, 04:04 PM   #11
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Heather: The town I live in is about 75,000 pop. The one decent park we have with a "river " thru it is very polluted None the less I've seen the odd muskrat, beaver, heron,and plenty ducks and geese. There's a few shallow stagnant pools of water there too. Early Spring you should see the peepers, frogs and toads in there mating!!! All that brings out this HUGE Snapping turtle that I make a point of looking for every year
On top of that I've seen Kids catching baby turtles of a few varieties.

So I guess my point is give it a shot, I'm sure you'll find a few interesting things in and around town parks

Good luck!! Let us know if you do!!

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Old 02-18-05, 04:51 PM   #12
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I used to visit my aunt in Rockcliffe many moons ago (okay, decades, back in the early 60's). The house was a block from that botanical garden thingee (can't recall the name right now). While everyone else was indoors, I'd be outside finding salamanders, snakes and frogs. Even considering the time frame, I would think there'd be some herping left in that part of town.
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