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Old 10-09-04, 09:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul-2003
Location: Ontario
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Eastern Fox Snake - hatchlings! *pics*

Here are some photos from a few weeks ago of a clutch of hatching Eastern Fox Snakes (Elaphe gloydi). I happened to be in the vicinity while the eggs were hatching and it was only happenstance that I noticed a neonate slithering across my path.
Anyway, some pics:

100% hatch rate.

An adult male.
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Old 10-09-04, 10:28 PM   #2
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Awww, there so cute... I didn't realize they were grey as hatchlings.
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Old 10-11-04, 08:58 PM   #3
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Very nice pictures! Fox snakes are one of my favourite native Ontario species.
Sean E.
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Old 10-11-04, 10:37 PM   #4
Cerastes's Avatar
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Careful Ryan, you are undoubtedly illegally harrassing those eggshells!

Spectacular find. With that species I have only experienced that pleasure twice before, but both times were in captivity, so I guess they wouldn't count! I have found fox eggs beneath a piece of linoleum on a certain beach before - surely you were at that population to find those!

I am looking to purchase an awesome dig camera - what are you using???

Thanks for the note, surely we'll meet soon. I couldn't make the TAG meeting due to volunteer presentations for the KTTC.
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Old 10-11-04, 11:10 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul-2003
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Every photo you will see of mine will have been shot with the Canon A70. If you look up some of my old posts there should be plenty of photos to look at. It's everything I need in a camera; great macro, video feature (which is actually very handy for presentations when I am trying to explain various techniques etc), manual control, etc. The resolution is more than I need - 3.2 mp (2048 x 1536 pixels).
The main Softshell photo in the upcoming calendar that is put out by our lab (Brooks lab at Guelph) is mine so you will be able to see how well the photos reproduce into hard-copy.
Anyway, it's a great camera. I think the A75 is the updated version - all the specs are the same except the LCD screen is bigger and the body is slightly different (and it's $200 less than what I paid for the A70 when it was new). The A80 is good too but it is really just an increase in mega pixels (4.0mp) and a neat swivel LCD screen, everything else is the same as the A70.
I think the A75 is $299 but you could likely get it cheaper.
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