PDDM's Questions List
(This Is only For general Questions)
You know ive noticed now but ive made way too many topics regarding questions on crested geckos. Im gonna stick with this one topic now and if i have any questions ill ask them here and wait for replies i guess...anyhoo these are the questions i have now:
1)How long Would Frozen Pureed Mango Last?
2)How long Would Frozen Pureed Raspberries Last?
3)How long does CGD Frozen Last
4)Is A Mixture Of Apricot Babyfood and CGD And Pureed Mango good For A Hatcling crested Gecko?
5)My CGD is Really liquidy,Even though i get 2 Parts Water 1 Part CGD its pretty liquidy...It says it should become Gel-ish After 7 mins But It takes FOREVER,What could I Be doing Wrong.
6)My Geckos Under 20 Days Old,When will It hit A growth Spurt?
7)My Crestie Defecates At least once A Day Sometimes Twice(they are not runny or anything,tiny versions of my leos poo lol)!
8)I Let my Crestie lick my fingure with babyfood everyday until itdoesnt want any...Is This Ok?Or am I over Feeding?
9)Some days it gets really hot here today his/her tank temp was just hovering under the 80 mark...Is it Bad?
10)I cant find pinheads here but it has eaten some b4 what should i do???
0.1.0 Tremper Albino Leo
1.0.0 Bearded Dragon
0.0.1 Fire Crested Gecko
0.0.1 Emperor Scorpion
Last edited by PDDM; 08-02-04 at 11:14 AM..