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Old 01-19-04, 02:56 PM   #1
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Post Thinking of getting a Cham

I'm thinking of getting a Veiled Cham, however I read somewhere on the internet that they don't like to be held (it stresses them out) like the beardies do? For the Cham posse can you help me out with this? I have a beardie and she loves to be held and petted. I don't want to get a Cham if I can't get it out and hold it. If I wanted to just look at something that moves, I'd get a fish (lol).
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Old 01-19-04, 03:01 PM   #2
Wuntu Menny
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Most chameleons do not "enjoy" interaction with their keepers. Some may become more tolerant than others and very few actually seem to desire contact. For the less than cooperative ones it does cause them a great deal of stress.

Veileds are one of the most aggressive species and males are very likely to sample your flesh if given the chance. If you are specifically looking for something to take out and hold on a regular basis, chameleons aren't good candidates.

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Old 01-19-04, 03:13 PM   #3
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Thank you for your fast post. With your response, I will not get a Cham of any kind. I sure don't want to be a Cham snack one day. I'll stick with my beardie. She loves to be held and petted underneath her neck. She also likes to dart across the house when given the chance. Thank you so much.
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Old 01-19-04, 03:54 PM   #4
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I highly disagree Wuntu Menny. First, it is very debabteable about if chams liek handling. Many chams love to be handled, little do they know it's not that great for them. But you can handle your cham max 5-10 mins every or every other day. Veileds are only territorial. Not aggressive. My male mature Veield has never bitten me in the 13 months I have had him. Sure, he has hissed at me everynow and then. It all depends ont he personality of your cham, and how well you care for it. If you want a less aggressive cham, Panthers are great and as easy to care for as Veields. But, if your Panther has a bad personality sure, he can be as nasty as a mean Veield. Or, youc an get a Veield, that won't hurt anything (except it's dinner). I think you should be more worried about giving a cham the right facility rather than it's aggressiveness. Most chams are only mean when hurting or grumpy and if you don't care for them properly then they're grumpy.
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Old 01-19-04, 04:17 PM   #5
Wuntu Menny
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You're entitled to your opinion VV, but mine is based on years of experience with several different species as opposed to months of experience with one or two. Furthermore, I don't believe there is any reason to debate the chameleon/ human compatability issue. It has been a matter of common knowledge for a long time that chams aren't generally regarded as sociable animals.

I did specify in my post that there are exceptions, but that they are exactly that...Exceptions... ie. few and far between. Why suggest a person indulge their curiosity toward a certain reptile when the odds are they will be disappointed?

When a prospective keeper lists specific desired qualities in a future pet, it doesn't make much sense to disregard their requirements based on the slim possibility that might get a friendly one. I would rather not offer unrealistic or unqualified recommendations. In the end you wind up with unhappy keepers and unwanted animals.

I've been bitten several times by different species, most often veileds, for a variety of reasons. I didn't find any of those experiences to be enjoyable, nor do I believe the chameleon "liked" doing it. Incidentally, the only two activities I believe chameleons "like" are eating and fornicating. The latter only applies to males of the genus.

Revenge is a dish best served cold...

With a side plate of steaming entrails,
And a nice Bordeaux!
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Old 01-19-04, 04:42 PM   #6
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mmmmmm iif your very very very lucky you would get a kind gentle veiled, but if you want one that will be willing t be held with out gasping or biting go for a panther, they are a lot nicer then veild, thats if you are willing to pay up oo 300 dollars for one, its worth it tho, this is in my opinion. myne love to come out at climb everywhere. but you should read more and get to see how they are.

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
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Old 01-19-04, 04:53 PM   #7
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Thank you all for your replies. I by no means wanted to start an argument between anyone. I have taken all of your posts into cosideration and still have come to the conclusion that a Cham is not right for me. Again thank you and please don't argue (
Owned by an awesome husband (Lasher), our beautiful daughter, Reagan, Major Trouble (pound puppy), Rayden (pound puppy), Willow Mekare (door step puppy), Cheney (another door step puppy), Rynn (Bearded dragon), 21 snakes (not enough room to name them all) and 2 Leopard Geckos.
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Old 01-19-04, 04:59 PM   #8
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lol i hate when people argue this site use t be filled with nice people here, but if thats your choice i bet its a good one, good luck with the beardie, as i enjoy myne alot

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
0.1 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Jackson Chameleon
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Old 01-19-04, 05:06 PM   #9
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I can't agree or disagree with either one, because i've only had my male veiled for a few months, but i wouldn't catagorize them into liking to be handled herps. To me chams are the type of herp that you admire and maybe handle when necessary. My guy is quite fiesty, though. If he got the chance i'm sure he would love to nibble on me, I get plenty of hissing, vibrating, and lunging from him.

If your wanting something you can handle more frequently i would suggest a leopard gecko or a blue tongue skink (their are a few others). I'm with you on the handling of beardies i could get mine out for hours with them just siting there. My cham on the other hand i won't handle unless i absoutly have to.
1.2 Bearded dragons (Login, Raven, & Jean Grey) 1.1.1 Corn snakes(Havoc,Sable, & Kink0 1.5 Leo's (Psyloke (Lucky-male) Speedball, Domino, Rouge, Siren, Elektra) 1.0 Veiled Chams (Neo), 0.1 Rose Hair T. (Night Crawler) 0.0.3 Crested Geckos (Shiva, Storm, Beast) 0.2 Kenyan Sand Boas (Tigra & Cloak)
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Old 01-19-04, 05:17 PM   #10
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Id have to say if your desire is to have a animal that u can interact with pet and spend time with go for someth ing other then a cham. Yes there are the "special" ones that love attention but youdd have to get lucky. I find male panthers to be generally good and mild tempered but not all are its all luck in ther personality. In general they would love to be left alone.

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Old 01-19-04, 05:19 PM   #11
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lol ya you talking about neo??

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
0.1 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Jackson Chameleon
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Old 01-19-04, 05:36 PM   #12
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Oh I just wanted to point somthing out a bout veilds. In My experience with them when they are small they tend to be more friendly I think this is dew to the amount of food they need and how they learn that you bring it. Once they reach about a year or so They go grumpy. they get more teritorial. they are adults and are more worried about other tings rather then food even though they still need it. soo when u have a veild and its all friendly just wait....ezpecially with the males...
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Old 01-19-04, 07:14 PM   #13
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:s lol not looking forward to when there getting old

1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
0.1 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Jackson Chameleon
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Old 01-19-04, 08:11 PM   #14
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get a crested gecko (nothing against chams of course)
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Old 01-19-04, 10:35 PM   #15
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There's no definitive answer to this question. Animals are like people; it depends on the personality. Some people are solitary and would rather live on a secluded island where some are communal and would rather live in the middle of New York City. I was just watching a show about a lion last night, and the guy said that out of the hundreds of lions he's trained, none have been so personable than the lion the show was about, he was just like a golden retriever. But, when he was introduced to a female, the lion wouldn't hesitate to rip his trainer of 13 years' heart out. Some of them are tame and then become aggressive around sexual maturity, some carry it on through, some become tame after sexual maturity. It all depends on the individual chameleon. I've seen veileds housed together successfully in trios and I've seen (and have) veileds that would be a worthy adversary of a komodo dragon. The more mellow species of chameleons, though, are the montane ones, or so I've heard. You might want to start off with a jacksonii (do weeks of research, they can be delicate) and I hear panthers are pretty laid back.

Either way, you'll love chameleons.

1.1 Veiled Chameleons : 1.1 Crested Gecko : 0.1 Pictus Geckos (looking to trade or sell $25) : 1.0 normal leopard gecko - 0.1 tang 100% het bliz leo - 0.2 bliz leos (All leopards for sale/trade) : 1.0 Leucisitc Texas Ratsnake (Looking to trade for Crestie or pygmy chams)
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