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Old 08-21-02, 12:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug-2002
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I wanna buy a cage/tank (toronto)

Hey Guys and Girls!

I'm getting a new baby ball python but I want to get a inclosure that will fit him when he is bigger (probably 4-5ft). Anybody in Toronto building them? If so how much?

Also, how much would a proper sized tank for a bp be? 55g? bigger? Whats the best price I can get..

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Old 08-21-02, 03:43 PM   #2
Grant vg
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It all depends....

Are u getting a hatchling or an adult?

For a hatchling, id start with a 20gal....if its sub adult or adult then go for something bigger...

if ur getting a hatcling, u cant really put it in a 55 gal cause that is just too big for a small one and could make him go off feed, etc...

If u'd like to save money and not have to buy two tanks, then get urself a suitable sized sub or adult ball python and u can put it in a enclosure that will last it for life..
Grant van Gameren
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Old 08-21-02, 04:29 PM   #3
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I'm probably going to get a year old Ball male, he is 2ft long. So would the 55gl be alright?

If so, is anyone selling one? Or know anywhere I can get them for a good price?

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Old 08-26-02, 08:49 PM   #4
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You can get custom made tanks (glass) at Ontario Fish Breeders, thats in Scarborough, around the Midland and Kingston Road area. Cheaper than store bought tanks and they can make them according to your specs. So as long as your not planning to house a Retic, the custom made glass tank would be great for smaller snakes or other reptiles, specialy ones that need more ground area as opposed to height (or vice-versa). The phone# should be in the yellow pages under aquariums. A nice alternative to standard tanks when you only have one or two specimens and really want to showcase them instead of rubbermaid bins, lol, or cracked yard sale tanks.

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Old 08-27-02, 01:09 PM   #5
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well for a full grown ball a 55 gal wouldn't be a bad idea if you want him/her to hvae lots of extra space you could also go with a 40 gal but the bigger the better. as for a price range it all depends what u want the person to build i out of if u want an aqurium all glass it will be more because pexiglass is expensive if it's all pexiglass for a 55 gal cage you can expect anything form $120-$200 depending on what they charge, if it's a plywood with mesh and pexiglass would be cheaper around $95-150 it'll all depends on what your looking for and what kind of materials your willing to pay for.
as for builders check in the newspaper or online for good sites anyway good luck with the ball python
Kayla Young
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Old 08-27-02, 10:12 PM   #6
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Talking we build 'em

Hey we build enclosures, we have a site it's called, go there and take a look, I also build melamine enclosures, if you're interested e-mail me at or my partner and let us know what you need and what you're willing to spend and we'll build something that's right for your specific needs.


P.S. if you e-mail my partner as well his name is Ryan, tell him that I referred you.
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