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Old 10-30-03, 09:20 AM   #1
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With me havig this retic as a baby...only 2 months old, will he erver become as handleable and docile as a burm? Will I able to display him outside of my home like a burm would without causing to much stress to him? Or am I looking at basically a "show" snake?
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Old 10-30-03, 12:20 PM   #2
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At two months old they can be somewhat nippy. Theres a good chance he will calm down with some regular handling. Mine is about 4 months old now and she has never tried to bite or ever even hisses. She is not like any of my burms though. She is not mean in the slightest. But where my burms will sit and hang with me, she is always in constant motion. Give it some time and keep working with him. Good luck.
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Old 10-30-03, 12:23 PM   #3
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large constrictors loose(out of an enclosure) in public is generally considered a bad thing.
Old 10-30-03, 01:04 PM   #4
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Well he has only struck and I only had him for a day and that was when I was misting his cage. I have missed and replced the water etc. since and he just kinna watched me..he even let me pet
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Old 10-30-03, 04:18 PM   #5
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I don't handle any of my new snakes until they have had atleast a week to settle in. Being in a new place is stressful enough for them, being handled or petted would be more stress on them. Leave him alone for a week or so and then try.
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Old 10-30-03, 04:49 PM   #6
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I've taken my retics out in public in the summer. The main thing is to be carefull. Everytime somebody asks to touch them I make sure I have a good hold on there head so nobody gets bitten .Also I take a backpack for my smaller retic. so when she wants to hide she goes in by herself , I just leave the bag open about 10 inch and if she gets stressed she has somewhere to go.
A spray bottle is aso a must , as retics get very dry.

Secondly I've had people (not paying much attention) walk up to me and histericly start screaming there heads off. Teriffied, and had others call me every name in the book. Including the cops being called, (Not fun)
I've also had alot of other people come up to me because they have never seen a snake. Most of the time the outlook of the people is good, just be carefull.
Most people know me around town now as (Hey! its the snake guy ) Good luck.
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Old 10-31-03, 01:10 AM   #7
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Wow, I m not trying to be a jerk or anything, but isn t it a bad idea to take your snake out in public where people are not expecting to encounter one? Its not fair to the public to be frightened this way, we most face the fact that not to many people are fond of snakes, especially large ones. As snake keepers these are animals for our curiosity and ours only! With the exception of visitors who are expecting to see one. I myself will not even bring mine on the front lawn, the back yard I see as ok if the neighbours are not complaining. I believe everyone has the right to own these animals but bringing them out in public is going to eventually take away my right to own them aswell.

My neighbour always asks me to bring out Hannibal, so I tell him to meet me in my backyard if he wishes to, otherwise my actions would be irresponsible.


Last edited by T.O-SK8TER; 10-31-03 at 01:15 AM..
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Old 10-31-03, 11:56 AM   #8
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Oh yea...Im not going to. I was just wanting to get peoples opinons on the matter thats all. I mean if his attitude doesnt change he will be rarely coming out of his cage, though I plan on working with him alot to somewhat tame him
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Old 10-31-03, 01:37 PM   #9
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I was not talking about you was directed to cpt retic!
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Old 10-31-03, 01:47 PM   #10
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Whoops my bad
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Old 10-31-03, 02:52 PM   #11
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No problem Reticman, I am sure your retic will calm down anyways just give him time but still be prepared for a possible snake from hell!LOL
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Old 10-31-03, 03:00 PM   #12
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LOL, To each his own. I don't take the big one out that much anymore,. 100lb (whew!) however I still take my 7' out from time to time. backyards are fine , just watch out for the neighbours cat.:medteeths
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Old 11-02-03, 04:47 AM   #13
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So you think it is ok to just bring a large snake outside where people will be surprised by the presense of this animal? If the police are being involved, how come you still want to continue your public display of your snakes? This is the type of irresponsible practice that will take away others previllages to own large snakes. Also what would you do if your snake bit someone or in your case owning a retic, attacked, or even killed an unsuspecting person? You would be the one charged for any accidents, you having the animal there puts you responsible for its actions!
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Old 11-02-03, 05:18 AM   #14
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LOL, To each his own.
I see where you're coming from, but unfortunately, that type of mentality cannot hold true in a situation such as this one. It isn't "OK" to do what you want to do because you want to do it, and the reason for that is that other people / animals are involved here; not only you. The animal's welfare, first of all, is placed in danger - minute danger, yes, but if the snake is hiding in your bag, it's because it's stressed. I'm not saying it's bad to bring it outside or anything, but not carrying the snake around on your back - it sort of defeats the purpose of excerise.
The second problem is, obviously, the people you encounter. Their fear of snakes may be irrational and stupid, but it's a fear some people have. Not much you can do about it, except not terrifying them with a presence of a 7' snake in a suburban neighbourhood.
Just an all around unpleasant situation for all involved, if ever things went wrong (which, according to you, they have more - more than once.)

Like I said, I am not in the least aversed to bringing snakes outside for exercise (I can't, because I live in an apartment, but if I didn't I would), but not in the presence of people who could be afraid of snakes. If they want to overcome their fears (or indulge them) they will go to the zoo - otherwise, you're cramming it down their throats.

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Old 11-02-03, 09:41 AM   #15
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I agree with Zoe. not a good idea.
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