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Old 06-19-03, 03:58 PM   #1
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h i want to get some snakes to maybe breed

what wold good snakes to get be tht are easily cared for and sty fairly small.

i was alwas afraid that a snake would bit me or like strab=ngle me is this true

is there a way to breed chinese water dragons
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Old 06-19-03, 04:05 PM   #2
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yes and no
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Old 06-19-03, 04:33 PM   #3
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I would suggest you start reading up & researching as much as possible & consider Cornsnakes. There is more info than anyone could ever want on them out there. Once you have animals & provide the proper care & conditions, then you may be fortunate enough to observe breeding & reproduction cycles. You can't just jump in buy some snakes & expect babies. It takes research & dedication to your animals & even then there is no "for sures" with Mother Nature involved no matter how good you are to them. Good Luck with what you decide once you have completed your research etc, Mark I.
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Old 06-19-03, 04:42 PM   #4
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thats what i was planning on doing but just needed some opinions

ps this is one opf the best forums ive been in fast replies

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Old 06-19-03, 06:12 PM   #5
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i have 2 questions about breeding corns you need to bring the snake through hibernation.

2. will the snakes get agrresive during mating and egg laying. As this would pose a difficulty separasting the either male from femal or female from egss you have to keep each ofthe babie corns in different cage
if something doesn't fit hit it with a hammer, if that doesn't work get a bigger hammer: Jesse James
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Old 06-19-03, 06:18 PM   #6
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1. Yes, you should. Some will breed without being cooled, but you'll have better results if you do.

2. You should keep them seperate year round (except for mating). Cannibalism in corns has been observed (though it's not as common as with kings and so on). The female may become aggressive when you try to take her off the eggs.

3.You should, there's a chance one baby will eat another and they will definitely stress each other out.
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Old 06-19-03, 06:44 PM   #7
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ok thanks for your help

and when is it safe to sell the babie snakes
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Old 06-19-03, 06:51 PM   #8
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after they've shed and eaten a couple times.

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Old 06-19-03, 07:02 PM   #9
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hat hppens if there is no place for you to hibrnate your snakes

im sorry if im getting annoyingbut i would like 2 no
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Old 06-19-03, 07:05 PM   #10
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Heh I hate to sound irritating but could you read over your posts first? Took me forever to find out what 'hat hppens' means

No worries, they either won't be interested in mating, or they will mate anyway. But its rpetty easy to brumate them if you use the normal winter temperature drops. (well, if you live in cold cold canada).

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Old 06-19-03, 07:11 PM   #11
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ok sorry

sound sok i guess im in nj
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Old 06-19-03, 09:10 PM   #12
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A "safe" time to sell them is about a month old at least. Thats when I sell my animals. By then they should have a good start on getting fattened up and can tell if they are healthy. As for if there is no place to hibernate them, like Zoe said, the may/may not mate. People suggest cooling of leopards but all I have to do I keep a male on his own for 3 days and he gets so hopped up that as soon and I put him with a female hes on her in a flash! lol.

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Old 06-20-03, 10:40 AM   #13
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well thanks for all the tips
if something doesn't fit hit it with a hammer, if that doesn't work get a bigger hammer: Jesse James
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Old 06-30-03, 03:20 PM   #14
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could you hibernate the snakes in their regular tanks
if something doesn't fit hit it with a hammer, if that doesn't work get a bigger hammer: Jesse James
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Old 06-30-03, 03:27 PM   #15
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May I ask why you want to jump right in and start breeding? Most people keep a snake or a few snakes before they even consider breeding their animals. Have you thought about food for them? Where will you get it, what will it cost and will it always be available? What are you going to do with the babies, what will you house them in, what will that cost? Is there a good vet nearby incase you need one? These are just some of the thing you consider. Maybe you have already but reminders never hurt.
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