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Old 06-11-03, 09:50 PM   #1
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Corn Brumating / Hibernating

I have older corn snakes. Unfortunately, I don't know how old because they've had 2 previous owners.

Anyway, I want to hibernate them this winter to encourage breeding, but the problem is, they have NEVER been brumated before, and I'm worried about killing them. Is it safe to brumate snakes that have never done it before?

Also, I'm really not sure how to control the temp.. my basement would be way too cold in the winter, and my main floor would be too warm. Suggestions?
- Ken LePage
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Old 06-12-03, 04:03 PM   #2
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We brumated all our adult colubrids (corns and kings) this year and for them it was the first time even though they ranged in age from 2 to over 6 years. They all did great - almost no weight loss, started feeding rapidly when warmed and those that had dates this spring were happy to accomodate us. I will be doing it every year in the future with all adults that are in good weight - I believe it is good for them to experience the cycle and it was nice for us to have a reduction in workload (just weekly water changes and no feeding).

As far as getting the right temps, I think that is important and I think it is easier to make an area warmer rather than try and cool it, so I would build a room in the basement and provide some additional heat for it, to keep the temp correct.

good luck with them - what color are they?

mary v.
Mary VanderKop
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Old 06-12-03, 06:51 PM   #3
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As far as the basement being too cold, I doubt it. I too live in Calgary & have had no problems with my Corns or any other snakes that I have burmated in the basement on the cement floor with no heat. I do mine under a big "riser' I built & store all the "basement boxes" on top of them. Its like they aren't even there. Most spots stay around 60-55 f & in the one corner it gets as low as 50 f or just below & thats only when its really cold outside. I place the snakes stratigically where it is colder/warmer based on sex & type. I keep the males in cooler spots & males of species that can tolerate more extreme cold in the coldest spots. Don't assume it will be too cold as it probably isn't, but make sure you monitor temp highs & lows before putting your snakes down to make sure. Make sure they have digested all their food prior to burmation also. Good Luck & contact me if you want to chat some more. Mark I.
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
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Old 06-13-03, 12:21 PM   #4
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Mary V - I just uploaded photos of my corns to my gallery. I have 2 commons - an almost 6-footer, my high red common, and a Miami Phase female. I love them to pieces even though they stink up my whole house after feeding.
- Ken LePage
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Old 06-13-03, 01:29 PM   #5
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Nice corns Invictus - some of them do get really long like your big male. He is a lot like our first corn. I didn't even notice yesterday that you are from calgary until Mark noted it. As he says, should be no problem to brumate in a basement - ours went down to 50 degrees a few times this winter, but if it was going to be really cold overnight, we just left the door open to the room they were in (under the stairway - sounds like what Mark has!). We moved the stack of cages either closer to the wall (un-insulated concrete) or farther away from it to regulate the temps.

good luck with these guys - nice boa you have too,

mary v.
Mary VanderKop
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Old 06-13-03, 05:15 PM   #6
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Thanks Mary
- Ken LePage
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