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Old 07-05-15, 12:51 PM   #1
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Carpet python prolapsed rectum

So my carpet python today had what I believe to be a partially prolapsed rectum. It happened as it was trying to poop. I assisted in helping her pass the poop and the prolapse went back in. I know have her resting on some moist paper towels. My concern is the risk of possible infection not only from me even though my hands were washed but also from contact with the outside environment. I am looking for advice on whether she should go to the vet just in case or if I should wait and see if she exhibits any unusual behavior. Thank you in advance for any suggestions/help you can offer. I attached a pic below of what the prolapse looked like before it went back in.
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Old 07-05-15, 01:21 PM   #2
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Re: Carpet python prolapsed rectum

not sure if the pic posted above so trying again
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0.1 normal BP, 0.1 columbian RTB, 0.1 diamond X jungle CP, 0.1 red coastal jag CP, 1.0 BRB, 1.0 white sunfire retic, 1.0 burmese X indian python
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Old 07-05-15, 04:12 PM   #3
Albert Clark
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Re: Carpet python prolapsed rectum

Man, sorry to hear about this and to see it as well. I think you did all the right things. Is this a first episode of this? I am glad it went back in! I know that once it happens the likelihood of it happening again is very high! I would keep an eye on the condition and if it happened again I would head to the herp vet. Also if caught early I heard that surgical intervention is more successful and the prognosis for repeat episodes is less. You should in any event, feed smaller meals maybe more frequent to help avoid a repeat. All just IMO. Good luck though.
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Old 07-05-15, 04:49 PM   #4
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Re: Carpet python prolapsed rectum

The snake should be seen by a vet. You can wait to see if it happens again but I'd go right away. If it does happen again and the prolapse does not go back in on it's own set the snake on paper towels that have sugar water on them. It will stop the tissue from drying out.

Also check your husbandry. Prolapse could be a sign that there is an issue with humidity albeit a very severe and uncommon sign. Also you can try a smaller food size for a Little while.

Good luck
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Old 07-05-15, 04:56 PM   #5
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Re: Carpet python prolapsed rectum

Deff see a vet.sometimes it just takes a tiny stitch to keep it from happening again.

Good luck!
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Old 07-05-15, 05:35 PM   #6
EL Ziggy
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Re: Carpet python prolapsed rectum

Sorry for the mishap Lewis. I hope you get the issue resolved. I'd probably take her to a vet just to be safe. I've heard of carpets having prolapse issues. Can I ask how old she is? What are your temps/humidity like? What are you feeding her? Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
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Old 07-05-15, 07:08 PM   #7
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Re: Carpet python prolapsed rectum

Thanks for the advice. The prolapse did go back in and i did put her on wet paper towels for several hours before transferring her back to her enclosure. She is about 4 years old and this is the first time it has ever happened. I am feeding her 1 large rat every two weeks and her temps/humidity are hot side 87 F and cool side 75-78 F and I keep the humidity around 40 to 50% but do mist occasionally also
0.1 normal BP, 0.1 columbian RTB, 0.1 diamond X jungle CP, 0.1 red coastal jag CP, 1.0 BRB, 1.0 white sunfire retic, 1.0 burmese X indian python
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