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Old 07-07-15, 11:31 AM   #1
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Feeding Question

Ok, I'm thinking my SD's rats are getting a bit small... And I have a bag and a half left. He gets one every 7-8 days. He's been getting hungry a lot sooner and is noticeably impatient. So I was wondering if maybe I should give him one every 5 days instead or maybe one 2 every 10-12 days. Also, I've had him since early March, and he always came out a lot and perched up until the last month or so. Nothing has changed in his enclosure, I lowered the temp a couple degrees incase it was too hot and he still isn't coming out. Any ideas? He hatched 8-26-14.
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Old 07-07-15, 12:13 PM   #2
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Re: Feeding Question

From what I can tell from that pic, from the size, that rat looks fine for him for once every 7 days. You can get by with that, and keep him healthy, but it shouldn't hurt to feed him one every 5 days. There are a lot different factors when it come to feeding, I think, and a part of keeping them is getting to know the animal. If you feel its appetite is being met I would go with your instincts and increase his feeding to once every 5 days and get a feel for how he is with that.
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Old 07-07-15, 12:55 PM   #3
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Re: Feeding Question

Do you know the approximate weight of the snake and the rats? I had the same problem with my hondo growing faster than I expected, so when the rats got down to around 10-12% of her body weight I reduced her feeding period to 5 days and then when they got below 10% I started feeding her 2 of them every 7 days.

Even if you don't have a scale, though, going down to a 5 day schedule should help with the impatience you're observing. Then if he starts acting like that again before you run out of that size of rats, you can try 2 of them every 7 days(maybe a longer interval if that starts to make him fat)
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Old 07-07-15, 01:00 PM   #4
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Re: Feeding Question

That size is fine for every 5-7 days.

Regarding him hiding, when did he last shed? My guess is he's going into shed and he doesn't feel as safe so he's keeping out of sight.
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Old 07-07-15, 01:02 PM   #5
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Re: Feeding Question

He's a little thicker than what you can see in this pic, he's probably just barely thicker than the rats. Unfortunately I don't have a weight on him because he won't sit still enough. I'm thinking I'll try every 5 days, and see how he acts, and maybe another time I'll try two every 10 days and see how he acts then. I'm thinking maybe then he'll be a bit more handleable, too. Last time he ate he shot out to the very top of his tub and bit the edge, then he bit one of the hides, and then he just sat there with his mouth open looking for the rat. I think he shed last about a month ago. Been hiding ever since. He didn't look at all like he was in blue when I fed him a couple days ago.
1.1 Columbian Rainbow Boas | 1.0 White Lipped/D'Alberts Python | 0.0.1 Leachianus Gecko | 2.0 Gargoyle Geckos | 0.1 IJ Carpet Python | 1.0 Cat | 1.0 Human
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Old 07-07-15, 01:11 PM   #6
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Re: Feeding Question

Wow...hungry much? Lol

I'd say feed 2. I noticed that with my snakes, feeding 1 more frequently had them still hungry, but feeding 2 every 7 days, they settled down. This was for my MBK and hoggie. Since I believe retics have a higher motabolism I don't see 2 every 7 days as a bad thing.

Could also change it up and while you have a bunch that size now. Get some that are bigger and feed that once a month.

Just some suggestions from my limited experience. =)
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Old 07-07-15, 01:13 PM   #7
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Re: Feeding Question

I would try both, once every 5 days for 4 feedings, and then two every 7 days for 3 feedings.

Sounds like he's due for a shed. What I do for the ones that won't sit still is I put them in a small tupperware container with some air holes. Then they can still move around but all of their weight is still on the scale. You just tare the scale with the empty tupperware on it before and then put the snake in.
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Old 07-07-15, 01:17 PM   #8
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Re: Feeding Question

I do have some that are bigger, but I think they're too big. They're rat weaners and I think are somewhere between 50-80 grams. I'm thinking I'll try one every 5 days for now, I feel like 2 every 7 days is a bit much. Maybe I'll try 2 every 9-10 days...He's grown quite a bit since he got here. Trial and error I suppose. He isn't pushing so I imagine he's not *too* hungry. I haven't thought about putting him in a Tupperware on the scale. I'll have to try it next time I clean his tub.
1.1 Columbian Rainbow Boas | 1.0 White Lipped/D'Alberts Python | 0.0.1 Leachianus Gecko | 2.0 Gargoyle Geckos | 0.1 IJ Carpet Python | 1.0 Cat | 1.0 Human
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