View Full Version : Gretchen the common snapper

05-24-13, 06:40 PM
Hello all, so I recently acquired a baby snapping turtle. I named her Gretchen and she is around an inch long and I have been feeding her guppies, zoo-med hatchling turtle food, and tiny earthworms. When I get the opportunity I would like to also start feeding her crayfish. Now my question is, what is the absolute best filter I could buy for her? I would like to have one that would last until she is an adult and still handle her waste output. I temporarily have her in a 10 Gallon tank right now with some pond weeds that are growing nicely, and I obviously plan on increasing the size when my 20 L is open or to something even larger.

Also, I know how big she'll get and how fast.

05-24-13, 09:33 PM

Read this..... Tank the uncommon common snapper.

05-25-13, 07:51 PM
I read that thread, I want to know what kind of filter is the absolute best.

06-09-13, 03:57 PM
A pond filter... Externals for aquariums are to small and can't handle the sort of waste these guys produce...