View Full Version : Old face, New account

05-20-13, 08:53 AM
Hey there!
Long time no speak, Its Corni_snake; I tried to access my old account (but due to the email being hacked I'm no longer able to access the account for here).

Started off with my hatchling (not to hatchling now) Shiro my amel :), now I have extended my family of corns to 4 XD 3 of which were rehomed to me!

Snow- Snow corn Female
Phocahontis- Amel corn Female
Shadow- Anery Corn Male
Shiro- Amel Corn :3 Male (sexed myself :) and been confirmed by reptile shop)

05-20-13, 01:56 PM
do you house your corn snakes together? Or were you trying to breed any of them?

05-20-13, 01:58 PM
I am gonna take a wild guess and say she got them from Filton and houses them together?? (may be barking up wrong tree :))

05-20-13, 04:33 PM
I am gonna take a wild guess and say she got them from Filton and houses them together?? (may be barking up wrong tree :))

the two (amel/snow) you can see together was rehomed like that, separated them, but currently trying to breed the male anery and snow :)

and no I didn't get them from filton XD reptile zone...........-hisssssssss- hate them >.> just my opinion...