View Full Version : Exciting development- at least for me
05-17-13, 02:18 PM
Just wanted to share my latest monitor related development. As you may know I had a v.ornatus since Nov 2012. I got him when he was 15inch runt and with help of people here, got him to grow to 30in at end of April . Even prior to getting the ornate I was looking for a black throat monitor, but had hard time getting one due to the shortage. In the mean time I got to know an owner of a small reptile business in the area, who was able to get his hands on 3 juvenile black throats last weekend. He agreed to trade me for my ornate and a baby lechianus gecko I had as well.
Just wanted to share some pics, 24 inches long at the moment.
05-17-13, 02:21 PM
Head shot.........
05-17-13, 02:23 PM
05-17-13, 02:25 PM
He is a good looking monitor. Blacks are awesome, congrats man.
Is that a screen top you have though?
05-17-13, 07:08 PM
Thanks, It's not a screen top. It just separates the lighting elements from the rest of the cage. The whole cage is wood.
Ha! Awesome, I figured it must be something like that. Love the plant, was it in with your ornate too?
05-17-13, 09:06 PM
No I actually put more hiding places now, and added the plant.
05-18-13, 09:45 AM
Very nice, keep us updated!
Awesome little guy you got there, congrats!!! I feel your excitement I've also been on the hunt for a black throat for a long time now and as you know they are very hard to come by now and when you do they are often fetching a much higher price.
Ben Siegel from down your way got in 3 last week as well. Yesterday he posted up one for sale and luckily I was online and noticed it soon as it posted and was the first person to msg him. Should be here Tuesday most likely, can't wait!!
05-19-13, 04:03 PM
That's awesome SikSol. I want to see pics when you get him.
05-20-13, 04:23 PM
Congratulations :)
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