View Full Version : Hide entry placement

05-13-13, 11:15 AM
Hi everyone,

We recently got our first snake (an Albino Ball Python), and i'm looking to upgrade his hides from grape nuts boxes. The boxes are working well, but i'm thinking clay pots would be better. We live in Colorado, and it's so dry here that i'm thinking during his shedding time it might be cool if i could have 2 clay pots in his tank, and then 2 extras. I can soak the 2 extras in water, and switch them in ever 12-24 hours (not sure how fast they'll dry out as i haven't tried it, yet).

My question, is does it matter where the entry hole in their hides are? The clay pots have the drain hole in the bottom i was thinking of just expanding with my dremel tool. It's a shorter, wider pot, probably 6 inches in diamter, and 4 inches or so tall. Is he going to feel exposed with the opening up top? We have a heat lamp for him, so on that side of the tank he would be directly exposed to the heat lamp through the hole up top. I was thinking i could also close the hole up top with some aquarium silicone, and cut a hole on the side for him. This is a little extra work that i don't mind doing, i'm just wondering if it's necessary.

05-13-13, 12:45 PM
I think a side oriented hole would lose humidity slightly less quickly, and the snake might also feel less secure with light coming in from above, but I doubt it would make too much difference. I would probably break a side hole into it and leave the drainage hole as is or lay a rock over it.

05-13-13, 01:41 PM
Humidity is a b$tch here in Vegas too. I always put the entry on the side and off center. Keeps humidity in and gives the snake more privacy.

Mark Taylor
05-13-13, 02:23 PM
Don't have to worry about humidity to much her in England it must be about 90% outside there's that much rain lol.

05-13-13, 02:35 PM
thanks for the replies everyone! Sounds like it's worth the extra work to put in a side hole, so that's what i'll do.

thanks again!

05-14-13, 12:16 PM
thanks for the replies everyone! Sounds like it's worth the extra work to put in a side hole, so that's what i'll do.

thanks again!

Happy to help.