View Full Version : sliding glass door track

05-08-13, 07:26 AM
Ive heard to use a 2x4 and a tablesaw but do the tracks that can be purchased work better? The cage is 8ft x 4ft x 3ft and is for my retic.

05-08-13, 07:30 AM
That depends on your woodworking skill and attention to detail. Buying the track is more convenient if it's readily available.

05-08-13, 07:36 AM
Yes a purchased track will work better. The wood can warp.

05-09-13, 07:14 AM
Where can i get the tracks and i have a carpenter working on it cuz i dont have very good woodworking skills

05-09-13, 11:55 AM
Amazon and eBay both sell them. I also believe that McCarthy Boas does too.

05-09-13, 01:58 PM
I found some on monster cages but it was like ten bucks a foot.

05-09-13, 02:19 PM
Rockler sells some 4 foot pieces for 18 bucks, I think, and 8 dollars shipping. You can get it on their site or through amazon. You might check to see if you have a local woodworking place, not lowes or home depot, more like a woodworking nerd place, some have rockler stores inside them or something similar. and some glass companies carry track as well.

05-09-13, 11:46 PM
I just used square aluminum from lowes. Cut it to length and install.

05-10-13, 01:10 AM
Lowes, Home Depot, etc. usually sell window track as well.... wouldn't have thought you would need to rig something up. Good to hear you worked something out, though. :)

05-14-13, 09:29 PM
i was just looking for a more inexpensive way to make it... not cheap lol.