View Full Version : I am not a very crafty person, which of these would be better?

05-07-13, 11:01 AM
Animal plastics, biophile, pvc cages, vision cages.

Assuming one doesn't have a budget, which of these would make better enclosures for snakes that require medium to high humidity?

05-07-13, 11:02 AM
i am curious, if one DOES have a budget (lol), which of these is best? are the cheaper ones (animal plastics) bad for any reason? thanks heh heh

05-07-13, 11:20 AM
i am curious, if one DOES have a budget (lol), which of these is best? are the cheaper ones (animal plastics) bad for any reason? thanks heh heh

lol killing two birds in one stone.

I don't think any of them are bad, which is why I chose them to be compared to eachother. I just want to know which would be optimal.

05-07-13, 11:25 AM
I have used boaphile, animal plastics and vision.

I preferred animal plastics over the rest. Partly because I just prefer their company. I found less issues with their cages.

I would also check the BOI over at faunaclassifieds.com for all of those cages.

05-07-13, 12:58 PM
i have three animal plastics and love them all.

05-07-13, 01:25 PM
No, animal plastics is just cheaper. Quality isn't an issue like Aaron said. I actually like them more because they come in flat light weight plastic panels that screw together. Makes it a breeze to move a 4 foot cage and put it together all by yourself. Only thing I don't like on some of the larger models is the hinged doors as opposed to sliding, but thats just a preference.

05-07-13, 01:41 PM
Boaphile has some serious customer service issues.

05-07-13, 02:30 PM
I have a Boaphile and love it.

05-07-13, 07:35 PM
I have three 4x2x1 PVC Cages units and I'm very happy with them. Picked them as thier head office is 20 min from me and I negotiated a great deal.

They don't offer an option for things like heat, light, etc installed so if you are "not crafty" the right item for you might be turn-key.

Animal plastics has a few sales right now and you have option to add whatever you need. So all you will need to do is plug it in to your themo, some decor and welcome home critter!

Animal Plastics T10 Terrestrial Cage (http://www.animalplastics.com/terrestrial/T10/T10.htm)

(Hopefully link shows sizes similar to mine on sale for 195 from 225...for example)

05-08-13, 02:18 AM
Why has nobody talked about Proline cages yet? The advantage is that they're made from HDPE which is a non-porous plastic able to withstand higher temps than PVC...

05-08-13, 03:30 AM
as far as im concerned, my cage just needs to withstand up to 100 degrees MAX...? do the other cages have an issue with this?

05-08-13, 05:10 AM
All of the above cage will be fine at 100 degrees max.

05-08-13, 06:41 AM
I also prefer Animal Plastics, because of their reasonably-priced products and great customer service. I do have a second-hand Vision cage and love it, but they are very high-priced new.

05-08-13, 11:15 AM
I also said non-porous, which means stain proof and long-term smell proof. I was saying the temp thing more for people who like to use heat lamps...

I don't own any of the professional enclosures yet, I'm just curious as to why nobody had mentioned Proline yet, and in my research, I think I'm leaning towards them. Also since AP cages don't come in gray... I want to be able to easily see both poop and pee so I can clean when necessary.

(My next choices would be either Vision or Showcase, but at the added expense I'm not sure it's quite worth it.)

05-08-13, 11:25 AM
I have 2 boaphiles and love them.