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Hi guys! Im new and thought id just show what all have at the moment.
First ill so my ball pythons tank. He is my very first snake ever. Names waffles.
Heres a close up of waffles eating a frozen fuzzy i thawed out. This was my first feeding attempt. He took it with it only being in the tank for 5 mins
04-22-13, 06:20 AM
nubz; you an post pictures after 5 posts :)
K here are some pics of my set ups. Only one snake tank tho..
04-22-13, 05:20 PM
Sweet fish tanks. I tried to make a planted tank once, until my brother pulled all the plants out with a fish net, will prob try again eventually lol
Sweet fish tanks. I tried to make a planted tank once, until my brother pulled all the plants out with a fish net, will prob try again eventually lol
Thanks! Yea they are alittle difficult at first but once u get the hang of it its not hard. Fish were my first addiction. I just got my first snake which is why i joined this forum to learn about them. I gotta change things up a bit. 5 fish tanks is enough for now haha. I also have some green tree frogs and a rose hair tarantula.
But yea im liking my first snake!
04-22-13, 05:37 PM
Thanks! Yea they are alittle difficult at first but once u get the hang of it its not hard. Fish were my first addiction. I just got my first snake which is why i joined this forum to learn about them. I gotta change things up a bit. 5 fish tanks is enough for now haha. I also have some green tree frogs and a rose hair tarantula.
But yea im liking my first snake!
I like both honestly. They are completely different in my eyes, but would be nice to have a large planted (like 75 G) with a full carpet of baby tears or dwarf hair grass and some cool aqua scaping .....and another large paludarium with some fish and dart frogs, or a GTP as living room display tanks.
I like both honestly. They are completely different in my eyes, but would be nice to have a large planted (like 75 G) with a full carpet of baby tears or dwarf hair grass and some cool aqua scaping .....and another large paludarium with some fish and dart frogs, or a GTP as living room display tanks.
They both are cool pets to keep in my eyes too! haha my sisters and girl freind flipped when i started accumulating piranhas in my room. But when i brought a snake home... Well that didnt go over well. Much worse then the piranhas.
Large planted tanks are sweet but require alot of time and matenience. Plus equipment adds up to for larger tanks. Mines still small enough were i can run my diy suger and yeast based co2 system. Anything larger ud prolly go pressurized.
And ive tried paludariums before. Its was a fail... Haha my tank ended up in the dumpster never using great stuff again for a background. I find just carving regiular styrofoam insulation sheet much easier. Then just putting cement over it. I want a paludarium with archer fish. Have and upper canapy with the plants and stuff. Have foggers qnd a rain system. Make a waterfall affect. Its beyond my caoabilities and wallet yet tho.
04-22-13, 05:53 PM
They both are cool pets to keep in my eyes too! haha my sisters and girl freind flipped when i started accumulating piranhas in my room. But when i brought a snake home... Well that didnt go over well. Much worse then the piranhas.
Large planted tanks are sweet but require alot of time and matenience. Plus equipment adds up to for larger tanks. Mines still small enough were i can run my diy suger and yeast based co2 system. Anything larger ud prolly go pressurized.
And ive tried paludariums before. Its was a fail... Haha my tank ended up in the dumpster never using great stuff again for a background. I find just carving regiular styrofoam insulation sheet much easier. Then just putting cement over it. I want a paludarium with archer fish. Have and upper canapy with the plants and stuff. Have foggers qnd a rain system. Make a waterfall affect. Its beyond my caoabilities and wallet yet tho.
Yea I had do it yourself Co2 too, not much was being diffused into the water anyways so I removed it. I'll wait till I have my own place and extra cash on the side to start that up. Still prefer reptiles though :P
Yea I had do it yourself Co2 too, not much was being diffused into the water anyways so I removed it. I'll wait till I have my own place and extra cash on the side to start that up. Still prefer reptiles though :P
I kinda finally feel content with what i have finally. Funny thing is as soon as that happened im being offered a free tank and stand by someone. Even being delivered haha. Its supposeibly a 5 ft tank which im thinking its really a 55 gal. Pics are hard to tell. But yea they said something about there being a crack in the back but idc. It can still get a reptile or something it. They said it holds water but eh if it has a crack why not get a land animal. Will see of this persons legit its my lil sister freind.
04-22-13, 06:22 PM
I kinda finally feel content with what i have finally. Funny thing is as soon as that happened im being offered a free tank and stand by someone. Even being delivered haha. Its supposeibly a 5 ft tank which im thinking its really a 55 gal. Pics are hard to tell. But yea they said something about there being a crack in the back but idc. It can still get a reptile or something it. They said it holds water but eh if it has a crack why not get a land animal. Will see of this persons legit its my lil sister freind.
I got a free 75 gallon recently from a customer in my dads company, its sitting outside in rough shape. I might use it for a few beardies or something eventually....No point in risking to lose everything you put into a aquarium if that crack gushes open....lmao
Thanks! Yea they are alittle difficult at first but once u get the hang of it its not hard. Fish were my first addiction. I just got my first snake which is why i joined this forum to learn about them. I gotta change things up a bit. 5 fish tanks is enough for now haha. I also have some green tree frogs and a rose hair tarantula.
But yea im liking my first snake!
Beautiful snake! I do not know how many times you have fed it, but your snake can take MUCH bigger prey than the pinky in the picture. Good rule of thumb that most people use, is a mouse or rat 1.5 times bigger than the thickest part of the snake.
Beautiful snake! I do not know how many times you have fed it, but your snake can take MUCH bigger prey than the pinky in the picture. Good rule of thumb that most people use, is a mouse or rat 1.5 times bigger than the thickest part of the snake.
Thank you! And thanks for letting me know. I bought frozen fuzzies for it when i picked him up last friday. The pick was on saterday when i tried feeding for the first time. Took it within 5 minutes. He ate 2 fuzzies last monday for the lps. They just got him in that monday too. so it seems new homes doesnt faze him much?
So should i go one size up for a frozen mouse? Im going to feed once a week. So whatever it needs to be fed at that scheadule whould be nice to know. Im clueless. Ik snakes dont even have to each once a week. They can survive very long times without food. so what is a good scheadule for him? Like i said in my ither thread he is around 22" as a rough guess when comparing him to my 18" long ornate bichir i have.
Some more pics of him/her. Anybody good at sexing them?
Same photo of him feeding but i adjusted the contrast and gamma.
I take my pics with my galaxy s2 phone so they arent like awesome quality.
I barely ever edit tho. Takes time to put them on my lap top and photoshop them and put them back on my phone.
04-23-13, 05:31 AM
Oops wrong thread
Nice tanks and nice ball! The only way to find out the sex of your bp would be to probe it. Either you have to find someone who knows how to do it or go to a vet, as it can be potentially dangerous if you do it without experience. :)
I like how the marking near her eye doesn't meet with the pattern on one side, but does on the other. Cool! :D
Nice tanks and nice ball! The only way to find out the sex of your bp would be to probe it. Either you have to find someone who knows how to do it or go to a vet, as it can be potentially dangerous if you do it without experience. :)
I like how the marking near her eye doesn't meet with the pattern on one side, but does on the other. Cool! :D
Thank you! Yea im not to worried about his/her sex.
Its actaully seems as its getting near a shed now. Its black has dulled. Eyes a blueish fog to them and skin seems as its loosening were it wrinkles as it bends and curls its body.
Im 3/3 on feeding frozen fuzzies. As soon as i finish my box ill switch to small frozen rats rats as suggested. But im holding on handling and feeding till he sheds. My humidity is 55%to 60% usaully. Ive read its recommended to bump it up to 70% during shedding?
I did handle him today again. Thats when i noticed his eyes and colors faded. He has been chilling more in cover lately. After i handle him tho his been very active.
This would be his first shedding for me.
04-24-13, 11:20 PM
we bump up our bp's humidity up to 70ish when he is going into shed. never had any issues!
Also i read that most wood shaving subsrates can harm snakes. Is that just because of him getting it with his food and swallowing it? I feed the dethawed mice on a plate to avoid that but is the reason for this being said for other reasons... I bought this substrate because it had a picture of a bp on bag . =\ should i swap his sub?
we bump up our bp's humidity up to 70ish when he is going into shed. never had any issues!
Alright ill start misting more to get it up a bit.
04-24-13, 11:43 PM
Also i read that most wood shaving subsrates can harm snakes. Is that just because of him getting it with his food and swallowing it? I feed the dethawed mice on a plate to avoid that but is the reason for this being said for other reasons... I bought this substrate because it had a picture of a bp on bag . =\ should i swap his sub?
I use Eco-Earth and Forrest Floor mixture in mine it holds humidity great and no issues, several people use aspen and have no issues i personally have never used it, but i know if you have the proper set up heat and humidity in your cage you shouldn't have any issues the snake should be able to digest it fine no need to feed on a plate, but if it makes you more comfortable than there is no harm in doing it really... also cover the top of your tank with aluminum foil and tape about 3/4ths of the screen to help hold humidity better, you dont wanna have to spray the tank so much that the substrate stays moist that's not good for the snake. allow it to dry out before spraying again.
edit- we mist our cage about once every 2-3 days and once a day during shed.
Thanks guys for ur help. I covered the tanks screen top partially with waterproof aluminum tape like suggested and that helped a ton keep the humidity up. The subs dry again and it still reads 70% humity after barely misting much. Waffles has been in cover and out of sight for awhile but he poked his head out for enough time to take a fuzzy pic. He has dulled way way more now and eyes are complelty white almost. Its hard to see if his skin has started to peel off yet or not.
05-05-13, 10:03 PM
Love your fish tanks. I like bichirs, used to have them Fishkeeping was my first addiction as well, I have a 33 gallon fully planted fw tank.
I see aponogeton, vallisneria and ludwigia in there by the looks of it. How often does your aponogeton go dormant?
Your little ball has a beautiful enclosure. Glad Waffles is eating well for you!
05-05-13, 10:16 PM
Thats a good looking BP. Feed him weekly until he's a couple years old, then space it out to every 10-14 days for the next year or so. After that, every 2 weeks is more than sufficient. My 42" male eats a medium/large rat every 2 weeks.
Love your fish tanks. I like bichirs, used to have them Fishkeeping was my first addiction as well, I have a 33 gallon fully planted fw tank.
I see aponogeton, vallisneria and ludwigia in there by the looks of it. How often does your aponogeton go dormant?
Your little ball has a beautiful enclosure. Glad Waffles is eating well for you!
Thanks! Yea bichirs and piranhas are my favorite species of fish.
That planted tank is fairly new. It hasnt gone dormant yet so far.
And yea waffles just g
ot done shedding. It took longer then ive read but he shed in one peice and just ate for me earlier this night. Im uploading the vid. Ill post thar tomorrow.
Thats a good looking BP. Feed him weekly until he's a couple years old, then space it out to every 10-14 days for the next year or so. After that, every 2 weeks is more than sufficient. My 42" male eats a medium/large rat every 2 weeks.
Thank you! And thanks for the info as well. I feed im twice a week atm just because i bought him way to small of frozen mice. I have one left then im going to pick up some frozen rats to start him on those.
Update pic of him after shed.
Does his eyecap look like it shedded. His other side is clearer then this side.
Waffles my ball python feeding after shedding. - YouTube (
Feeding vid from tonight
Better pic after a fresh shed.
Mark Taylor
05-13-13, 06:39 AM
Nice room and set up he defiantly needs bigger food thou .
05-13-13, 07:10 AM
Nice room and set up he defiantly needs bigger food thou .
I feed him twice a week atm just because i bought him way to small of frozen mice. I have one left then im going to pick up some frozen rats to start him on those.
Looks like he knows that already ;)
Mark Taylor
05-13-13, 07:27 AM
Sorry missed that:o.
Great pics!! Love it all!!
05-14-13, 04:17 AM
Nice setups!!! Glad to hear you're enjoying your new slithery pet. :)
Thanks everyone! Yea im glad he shedded well for me. Did it in on piece so im happy. He ate right after too and is still very doctile for me. He has eaton for me 3/4 times but the one time i set the mouse all the way across his cage so maybe he didnt really go for it. Im not to worried tho about that. N yea i got the mice because the lps suggested them ( assuming to be safe) i didnt really really how much the jaw stretches after the unlock it.
Heres a cool pic. Silly bp ur not a gtp.
05-26-13, 10:05 PM
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
05-28-13, 10:47 PM
Very nice, sucks having every cool species of fish banned down here. That's a sanchezi, right?
Very nice, sucks having every cool species of fish banned down here. That's a sanchezi, right?
Thanks! Yes the a s. Sanchezi. I also have a few p. Natterris, and s. Manueli. Picking up an s. Rhombues on friday.
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you!
05-29-13, 05:59 AM
Sweet! Wish I could own fun stuff like that, here in TX the reptile laws aren't bad at all, but the list of banned fish is a mile long.
Exotic Fish, Shellfish and Invasive Aquatic Plants (
05-29-13, 06:30 AM
That eel lookin fish looks like a dinosaur. very nice. Seeing nice tanks and cool fish makes me want to setup my tank again, only problem is it never ends up how I envision it (I usuAlly make the best tank on youtube my goal, which is possibly the reason hahha)
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