View Full Version : I thought this was funny, am i a bad person?

04-20-13, 12:51 PM
So my husband and i have a baby spotted python, she's really sweet and docile, she has never bit me or my husband. Well my hubby was at work, and I decided to take out the snake and hold her for a little bit (I was stressed, she calms me down) Well we have a dachshund and a cat. My dog is extremely cuddly, and she was in my lap while i was holding the snake. She got a little too close and Queenie (the python) striked and bit her nose, poor dog yelped and went to our room and hid under the covers. She's ok, I think if nothing else is scared her too death. And now she won't go near me when I have the snake

Am I bad that I find this a lil funny?

04-20-13, 01:02 PM
It is funny, I would have laughed to. Had a similar incident years ago when my iguana tail-whipped our female dachsund on her little heiny!

In all seriousness though, it is very risky to have any dog near your smaller pets. All it takes is one second, and the snake's head could have been bitten off. I also had this almost happen many years when I was much younger and dumber about such matters. I have heard many stories of the beloved family dog mauling a pet herp. Its not aggression or bad behavior; just dogs being dogs.

04-20-13, 01:42 PM
Not funny, potentially fatal mistake. Never have the cats or dogs near you whilst holding the snakes, it is just asking for trouble.

04-20-13, 01:49 PM
I figured that. it's not gonna happen again, especially since the dog is now scared of the snake anyways