View Full Version : Pics from Jordan Adventures last year

04-18-13, 07:23 PM
I don't have many pics, I didn't have a camera phone (didn't want to lose it or get it stolen which happened to my iphone in egypt) so only had pics when I was with someone who had a camera phone. Will be more prepared next time around and actually go to more places...None of these were herping trips, just picnicking and what not...

Anyways here are the pics!

first and second are some sort of agamid, second pic you can see lumps in the belly, I think it was a gravid female but I don't know anything so...

third pic is a jordanian tortoise (something like a greek I guess) and the fourth is the mountain top I found it on. It looks like big hills, but I was at the top of a high one, took me about 2 hours to climb/hike up.

Yes I'm wearing arab clothing, no I'm not a terrorist.

04-18-13, 07:30 PM
Some skink I found, don't know what it was in the first two pics. It was tiny.
An ant colony under a rock ( I was looking for camel spiders) , some sort of croc and monkey at a pet store :P They also had lots of other reptiles, one of them was a huge egyptian uro

Some of the animals I saw and didn't capture or take pics of (I don't know alot of the names off the top of my head and don't want to go look them up)

Lots of skinks, including schneiders.
No snakes
Lots of millipedes and centipedes.
Some large 'bullfrogs'
millions of agamids and gecko species that I couldn't begin to name
Israeli death stalker scorpions?
Camel spiders
And a really cool chameleon walking on the side of the road, It had nice blues and even some black. The building janitor picked it up, gave it to a man and his son, and told them in arabic that its a chameleon, it only drinks water and you never need to feed it. Put it in a box. The guy took it , I tried to pay him for it to let it go, and he shouted at me ... :-/

04-18-13, 07:33 PM
Andddd lastly some scenery pics from different landscapes in Jordan, with views of other countries in some of them, and the dead sea which is all divided up like fields to farm salt I think.

04-18-13, 07:49 PM
I miss the Middle East :( dads from Jordan but I don't remember it, Egypt is a drivers nightmare, Dubai is full of egos but in the outdoors, its stunning.
And the food, that's awesome too ;)

04-18-13, 07:53 PM
I miss the Middle East :( dads from Jordan but I don't remember it, Egypt is a drivers nightmare, Dubai is full of egos but in the outdoors, its stunning.
And the food, that's awesome too ;)

Mensef and shawerma? I like Egypt, it has its own feel to it, but I don't think it compares to jordan..at all.

And all the gulf countries (saudi, kuwait, the emirates, qatar blah blah) have that same attitude.

04-18-13, 07:57 PM
I like most Middle East foods :p we had stuffed grape leaves, stuffed zucchini, tongue, brains, a few different styles of minced meats, etc last night. Was heavenly.
I also tried to make baklava for the first time in years... Failed miserably.
I need to practice working with the pastry and keeping it moist

04-18-13, 08:01 PM
I like most Middle East foods :p we had stuffed grape leaves, stuffed zucchini, tongue, brains, a few different styles of minced meats, etc last night. Was heavenly.
I also tried to make baklava for the first time in years... Failed miserably.
I need to practice working with the pastry and keeping it moist

I stayed almost a year in Jordan/Egypt (took time off school to just relax haha).
In Egypt I was in cairo so I was walking around all day getting different foods at different places.

In Jordan I was literally living on the top of the highest mountain ever, like a 70 degree angle road that cars couldnt make it up (it was asphalt too) ....so I used to order shawerma every single day delivery to the house, never got sick of it. And if I actually decided to walk down the hill (rarely) it was mensef and kanafa for desert.

I need to stop talking about it now. Hahahah

04-18-13, 08:07 PM
Kanafa! I miss that... :(