View Full Version : Quick Ben, my male BRB eating his first fuzzy

04-17-13, 04:12 PM
As title says this is Quick Ben, Burn's brother. Yesterday he finally shed so we offered him his first fuzzy.


Just a note all his stuff was removed for this video, including two hides and his leaf cover, his tub isn't bare I just wanted to get a good video.

04-18-13, 09:57 AM
Woah. That mouse was enormous compared to him. Maybe I am feeding too small... o_o

Mark Taylor
04-18-13, 10:14 AM
Looked about right to me and he will probably eat bigger soon.

04-18-13, 10:35 AM
Yeah I was iffy at first to be honest but as he got a hold of it I knew he wouldn't have a problem, looks ready to burst though lol.

04-19-13, 07:05 PM
Great job -- he looks like a very happy little fellow with that belly!

(The meal seems fine to me...it's about as big around as QB at his thickest part.)