View Full Version : Anyone want to help me identify these carpets??

04-17-13, 01:14 AM
I received 5 carpet pythons yesterday, but I can't remember what types they are. I was hoping someone could help me out. I have a few pics that I just took really quick. I would really appreciate the help!! (sorry that the pics aren't very good)

04-17-13, 06:05 AM
Are you housing all five together? Or is this just how they arrived?

04-17-13, 06:11 AM
The middle pic looks like there may be a Bredli in the mix.

04-17-13, 06:13 AM
The middle pic looks like there may be a Bredli in the mix.

The one near the back of the water bowl right? I'm not an expert but some of them look to be just normal coastals or coastal jungle crosses...get them in seperate tubs or something. I hope they came that way and you didn't mix them all together.... not exactly the ideal conditions for quarantine ;P

04-17-13, 10:05 AM
That's how I got them. I'm seperating them today into different tanks. They're also fighting mites right now, so that's why I have them on the paper towels.

I was told that one was a bredli (?)
And I think I remember something about one being like a diamond coastal cross? But she's about tp shed and that's why her yellow isn't as bright.

No ideaaa. I'll try to take some cleaner pics in the sun today.

Mark Taylor
04-17-13, 12:59 PM
Have you had snakes before?

04-17-13, 01:28 PM
Seperate them. Treat the mites then take a mess of pics of each one seperate and we will be much better off to help. They do look like they could use some proper care :(

04-17-13, 01:30 PM
they probably got the mites from the enclosure being so wet. i think they can get mites that way if i remember correctly, never dealt with mites before and hope i never have to. Good luck, get them somewhere a little more dry.

Mark Taylor
04-17-13, 01:31 PM
Mite will drown in water so I wouldn't think so.

04-17-13, 01:36 PM
Mite will drown in water so I wouldn't think so.

oh, didnt know that, never dealt with mites before i just know that most people who say their snakes have mites they lay in the water so i thought they just keep producing.. like larva or whatever.

04-17-13, 01:40 PM
they probably got the mites from the enclosure being so wet. i think they can get mites that way if i remember correctly, never dealt with mites before and hope i never have to. Good luck, get them somewhere a little more dry.

You get mites from mite infested animals and that's it. Mites can hitch a ride on your cloths and you can bring them home. Or in this case just bring home infested animals. I would be treating them asap.

04-17-13, 01:43 PM
You get mites from mite infested animals and that's it. Mites can hitch a ride on your cloths and you can bring them home. Or in this case just bring home infested animals. I would be treating them asap.

eww @ riding home on your clothes. i hope i never run into this issue with my snakes :-/ it would sure be hard to treat a savannah monitor that had mites in their enclosure if it were to spread to him, thank you for the information, i was always curious how people's snakes got the mites. i hope the op doesn't have other snakes around that they can transfer to :-/ do they itch and bite? is this they the snakes lay in the water then?

04-17-13, 01:45 PM
They are like fleas to a dog. They will not touch mamals so no worries about furry pets.
They lay in the water to drown them.

04-17-13, 01:48 PM
They are like fleas to a dog. They will not touch mamals so no worries about furry pets.
They lay in the water to drown them.

oh, ugh flees are sooo annoying.... i dont really go into pet stores though so shouldn't have any issues with bringing em home with me.. those carpets are pretty though :D however they are a little more on the nippy side for me to wanna deal with lol... im sure ill get bit one day but it hasn't happened yet *knock on wood* and i would like to keep it that way as long a possible im pretty OCD when it comes to my sakes and handling and stuff :P

04-17-13, 02:24 PM
I think they get mites from water too, get them onto some carpet thats why they are called carpet pythons. (thats a joke). If he hasnt dealt with mites someone should tell him what to do so he doesnt kill the snake in the process.

Mark Taylor
04-17-13, 02:47 PM
Not a clue mate never had them never want them. If the OP has taken on these carpets in that condition he must know what he is doing or at least I hope so.

04-17-13, 03:52 PM
snakes soak in water when they have mites because mites are insanely irritating. Imagine being covered in fleas/ringworm and not having hands to scratch. This is also why snakes with mites tend to have attitudes/be very defensive, they are just uncomfortable in their skin. Mites breed on the animal they infest, and in its 'dens'... this is why snakes in captivity have such bad infestations, the mites and all their progeny are contained in a very small (relatively) space, and can keep latching on to the snake in question.

I can't help the OP in regards to the type of Cps they have. Others have already mentioned the best course of action (separate the snakes, treat the mites, then go from there).

04-17-13, 04:03 PM
Yes, I have dealt with mites before. I bought a few more cages, so they are all completely separated with the mite spray on them. I am changing their bedding (the paper towels) every day, because they all do love to soak in the water. That's why it looks so wet in the pics.

I'm a girl by the way.

I'll get some more pics up as soon as I have a chance.

04-17-13, 04:11 PM
Meters can't be gotten from water. They don't magically appear out of nowhere.
You get them from other reptiles, infected bedding gotten at crappy pet shops... Or shear bad luck from other things... Quarantine your animals and you should be fine, I've never had an outbreak in my personal collection.

04-17-13, 04:20 PM
I just found a few pictures that the guy, whom I received them from, sent me. Maybe they will help. maybe...lol

04-17-13, 05:16 PM
I just found a few pictures that the guy, whom I received them from, sent me. Maybe they will help. maybe...lol

They still look like coastals or jungle/coastal crosses. The one in the water bowl especially looks coastal (just my opinion, not saying for sure), and the one on the black window frame isn't a clear pic, but it looks like the same 'bredli' looking one from the first set of pics.

04-17-13, 05:43 PM
ive gotten mites several times from reptile bark. Apparently the store was infested, so i stopped buying the bark there

04-18-13, 07:21 AM
I think they get mites from water too, get them onto some carpet thats why they are called carpet pythons. (thats a joke). If he hasnt dealt with mites someone should tell him what to do so he doesnt kill the snake in the process.

Mites drown in water which is why snakes soak to get them off, due to the irritation they cause. You can only get mites from somewhere that has them, if eggs travel back in some substrate they will hatch and multiply quickly. Mites can also travel back on your clothes if you handle a snake with mites, but the most common is buying a snake with mites, and it spreading through your collection, which is why keeping new snakes away until you know they are clear is helpful.

I just found a few pictures that the guy, whom I received them from, sent me. Maybe they will help. maybe...lol

Looks like you have one bredli python, then a coatsal, then done look like a cross jungle / diamond, or a nice jungle. Then a coastal, then last one a jungle.

04-18-13, 07:27 AM
nblade mate, I said that they are called carpet pythons because they should be kept are carpet and you only had an issue with the mites from the water hahahha was just being stupid :-P If anything could get mites from water then I guess every animal with a waterbowl should have them hahaha ;-)

04-18-13, 07:49 AM
nblade mate, I said that they are called carpet pythons because they should be kept are carpet and you only had an issue with the mites from the water hahahha was just being stupid :-P If anything could get mites from water then I guess every animal with a waterbowl should have them hahaha ;-)

Sorry i actually meant to quote the other person lol

04-18-13, 08:03 AM
eww @ riding home on your clothes. i hope i never run into this issue with my snakes :-/ it would sure be hard to treat a savannah monitor that had mites in their enclosure if it were to spread to him, thank you for the information, i was always curious how people's snakes got the mites. i hope the op doesn't have other snakes around that they can transfer to :-/ do they itch and bite? is this they the snakes lay in the water then?

Snake mites won't bother your sav.

04-18-13, 08:59 AM
So juliah, looks like you ordered the sampler pack lol.

04-18-13, 09:37 AM
I just found a few pictures that the guy, whom I received them from, sent me. Maybe they will help. maybe...lol

1st picture = Bredl

2nd picture = need a better picture

3rd picture = diamond jungle

4th picture = could be a Jaguar,a coastal,a png,need a better picture

5th picture = jungle,jungle jag sibling,need better picture

all the above said,apart from the Bredl,then only the breeder can tell you what genetics make up the rest mate

cheers shaun

04-18-13, 02:23 PM
Alright, I took them out for some fun in the sun and grass today. Snapped a few pics while they were out. (you'll have to excuse my garage...lots of motorcycle stuff and boxes..)

04-18-13, 02:47 PM
Alright, I took them out for some fun in the sun and grass today. Snapped a few pics while they were out. (you'll have to excuse my garage...lots of motorcycle stuff and boxes..)

Ah with the better pictures i'd say

1 - bredl
2- jungle
3- jungle x diamond
4- looks to be a cross, irian jaya, well png now, x possibly jungle maybe x coastal

04-18-13, 03:54 PM
I think the irian jaya is crossed with a coastal.

Thanks for the help!!

04-18-13, 05:08 PM
Snake mites won't bother your sav.

Hi, "snake" mites most definitely would bother a Savannah monitor, or any other type of lizard!

04-18-13, 10:19 PM
Hi, "snake" mites most definitely would bother a Savannah monitor, or any other type of lizard!

Really? You are the first person I have ever heard say that. I was under the impression that snake mites needed the pressure from the snakes scales to feed while lizards have a different scale structure. I have nothing to substantiate this other than posts I have read.

04-19-13, 05:40 AM
Really? You are the first person I have ever heard say that. I was under the impression that snake mites needed the pressure from the snakes scales to feed while lizards have a different scale structure. I have nothing to substantiate this other than posts I have read.

I've never had snake mites migrate to lizards, had snake cages all around lizard cages with all the snakes having mites and the lizards were always clean, they avoided them and wouldn't feed on them. Now i use callingtons might spray i've not had mites in a while which is good as they are a pain in the arse. I've had rescue lizards come in with mites, but they weren't the same type of mite, they are always a red mite species.

04-19-13, 07:38 AM
some great mite info.....

The Life History of Snake Mites | Vida Preciosa International, Inc. (http://www.vpi.com/publications/the_life_history_of_snake_mites)

cheers shaun

Mark Taylor
04-19-13, 09:21 AM
Cheers Shaun I saved the link just in case I so hope I never have to deal with them they sound horrid. I have athlete's foot really bad they Itch like crazy I could not imagine not being able to scratch.