View Full Version : Croc Monitor for sale

04-13-13, 06:03 AM
Captive born Captive raised 6ft croc monitor, very tame for a croc monitor. asking £700. You can email (ste.brenner02@yahoo.com) for more pictures upon request :wacky:

04-13-13, 06:35 AM
Is this a joke ???? Who cb bred it ??? Cheap at that price ???:D

04-13-13, 06:38 AM
Did we not go through this already?

04-13-13, 06:39 AM
Did we not go through this already?

Aparantly not ...:wacky:

04-13-13, 06:49 AM
Is this a joke ???? Who cb bred it ??? Cheap at that price ???:DIt says captive born, not bred. That's a nicer way of saying a gravid female was taken from the wild and her eggs were taken.

04-13-13, 06:51 AM
It says captive born, not bred. That's a nicer way of saying a gravid female was taken from the wild and her eggs were taken.

My bad I didn't read it correctly but still surely a joke

04-13-13, 06:56 AM
I think he was referring to someone else who posted a 'croc monitor' for sale with pics from the news and got banned for it. This isn't the same pic though, pretty sure I saw this on fauna or somewhere. Anyways, he only has 1 post so maybe its the same guy again Idk.