View Full Version : Bad news and worse news
04-11-13, 07:22 PM
My demon child little brother managed to get into my room (I don't have a lock, my dad doesn't like them) even though I block the entrance with a filled large suitcase. My little brother is only 4. Anyways, he got passed my suitcase and into my room, moved the other suitcase infront of my monitors cage, and played with the locks at the bottom. Came home and found the bottom plexiglass bent and dirt outside the enclosure, he wedged himself through the bottom because the lock was twisted the other way (my brother admitted doing it, and I know it was him because last year he destroyed about 50 dollars of live plants in my fish tank because he wanted to "help clean out the green stuff")
Anyways, I gutted my entire room, disassembled furniture, checked every crevice, every drawer, everything. Hes not small enough to fit in the crack under my door, and my door was shut when I came home....I don't honestly have a clue where hes at. We are moving Wednesday so if hes still in the house he will be found. Hopefully hes still in the room and I overlooked it (doubt it), so Im gonna leave some smelly shrimp in his cage, and turn his basking light on.
Anyways, bad news number 2, sorry about the long post. One thing led to another about my little brother and this stupid system, so my dad told me to I'm moving out, which isn't bad news neccessarily, but you get the point.
Anyways, thought I'd let everyone know, and its probably my fault for buying a monitor with satan child in the house. And I didn't put a lock with a key was my second mistake.
When I find him, I'll probably give him to someone who knows what to do with him, if someone around the area of CT that posts here frequently would like him if and when hes found, shoot me a PM.
04-12-13, 01:02 AM
sorry to hear the bad news, I hope it works out.
04-12-13, 05:02 AM
thanks, been up since 5 no sign of him. going to sprinkle flour in the likely areas, house is gonna be empty so maybe hell come out and leave some tracks. Ill let you guys know what happens
Terrible news mate sorry to hear that ......
U ain't having much luck at the mo are ya ...:eek:
Good luck finding him mate ...
04-12-13, 08:21 AM
Life sucks on occassion, I guess this is one of those occassions lol Oh well right?
Life sucks on occassion, I guess this is one of those occassions lol Oh well right?
It's good that ur looking on the brighter side ... I wud b kicking off mate and I feel sorry for the lil mangrove fingers crossed u find him and safe and alive ... I take it ur always searching .... Make it ur sim mate no matter wot find that moni ....
04-12-13, 09:07 AM
It's good that ur looking on the brighter side ... I wud b kicking off mate and I feel sorry for the lil mangrove fingers crossed u find him and safe and alive ... I take it ur always searching .... Make it ur sim mate no matter wot find that moni ....
Had an exam today so im at school for now, i destroyed my room last night completely. Checked all the warm spots, the house has so many hiding spots is the problem. hopefully I overlooked something and hes still in my room. Theres no brightside , even when I find him I wont be able to keep him most likely if im getting kicked out... im so close to buyin a one way ticket to another country , But i have 3 weeks till i finish my degree...
04-12-13, 09:08 AM
did your brother leave the door open when he left your room? Could the monitor have gotten out while your brother was still in the room with the door open?
04-12-13, 09:14 AM
did your brother leave the door open when he left your room? Could the monitor have gotten out while your brother was still in the room with the door open?
Nah he just played with the locks , each door has like 8 latches, and moved the ones that hold the bottom corner in place. The monitor squeezed through , could tell because the plexi is bent a bit and was dirt on and around it. Plus hes pretty skittish so he would have waited. Im stumped as to where hes at, weather was getting warm all week, the day he gets out its freezing and rainy
Had an exam today so im at school for now, i destroyed my room last night completely. Checked all the warm spots, the house has so many hiding spots is the problem. hopefully I overlooked something and hes still in my room. Theres no brightside , even when I find him I wont be able to keep him most likely if im getting kicked out... im so close to buyin a one way ticket to another country , But i have 3 weeks till i finish my degree...
England's nice this time of year ....
04-12-13, 09:29 AM
England's nice this time of year ....
I heard england is never sunny, Im gonna move to Jordan and work as an english teacher or something and catch griseus on the weekends. I had enough of america and my dad lol
I heard england is never sunny, Im gonna move to Jordan and work as an english teacher or something and catch griseus on the weekends. I had enough of america and my dad lol
Personally I'd go oz ... More sp of moni to find and research and observe and just a hop away from indo to see all the beautiful trees monis that are my fav ...:cool:
04-12-13, 10:14 AM
Personally I'd go oz ... More sp of moni to find and research and observe and just a hop away from indo to see all the beautiful trees monis that are my fav ...:cool:
Crocdoc said its almost impossible to stay, and I wont find work. Arab countries worship american/english degrees and language. Last time I was there was offered jobs without my degree because they are so desperate for native speakers. But yea, I think wed all love to move to oz lol
Crocdoc said its almost impossible to stay, and I wont find work. Arab countries worship american/english degrees and language. Last time I was there was offered jobs without my degree because they are so desperate for native speakers. But yea, I think wed all love to move to oz lol
I've got a mate out there working for a year in the hope of gaining a filull time job and I knw of lots of people who have found jobs out there and stayed ... So it can't b that hard ...if u look and find the right outlet and trade ... Of course zoos do loads of swaps and that is a good niesh to fall into if ur a zoologist or biologist ... As a zoo keeper myself you can find the work its just holding the job or beating the ozzys to the punch and being better
04-12-13, 10:26 AM
I've got a mate out there working for a year in the hope of gaining a filull time job and I knw of lots of people who have found jobs out there and stayed ... So it can't b that hard ...if u look and find the right outlet and trade ... Of course zoos do loads of swaps and that is a good niesh to fall into if ur a zoologist or biologist ... As a zoo keeper myself you can find the work its just holding the job or beating the ozzys to the punch and being better
Im in MCB, was an engineer hated it , switched to Bio and my dad said it was "too broad" and I needed to specialize. Now im in molecular and cell bio. The stuff I study would only create a zoo the size of a grain of salt lol
Im in MCB, was an engineer hated it , switched to Bio and my dad said it was "too broad" and I needed to specialize. Now im in molecular and cell bio. The stuff I study would only create a zoo the size of a grain of salt lol
Oooooooooooooo unlucky dude ....:p
04-12-13, 10:32 AM
Oooooooooooooo unlucky dude ....:p
Yea, I know. Thanks for the reminder though:p
Yea, I know. Thanks for the reminder though:p
Always here to help ... Now find that moni as if ur life depends on it ... And then work things out with ur dad as bad stuff happens but family is family ... Then work out a better way of keeping the demon out ... Don't give up on it ... Find the moni and make it flourish ...:D
04-12-13, 11:10 AM
Always here to help ... Now find that moni as if ur life depends on it ... And then work things out with ur dad as bad stuff happens but family is family ... Then work out a better way of keeping the demon out ... Don't give up on it ... Find the moni and make it flourish ...:D
I think im going to find the moni, find a good keeper, take a loss and buy a one way ticket. My father is a dictator, only thing to do is flee lolll just 3 more weeks !
I think im going to find the moni, find a good keeper, take a loss and buy a one way ticket. My father is a dictator, only thing to do is flee lolll just 3 more weeks !
Don't give up !!! Think of the moni u purchased ... U owe him to not move him on and take care of him if u can .... It can't b that bad if ur were allowed a toughie and a mangrove ... Both not small monis ... I'm sure u can work it out !
04-12-13, 12:11 PM
Don't give up !!! Think of the moni u purchased ... U owe him to not move him on and take care of him if u can .... It can't b that bad if ur were allowed a toughie and a mangrove ... Both not small monis ... I'm sure u can work it out !
Im not allowed anything I just buy them Im 23 years old . And my dad is foreigner so yea its that bad lol
04-12-13, 03:22 PM
Don't give up !!! Think of the moni u purchased ... U owe him to not move him on and take care of him if u can .... It can't b that bad if ur were allowed a toughie and a mangrove ... Both not small monis ... I'm sure u can work it out !
I found him, just got back from school. Made sure my room was escape proof, and after he went missing I literally rearranged all my furniture for 4 or 5 hours. I still don't know where he was hiding, I checked everything. But I found him on the back wall of one of my dressers, he was very very cold and sluggish, but I think he will be ok, the house was only about 67 I think..Among all the lessons I learned, was checking the same place more than once is helpful and knowing which room hes in, even more helpful.
04-12-13, 03:24 PM
Glad you found him
Nice! Glad you found him. Im sure he is enjoying the return to the heated enclosure as well.
Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's true. You shouldn't be keeping monitors. You bought a roughneck then moved it on after a couple of weeks because you were waiting to move to a bigger place. So then you buy a mangrove (which get bigger btw) to replace it, and because it gets out of an enclosure which you the keeper should make sure it cannot (no excuses) you are now going to move this one on, again after a couple of weeks. Grow up some, become more independent and settled and then look to give a varanid a good long home. Don't you think these poor imported monitors have gone through enough with the catching and shipping process. They deserve more than being passed from pillar to post once they get here. I wouldn't dream of treating an animal like you are treating yours. They are not a commodity, I feel priveliged to be able to keep such amazing creatures. So should you.
04-12-13, 11:37 PM
Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's true. You shouldn't be keeping monitors. You bought a roughneck then moved it on after a couple of weeks because you were waiting to move to a bigger place. So then you buy a mangrove (which get bigger btw) to replace it, and because it gets out of an enclosure which you the keeper should make sure it cannot (no excuses) you are now going to move this one on, again after a couple of weeks. Grow up some, become more independent and settled and then look to give a varanid a good long home. Don't you think these poor imported monitors have gone through enough with the catching and shipping process. They deserve more than being passed from pillar to post once they get here. I wouldn't dream of treating an animal like you are treating yours. They are not a commodity, I feel priveliged to be able to keep such amazing creatures. So should you.
His cage was played with, I stated in the beginning it was still my fault. I agree with you, the roughneck was a lack of understanding husbandry wise. This wasnt neccessarily the same and I tried my best to keep him out. I dont mind harsh, but the "grow up some" is not something any likes to be told. If you dont understand the full situation perhaps you shouldnt make assumptions, I dont grow up in a western household, and If I was more patient I would stay by his side till old age, not send him to a nursing home to rot. Getting off topic, but I appreciate the advise, just be careful about what assumptions you make.
His cage was played with, I stated in the beginning it was still my fault. I agree with you, the roughneck was a lack of understanding husbandry wise. This wasnt neccessarily the same and I tried my best to keep him out. I dont mind harsh, but the "grow up some" is not something any likes to be told. If you dont understand the full situation perhaps you shouldnt make assumptions, I dont grow up in a western household, and If I was more patient I would stay by his side till old age, not send him to a nursing home to rot. Getting off topic, but I appreciate the advise, just be careful about what assumptions you make.
I made no assumptions. I just went on the facts you have given us. I do not need a low down on the full situation to be able to say that you are not in a position where you are able to take care of a monitor for years. Wait until you can before getting your next one.
Glad u found him and I see u met Chris lol ... In a way he is just trying to say wot I was saying yesterday just without the filter I use ... He is just trying to his best by the monitor and I agree with him on such issues just I may have put it a lil less harsh .... Anyway glad u got him back ... Now get ur moni keeping head on and keep him hot well feed and humid and he will grow big and strong and flourish with all advice u want and need and u will have a beautiful creature to watch and learn more from ...:)
04-13-13, 07:05 AM
Glad u found him and I see u met Chris lol ... In a way he is just trying to say wot I was saying yesterday just without the filter I use ... He is just trying to his best by the monitor and I agree with him on such issues just I may have put it a lil less harsh .... Anyway glad u got him back ... Now get ur moni keeping head on and keep him hot well feed and humid and he will grow big and strong and flourish with all advice u want and need and u will have a beautiful creature to watch and learn more from ...:)
Like I said, I agree with him and dont mind the harsh words. I probably shouldn't have bought the mangrove....or the rudi at this point in time anyways. I just don't like people to tell me to 'grow up some' in that particular choice of words. No hard feelings anyways, and lessons are learned with each new mistake I make so I'm notso upset about the whole situation. As for losing my monitor, I have to disagree. Many many keepers here have lost a monitor temporarily due to busting out, or even leaving it unlocked while feeding or whatever else (snakes too). Mine was locked, with a suitcase infront of it, and a suitcase infront of my bedroom door, to keep the demon child out. The issue wasn't the caging, it was me buying a monitor in the first place without performing an exorcism on my brother first.
Like I said, I agree with him and dont mind the harsh words. I probably shouldn't have bought the mangrove....or the rudi at this point in time anyways. I just don't like people to tell me to 'grow up some' in that particular choice of words. No hard feelings anyways, and lessons are learned with each new mistake I make so I'm notso upset about the whole situation. As for losing my monitor, I have to disagree. Many many keepers here have lost a monitor temporarily due to busting out, or even leaving it unlocked while feeding or whatever else (snakes too). Mine was locked, with a suitcase infront of it, and a suitcase infront of my bedroom door, to keep the demon child out. The issue wasn't the caging, it was me buying a monitor in the first place without performing an exorcism on my brother first.
Bad either way mate .... :o
04-13-13, 07:18 AM
Well yea, I'm aware it was stupid of me, I'm just clarifying that it wasn't a caging issue. Its hard being 20 years older than your brother and dealing with a 4 year old all the time lol I spent like 400 dollars on a small fish planted fish tank, thought I'd try something new. He destroyed it after a month or 2..
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