View Full Version : RHP Question (new to RHPs)

04-08-13, 02:18 PM
So i recently purchased the 48"L x 24"W x 16"H cage from Powerhouse Displays and I've been trying to figure out how I'm going to set it up for my female Dumerils boa.

I did quite a bit of reading up on RHPs and have seen some sites recommend the 40 watt and others the 80 watt for a 48x24 cage, so im not sure which one to go with. I have no experience with RHPs, i have only used heat lamps with my reptiles...

any advice would be greatly appreciated



04-08-13, 05:06 PM
As far as wattage goes, just speaking strictly in electrical terms, it's easier to have excess available to you and regulate it lower, than it is to have just enough and not be able to up it if need be.

I'm not sure if it's necessary in this particular instance, but it never hurts to have more than you need as long as you can control it.

04-08-13, 05:09 PM
With all my heating elements i preferto have something running that isnt near its maximum output. With a thermostat attached if temps drop significantly in the house then there is the capacity for the heater to compensate easily

04-08-13, 07:07 PM
i use 80w in all three of my 48x24 tanks.

04-09-13, 04:10 AM
I use an 80 in my 6x2x18" , my 4x2x16" and my 4x2x4. Works great for three.

04-09-13, 12:32 PM
thanks everyone

04-09-13, 09:08 PM
80 watt works great in a 24x48". I use a 160 watt in my 8' cage.

04-26-13, 12:13 PM
I use an 80 in my 6x2x18" , my 4x2x16" and my 4x2x4. Works great for three.

where would you say is the best place to get them in Ontario?? Where do you get yours if you dont mind me asking.

04-26-13, 07:03 PM
They will have plenty at Sundays Kitchener expo. Otherwise pm me the same question ;)