View Full Version : Sale Thread ?

04-08-13, 09:41 AM
So I want to start that thread about where you can get normal household items as substitues for the ripoff prices at petstores (flood lights, home depot fixtures, etc.) where people list there good finds almost like slickdeals.com type of thing. My setup is finished, I just have to take pictures of what I have and prices. Or is posting all the 'items' in your setup, and listing prices so people get an idea of how much a total setup would cost ?

Oh, and petsmart is having a sale on ceramic bulbs, 19 dollars for a 60 watt as opposed to the 33 they usually have them for. ( I know you can get them onlien for that price, but no shipping and no waiting for those of you who need it)

Let me know which Idea is better, listing your setup and costs, or just items that you can get for cheaper at alternative stores.

04-08-13, 10:05 AM
I know a place where I can order 150 w che for $10 shipped.

04-08-13, 10:06 AM
I know a place where I can order 150 w che for $10 shipped.

Fill free to share :D

04-08-13, 10:08 AM
Fill free to share :D

That hurts my resale business :(

It may actually be cheaper per bulb bit you have to buy 12 at a time and you can get them in 75w, 100w and 150w.

04-08-13, 10:11 AM
Thats what this thread is for. For people to post what they use and help each other save some money. Or list your equipment/setup and costs to give new comers an idea of what they are in for. Which is better..?

04-08-13, 10:11 AM
Selfish -_- lol jk.

04-08-13, 02:19 PM
Selfish -_- lol jk.

Maybe you should contact him to buy some and he won't charge you too much :P

04-08-13, 02:31 PM
Maybe you should contact him to buy some and he won't charge you too much :P

I really don't need it. Was just gonna do the same thing and resale it hahahaha!

04-08-13, 04:28 PM
So....nobody has an idea of what type of thread would be better? Or don't like either idea?

04-08-13, 06:28 PM
I like the second idea of putting together prices of everything in your cages to give an idea of total costs.