View Full Version : Savannah Monitor skin issue
04-01-13, 10:15 AM
My savannah monitor has had these calluses since I got her. Now they are starting to split and peel off exposing raw skin and a little blood. Her back feet are callused too, whats going on??
Shes on dirt/soil, has a water tub, 50-60% humidity, 135 basking, 85 cool end.
04-01-13, 10:20 AM
If I had to guess, It almost looks as if there is standing water or sloppy mud down in the burrows, and your lizard is sitting in it.
can you reach down into the burrow without wrecking it?
Can you post photos of the cage? and how often are you watering the soil?
Just trying to think of an answer for you, and as much detail as you can provide will make it a lot easier to figure this out.
04-01-13, 10:22 AM
diet - what have you been feeding?
04-01-13, 10:34 AM
Looks like scale rot. Which is caused by the substrate being too wet like Wayne said.
04-01-13, 12:29 PM
Hi, you need to take the animal to a vet, there`s obviously some infection there.
If the humidity range you give is an accurate reading, including in the burrows/hides, I doubt that could be causing it (unless it`s too dry)?
Can you put some photos up of the whole enclosure and confirm what type of thermometer/hygrometer you use (analogue or digital)? Thanks!
04-01-13, 12:31 PM
diet - what have you been feeding?
Hi Wayne, pinky mice and inverts, the OP has already posted elsewhere.
04-01-13, 12:41 PM
it almost looks like burns to me.... are you using heat rocks?
04-01-13, 12:48 PM
Vet is your best option, we can only assume here. better safe than sorry. Check his basking temps with a gun, check his humidity and if his burrow is too wet. Finding out the problem is more important than ruining his burrow. He will make a new one. schedule an apt and recheck everything in his cage.
04-01-13, 12:55 PM
also in the first 2 pictures there is a tank under the picture,i think this is his "home" which looks to be empty almost, hopefully the OP can post some pics of a proper enclosure..
04-01-13, 05:15 PM
I really wish the OP would follow up. I would like to see what's going on.
04-01-13, 06:23 PM
Hmm... She's had these raised spots in her belly that looked like unshed skin. I've had her 2 months now, and they are starting to peel. I was also thinking scale rot. I've never used heat rocks and I don't think her previous owner did. No there is no pic of her enclosure posted. She has 1 1/2 feet of soil dirt. She hasn't dug any borrows. She eats crickets, superworms, fuzzies, pinkies. It's not too damp. It's 50-60 % humidity. She was laying in her tub of water at night and she would poop in it. I change her water daily but could that be the cause of her rot? If that's what it is
04-01-13, 06:31 PM
04-01-13, 06:35 PM
I know her previous Owner also fed her chopped up rat and no bugs.
No whole prey
04-01-13, 06:42 PM
and her previous owners kept her on newspaper in a 10 gallon tank
04-01-13, 06:51 PM
I went ahead and treated her spot with betadine and antibiotic ointment and the dead flap of skin fell off. It looks a little better, not so raw.
04-01-13, 06:55 PM
Wow! Your sav is absolutely stunning :) as for his belly if the previous owner kept his enclosure very wet or dirty it might have caused the sale rot.
04-01-13, 07:32 PM
I know her previous Owner also fed her chopped up rat and no bugs.
No whole prey
Chopped up rat is still whole prey. Its still a whole rat, whether you cut it into pieces or he swallows it whole, hes still getting the entire rat. An example of a food item which isn't whole would be only liver, only chicken hearts, etc.
He looks bloated to me as well. Enclosure looks nice though. Did you take surface temps of the basking platform?
04-02-13, 08:39 AM
She didnt get the entire rat, she was fed pieces of a large rat because they bought large rats in bulk. She only ate a few pieces. She was bloated, but now she pooped and is doing better. Yes the surface basking is 135-140
04-02-13, 08:40 AM
Her belly is starting to look better with the betadine and ointment but her color scares me. She looks like a modeling dead person :-/ But shes a lot more active now, She ate a pinky yesterday.
04-02-13, 09:00 AM
best of lucky, they Are a hardy species and you seem to be doing a good job. hope she pulls through.
04-02-13, 09:43 AM
thanks me too!
Hm... Now I'm worried, how wet is the borrow supposed to be? It's like 100% humid down there, what's considered too humid?
04-02-13, 11:29 AM
Hi, apart from the skin problems, the monitor looks quite overweight (or is it the angle the photo was taken)? Also, why are you feeding tiny pinky mice which are relatively low in nutrition to a monitor that size?
Can you get a length and mass measurement?
04-02-13, 11:33 AM
Hm... Now I'm worried, how wet is the borrow supposed to be? It's like 100% humid down there, what's considered too humid?
Hi, if the substrate in the burrows is noticibly wet (as in you can see water), it`s too wet! Take a little out and squeeze it in your hands.
04-02-13, 12:09 PM
Hi, if the substrate in the burrows is noticibly wet (as in you can see water), it`s too wet! Take a little out and squeeze it in your hands.
i just added water to mine lol... i spray
Hm... Now I'm worried, how wet is the borrow supposed to be? It's like 100% humid down there, what's considered too humid?
Ya, like murrindindi said, its not so much about the humidity in the air down there as it is about the substrate itself. You want the air to be that humid, but not to have the surface wet. Moist dirt is good, wet dirt is bad.
04-02-13, 12:58 PM
From what i understand about scale rot, it creates a blister/callus like you noticed, and after several weeks etc the blister opens and peels off, as you are experiencing. Reptiles' bodies react to changes and poor husbandry very differently than mammals do. It could be a poor husbandry issue from the previous owner, but there are much more experienced sav people here who can guide you, this is just my two cents.
04-02-13, 02:08 PM
She eats mostly insects. I gave her a pinkie because my petstore was out of fuzzies! She has her supers with it. And no she's not over weight. I agree, I think it's scale rot from poor conditions with her previous owner. I just wish I knew what it was sooner. But she's already doing a lot better :)
04-02-13, 02:41 PM
She eats mostly insects. I gave her a pinkie because my petstore was out of fuzzies! She has her supers with it. And no she's not over weight. I agree, I think it's scale rot from poor conditions with her previous owner. I just wish I knew what it was sooner. But she's already doing a lot better :)
Hi again, can you put a couple of recent pics up of the monitor walking along in profile, also, are you sure this is a female, and are you offering any supplements? I`d also like to ask what the substrate temps are throughout. Thanks!
04-02-13, 02:54 PM
It looks like scale rot. Make sure that you are keeping it as clean as possible. If you can keep up with the antibacterial treatments that should help. Twice a day if you can manage it without stressing him too much. If he has burrows dug you should reach down into it, destroy it if you need to, and see if there is any standing water inside. It might be time to pull out anything not bolted down and churn up that substrate. He will dig new burrows, but it could help cut back on the moisture in the substrate. Don't add any water to the substrate, but keep an eye on ambient humidity. If it drops, use a squirt bottle on fine mist mode and do that for a few days. If it gets any worse please take him to the vet. Oh, and frequent water changes with warm water could help as well if he is defecating in the water. Let us know how it goes!
04-02-13, 03:05 PM
She hasnt dug burrows. I dont know if its really a female, she looks like a female so I call her a female. Temps are 135 basking, 100 one side, and 85 cool side. humidity 50-60%. Ill try to take some pics.
04-02-13, 03:25 PM
Here are some photos of her today, I couldnt get one of her walking because she was on a dead run haha.
04-02-13, 04:27 PM
Thanks for the photos, it has to be said the monitor doesn`t look in the best of condition, but that`s hardly surprising considering the previous lack of care.
At 17inches ToL it is possible the animal is already sexually mature, if so and this is a female, it`s extremely important the conditions support in every way (very nutritious diet, somewhere to deposit eggs, etc, etc).
I think the animal is a little on the heavy side just now (not very badly).
I think the temps on the cool side are too high, anything around 24 to 27c is fine (75 to 80f), both day and night. The humidity is also a touch low, I take it the 50% is around the basking area (that`s o.k), but the hides (and any burrows) should be around 70%+ , (I know you say the monitor hasn`t made any yet).
Edit: It`s so difficult judging things from a few pics, but those marks look like burns?
Second edit: You say the ambient temps on the warm side are 100f, is that directly under the basking light/s, or all around the area? The actual surface temps are fine.
04-02-13, 04:30 PM
i also have to agree that he/she looks a little overweight, also doesn't seem to be moving much... looks lethargic and sick to me as well from the pictures..please go to a vet.
04-02-13, 05:20 PM
i also have to agree that he/she looks a little overweight, also doesn't seem to be moving much... looks lethargic and sick to me as well from the pictures..please go to a vet.The owner said it was running.. I think she looks a little chubby but it's not bad.
You might try starting a burrow for her to see if she'll take over.
04-02-13, 05:45 PM
The owner said it was running.. I think she looks a little chubby but it's not bad.
You might try starting a burrow for her to see if she'll take over.
right i understand that but when i take my sav out of the cage he doesn't ever stop moving. deff doesn't lay down like that.. the one that i had before always laid down like that and she was sick, thats why i say something..
04-02-13, 05:55 PM
Are you checking your temps with a basking gun? It could be that the surface temperature is too high and could have burned her. I agree, these pictures have better lighting and now they are starting to look more like burns to me. How long has this injury been visible?
04-02-13, 06:07 PM
hard to say it looks like burns, the surrounding tissue would be red like a sunburn if it was a burn imho. looks like some nasty scale rot that is yet to shed off. I used concrete cinderblocks for a hot basking spot, around 120-130 or so on top, about 100 inside the cubes.
04-02-13, 06:13 PM
hard to say it looks like burns, the surrounding tissue would be red like a sunburn if it was a burn imho. looks like some nasty scale rot that is yet to shed off. I used concrete cinderblocks for a hot basking spot, around 120-130 or so on top, about 100 inside the cubes.
scale rot is usually red and pussy isn't it? when my water dragon got burned it looked just like this... still looks like a burn to me.... just a really bad one. plus haven't really seen scale rot on the feet before? and it usually starts out red.. in the pic of the foot its black dosen't look infected just black. which leads me to believe burns.
04-02-13, 06:30 PM
ya I guess I would have to agree either way then, burn or scale rot would both be red, but scale rot would be mostly red right around the rot, where as if it was a burn that size the whole belly would be rather red like a sunburn imho, but it looks like its getting better, the skin after being damaged to this extent will never heal fully, it will have shed out over time at this point, most likely not even be able notice it after a year I bet.
04-02-13, 07:20 PM
I'm just worried that for either reason that it could happen again. Improper husbandry with the substrate being too damp and causing scale rot, or the basking temp being higher than expected and re-burning the animal. Either way, something probably needs to be corrected. But it is looking like it's healing, and the antibiotic/bacterial treatment is working.
04-03-13, 05:20 AM
Its impossible to be a burn. She has a log to bask on and it is no where near too hot to burn. Its 135 degrees in her basking area and 100 degrees around her basking area. Its like 82 degrees in her cool end at the moment. And female savannahs are more docile, but she wiggles and runs when I hold her and tries to dart away.
I know shes in poor health, I just hope I can help her out. Shes acting a lot better now. Im pretty sure its scale rot. They 50-60 percent humidity is through out the tank, and her hiding spots are around 70. I dont want to make it too humid if its scale rot, im stressing out about it. But her dirt isnt wet, its just moist. she had the brown blotches when I got her about 2 months ago, but now they are peeling off.
You know better what the parameters were in the old enclosure than we do, so only you can say if its a burn or not. The temps you have are not a burn risk though. I think this looks more like scale rot to me. It also isnt helped by the fact that the monitor is overweight and looks like it does not hold its stomach up off the ground like normal. This means the skin is in constant contact with the substrate. Again, this is not a reflection on you so much as how it was kept before, so please dont feel as if I am blaming or attacking you at all.
What were the conditions it was kept in before? Was it on soil or some other kind of substrate then? You will know better than us if this is true or not, but from the pictures you have sent it looks to be staying the same or getting worse. It could be that the dirt its on now is darker, but those first pictures you posted dont seem to have as much of a spread as the last ones you posted. This is something you need to watch very closely. If its not healing you may need to take more action. A visit to the vet to get some antibiotics would be a good idea either way, I think.
04-03-13, 09:09 AM
Usually her belly is off the ground but she got really weak. But now shes moving around like she used to.
the previous owner kept her in a 10 gallon with a 75 watt bulb on newspaper. Not sure what they used for humidity or a water dish.
04-03-13, 10:56 AM
How much do you suggest I feed her?? And how often?
04-03-13, 11:23 AM
ya I guess I would have to agree either way then, burn or scale rot would both be red, but scale rot would be mostly red right around the rot, where as if it was a burn that size the whole belly would be rather red like a sunburn imho, but it looks like its getting better, the skin after being damaged to this extent will never heal fully, it will have shed out over time at this point, most likely not even be able notice it after a year I bet.
Hi, from the few that I`ve seen, burns usually turn black/dark brown not red, just as in the photos, either way, so long as there`s no infection it should heal quite quickly. If they are burns rather than scale rot, any discolouration will remain long term, but that`s purely cosmetic.
Yikes, a 10 gallon with newspaper. Thats brutal. Whatever the cause (burn/rot) that situation would have lowered its immunity quite badly and left it unable to fight off the infection it has since gotten. That is the part you are having to deal with as a result. Its great that you have improved her situation so much, and Im sure that you are seeing the improvement in her behaviour as well. My hope is that its immune system will recover enough to allow it to fight off this infection. However, if it is a scale rot, there is the very real possibility that it might not be able to fight off the infection without help. That is why I would look around to try to find a good reptile vet. Most vets will not know much about monitors specifically, but should be able to reasonably give you an assessment on how the infection is doing and offer some antibiotics to aid with the recovery. If you have the money to pay for a xray/ultrasound to determine if the animal is female/gravid, then I would to that as well. It may not be that its fat, it could also be that it is simply gravid, and thats something youll want to know right away.
As for feeding it, your monitor is a little fat and most likely dehydrated, so I would say stick with food items that are lower in fat and high in water content. So crayfish, nightcrawlers and hornworms are a great staple to start with, and in that order. Depending on where you are, these should either be easy to find in a big pet store or you can order them cheaper in bulk online. You can add other items like grasshoppers, roaches, phoenix worms, and certain types of fish, but I would just use these occasionally in addition to those others I mentioned first. I wouldnt bother with things like crickets, mealworms, butterworms or the like. They arent overly nutritious and require a good deal of moisture to digest.
As for how much, it depends on what your animal is behaving like. How much is it eating right now? Any idea at all how old it is or how long the previous owner had it? As murrindindi said, at that length it is a mature animal, so I would say for now, to feed it every other day.
04-03-13, 11:59 AM
shes supposedly 5 months old. 16.5 inches. She would eat non stop if i let her. But shes not so interested right now.
04-03-13, 11:59 AM
i feed her every other day but im not positive as to how much
Oh, well thats a little younger than I thought. I was thinking she was more like a year old and just stunted in growth a bit. I would say you could still feed her every day if its that young. Since you have boosted the temps up to where they should be, her metabolism should be back to normal. As for how much, again that is sort of up to you to read the behaviour. Feed it until you start to notice it taking a little longer to grab the food from you. They can eat a huge amount when properly kept!
04-03-13, 03:14 PM
She will easily eat 35 superworms non-stop, shes an oinker. Shes definitely feeling better now that im doing the betadine and ointment. Shes hissing at me and she has 2 borrows going.
04-03-13, 03:56 PM
thats a lot of super worms.. those aren't very good in nutrition i would switch to night crawlers instead.
04-03-13, 03:59 PM
Yeah I know! Ok, Ill try her on nightcrawlers. Shes not interested in the superworms right now anyways. She used to love them but now she just wants mice. So ill try her on nightcrawlers.
04-03-13, 04:04 PM
Yeah I know! Ok, Ill try her on night crawlers. Shes not interested in the super worms right now anyways. She used to love them but now she just wants mice. So ill try her on night crawlers.
mine goes through stages where he doesn't want anything but mice, then decides he likes night crawlers, i apologize for the previous post it was supposed to say aren't** very good for them.. not are, i have corrected it. My monitor gets Whole ORGANIC shrimp with heads and tails still on, since he doesn't eat them alone i dip them in egg and he loves it, also he loves night crawlers. i also have a roach colony going he absolutely loves them and they are good for them too..
04-03-13, 05:06 PM
Yuck, no roaches for me haha, but im definitely going to try the night crawlers
04-03-13, 05:49 PM
What about like feeder fish. The kind for turtles. Are those good for savannahs as well?
04-03-13, 06:33 PM
Zazu's tunnel with an entrance and exit :p
04-03-13, 08:23 PM
im glad it is digging, but im a little confused? you are taking all these pictures of your lizard and the dirt and stuff but they are all macro shots.. why haven't you showed us a picture of the whole enclosure yet?
as for the feeder fish, gold fish are very fatty i would suggest some silver sliders. they are good
04-03-13, 08:30 PM
im glad it is digging, but im a little confused? you are taking all these pictures of your lizard and the dirt and stuff but they are all macro shots.. why haven't you showed us a picture of the whole enclosure yet?
as for the feeder fish, gold fish are very fatty i would suggest some silver sliders. they are good
Deadly, you make me laugh every time I read your 'enclosure suspicion posts ':yes:
Silver side not slide ;)
But yea I would like to see some full enclosure shots as well, just because I like to see full enclosure shots though :-P
Oh and I wouldn't give goldfish that much credit, they arent really fatty. A few bones, and bag of fish flakes and poop, covered in scales is more appropriate
04-03-13, 08:33 PM
Deadly, you make me laugh every time I read your 'enclosure suspicion posts ':yes:
Silver side not slide ;)
But yea I would like to see some full enclosure shots as well, just because I like to see full enclosure shots though :-P
Oh and I wouldn't give goldfish that much credit, they arent really fatty. A few bones, and bag of fish flakes and poop, covered in scales is more appropriateYou beat me to it.. What's with this new suspicion of everyone?
04-03-13, 08:39 PM
no suspicion, i just like to see enclosure pictures... and it has been already asked of him/her several times but no pics :( it disappoints me lol.. all these pictures but none of the whole enclosure :(
04-03-13, 08:41 PM
no suspicion, i just like to see enclosure pictures... and it has been already asked of him/her several times but no pics :( it disappoints me lol.. all these pictures but none of the whole enclosure :(
I usually have a hard time getting a good picture of an entire enclosure, especially larger ones. You can't see any of the detail/stuff that makes it interesting, especially if your cage is 8 foot or so, you would need to stand back pretty far it all. (that new burrow would prob not have showed up)
Maybe her enclosure only has a small window, and the other half isn't glass so she can't take a full enclosure picture. Think positive! lol
04-03-13, 08:44 PM
I usually have a hard time getting a good picture of an entire enclosure, especially larger ones. You can't see any of the detail/stuff that makes it interesting, especially if your cage is 8 foot or so, you would need to stand back pretty far it all. (that new burrow would prob not have showed up)
Maybe her enclosure only has a small window, and the other half isn't glass so she can't take a full enclosure picture. Think positive! lol
i am positive... but with a full enclosure picture of even the outside you can see how its built which i think is cool, i like to see diff ways people build their enclosures i search all the time for new ways.
04-03-13, 08:49 PM
i am positive... but with a full enclosure picture of even the outside you can see how its built which i think is cool, i like to see diff ways people build their enclosures i search all the time for new ways.
No I understand, I like to see full enclosure pics if they are taken well too. If she/he is anywhere half as good of a carpenter as me, shes probably too embarrassed to take a pic lol
04-03-13, 08:53 PM
lmfao we aren't great carpenters either but ive got tons of pics of my enclosure floating around here..
04-04-13, 06:47 AM
Id have to crawl in there and take a pic to the left and a pic to the right. This one isnt her adult enclosure, thats still in the works. Its big, but not 8 feet like her adult one will be.
04-04-13, 06:57 AM
Id have to crawl in there and take a pic to the left and a pic to the right. This one isnt her adult enclosure, thats still in the works. Its big, but not 8 feet like her adult one will be.
See, I told you deadly :-P
04-04-13, 07:07 AM
No it is not. Stop being irritating. If I kept her in a deadly condition she wouldnt be improving.
04-04-13, 07:13 AM
No it is not. Stop being irritating. If I kept her in a deadly condition she wouldnt be improving.
Lol I'm on your side. I was talking to deadlydesires = deadly. Because she was wondering why you refused to show a full enclosure pic and I said think positive, maybe her enclosure doesn't allow to see inside the entire thing because it has only half glass or something. But thanks :-P
I usually have a hard time getting a good picture of an entire enclosure, especially larger ones. You can't see any of the detail/stuff that makes it interesting, especially if your cage is 8 foot or so, you would need to stand back pretty far it all. (that new burrow would prob not have showed up)
Maybe her enclosure only has a small window, and the other half isn't glass so she can't take a full enclosure picture. Think positive! lol"
04-04-13, 07:27 AM
ANYWHO.. haha, super happy. Went in to give her another betadine treatment and the raised black scales are starting to peel off with nice white scales underneath. Even more agressive hissing, back to how a savannah should be :)
04-04-13, 01:14 PM
See, I told you deadly :-P
i wanted to see a pic of the whole outside actually... not the inside..
04-04-13, 01:36 PM
Well, nobody really cares what you want. Shes doing great though!!
04-04-13, 01:45 PM
Yeah deadsly, nobody cares what you want. mygabriella can I see some enclosure pics? lol
04-04-13, 02:02 PM
Yeah My Queen, nobody cares what you want. mygabriella can I see some enclosure pics? lol
oh, screw you Daniel lol... with you same question... BTW.. you spell my name wrong.. hahahaha :P
Dont worry I fixed it for you
04-04-13, 02:03 PM
with the newer 16:9 cameras, a big cage is not real challenging to photograph.
04-04-13, 02:03 PM
Well, nobody really cares what you want. Shes doing great though!!
there is no need to be rude, i haven't been rude to you, simply wanted to see the enclosure, not my fault if you are refusing i never assumed anything.
04-04-13, 02:08 PM
get yourself a dubia roach colony, they are the best insect feeders imho, they don't stick, cant climb or fly and breed like crazy, when my sav was that size I would feed it a whole shrimp or 2, a few adult dubias, 10 or so small clams maybe a muscle, every 2 days.
04-04-13, 02:42 PM
get yourself a dubia roach colony, they are the best insect feeders imho, they don't stick, cant climb or fly and breed like crazy, when my sav was that size I would feed it a whole shrimp or 2, a few adult dubias, 10 or so small clams maybe a muscle, every 2 days.
Hi, seafood should not be fed too regularly to Savannah monitors because of the high salt content, and any that is fed should be thoroughly rinsed under water before feeding.
there is no need to be rude, i haven't been rude to you, simply wanted to see the enclosure, not my fault if you are refusing i never assumed anything.
I dont think thats really true, DD. You were making some pretty heavy assumptions right from the beginning of this thread, when you said that you thought the background in the first pictures were its 'home'. I think its a little disingenuous to be indignant now as it seemed like you were trying to show wrongdoing and not merely curious to see the enclosure. Im guessing the OP thought the same thing.
04-04-13, 04:46 PM
Hi, seafood should not be fed too regularly to Savannah monitors because of the high salt content, and any that is fed should be thoroughly rinsed under water before feeding.
Whats your opinion on seafood for mangrove species? I would imagine that it makes up a significant portion of the diet (mollusks) no?
04-04-13, 04:47 PM
Edit: Disregard this post unless you are murrindindi, then you may regard it as you like.
04-04-13, 05:10 PM
Whats your opinion on seafood for mangrove species? I would imagine that it makes up a significant portion of the diet (mollusks) no?
Hi, seafood`s fine for the indicus species complex, they have salt secreting glands, and as you say, it would make up a part of their diet in the wild.
04-04-13, 05:11 PM
I dont think thats really true, DD. You were making some pretty heavy assumptions right from the beginning of this thread, when you said that you thought the background in the first pictures were its 'home'. I think its a little disingenuous to be indignant now as it seemed like you were trying to show wrongdoing and not merely curious to see the enclosure. Im guessing the OP thought the same thing.
that wasn't my intention, i also said i hope thats not the case.
04-04-13, 05:12 PM
Edit: Disregard this post
Sorry, I cannot bring myself to disregard this post......
04-04-13, 05:19 PM
Hi, seafood`s fine for the indicus species complex, they have salt secreting glands, and as you say, it would make up a part of their diet in the wild.
Have any articles on it? Would like to read more. Going off topic a bit, can anyone recommend a specific published scientific journal on butaan? My professor said that although daniel bennett seems to have done some wonderful things, the pdf (the mampam stuff) I showed him was not a published research article...And I can't use that as a source :-/
04-04-13, 06:59 PM
Thats an amazing enclosure posted. Mine def doesnt look nice! I just put some more soil/dirt in her cage and it raised it up a bit (obviously), But how hot do you all think the max basking should be???
04-04-13, 07:01 PM
I dont think thats really true, DD. You were making some pretty heavy assumptions right from the beginning of this thread, when you said that you thought the background in the first pictures were its 'home'. I think its a little disingenuous to be indignant now as it seemed like you were trying to show wrongdoing and not merely curious to see the enclosure. Im guessing the OP thought the same thing.
Indeed :), thank you for noticing LOL
04-04-13, 07:03 PM
Thats an amazing enclosure posted. Mine def doesnt look nice! I just put some more soil/dirt in her cage and it raised it up a bit (obviously), But how hot do you all think the max basking should be???
I'm scared to say it, but I did learn some useful stuff from FR. Not every monitor is the same, although most of the time husbandry is the same. It isn't something that should be a specific number in the beginning. Offer a variety of temperatures starting at 120-130. If he stays for a long time, go a bit hotter. If he doesn't use it at all, its too hot, and you lower it down until you calibrate it to an appropriate temp. Another thing I believe was said is that monitors aren't a species to typically sit basking all day, if temps are good, they don't bask very long, and continue roaming and doing typical monitor activities, then return for a bit more basking.
04-04-13, 07:04 PM
I had it at 135, but now its at 150.... Guess Ill switch out the bulb for a lower wattage.. I think 150 would roast her.
04-04-13, 07:05 PM
I'm scared to say it, but I did learn some useful stuff from FR. Not every monitor is the same, although most of the time husbandry is the same. It isn't something that should be a specific number in the beginning. Offer a variety of temperatures starting at 120-130. If he stays for a long time, go a bit hotter. If he doesn't use it at all, its too hot, and you lower it down until you calibrate it to an appropriate temp. Another thing I believe was said is that monitors aren't a species to typically sit basking all day, if temps are good, they don't bask very long, and continue roaming and doing typical monitor activities, then return for a bit more basking.
just dont go below 120 they need that temp to help digest their food properly, remember just because you dont see him basking doesn't mean he doesn't do it when your not watching. i have walked by my cage several times and seen mine laying in his basking spot which is usually at 145F and then he sees me and sometimes runs away.
04-04-13, 07:06 PM
I had it at 135, but now its at 150.... Guess Ill switch out the bulb for a lower wattage.. I think 150 would roast her.
actually 150 is a great temp.. just dont go higher, while she is basking if you take your IR gun and measure her outside body temp its always lower around high 80's so when they bask they aren't actually getting "that" hot that the basking area is so it wont cook her.
04-04-13, 07:09 PM
I had it at 135, but now its at 150.... Guess Ill switch out the bulb for a lower wattage.. I think 150 would roast her.
If you have a temp gun, take it outside in the summer and take temps of sidewalks/dashboard of your car/rocks etc. You will be suprised what you find. Then remember that you don't live in a place as hot as australia :-). I spent some time in the middle east and used to see agamids basking at high noon on high rocks. The ambient air temps were over 100, didn't have anything to measure surface temps but I can only imagine how hot they were.
04-04-13, 07:14 PM
I never went under 130... She likes it under her lamp :)
Its at 133 now... I hope thats good for her.
04-04-13, 07:15 PM
Right, I dont have a temp gun. But im going to order one. I use a digital probe.
04-04-13, 07:16 PM
I never went under 130... She likes it under her lamp :)
Its at 133 now... I hope thats good for her.
If you have another lamp, offer a second basking spot @ 150 and let her choose. If she stops using the 130 than you will know what she prefers. She won't fry I promise. (although it may be best to wait till her stomach heals a bit)
04-04-13, 07:16 PM
You dont think 150 would roast her? I just dont want her to fry since shes used to 135.
04-04-13, 07:17 PM
Right, I dont have a temp gun. But im going to order one. I use a digital probe.
just make sure the probe is reading right. they have some IR guns at petsmart for around 20 bux i think..
04-04-13, 07:17 PM
Posted that before I read your post. Ok, I can do that. I just worry since shes already been through hell :-/ Poor thing. But I cant believe the improvement!
04-04-13, 07:18 PM
Well I live in a ghetto town without petsmarts haha. Ill have to order one. Ive been looking at them on ebay.
04-04-13, 07:18 PM
You dont think 150 would roast her? I just dont want her to fry since shes used to 135.
nope... i have had mine up to 155F actually... they just bask for less amount of time actually which is good. that means they wont get dehydrated from sitting there too long. mine stays between 145-151 usually depends on how hot it is in my house.
04-04-13, 07:19 PM
You dont think 150 would roast her? I just dont want her to fry since shes used to 135.I've seen smaller species of lizards use basking spots of 180.
04-04-13, 07:19 PM
Well I live in a ghetto town without petsmarts haha. Ill have to order one. Ive been looking at them on ebay.
Before you waste your money/ waiting for it to come in the mail. Just go to homedepot or lowes, they have those in the ghetto :D. I bought mine there, which is much better quality than a zoomed one, and it reads temps up to 600 something degrees. Hardware stores have better quality hardware than petstores, and it was about 27 dollars with a 2 year warranty.
04-04-13, 07:20 PM
I've seen smaller species of lizards use basking spots of 180.
Flatrock lizards? I always wondered how hot they bask at, since they move like lizards on crack.
04-04-13, 07:21 PM
Alright, Ill put the other bulb back in then. I have them in a reptile room because my house is cold. I keep it at 75-80. So the cool end of the cage stays 75-80 and I dont have to use big lamps
04-04-13, 07:22 PM
Ur right!! we have both home depot and lowes haha
04-04-13, 07:25 PM
Flatrock lizards? I always wondered how hot they bask at, since they move like lizards on crack.Uromastyx and smaller monitor species. I have not seen flatrocks bask at temps that high, but that may be because I don't have much experience with flatrocks, nor do I know anyone who has offered them temps that high. I think more lizards will use those temps than most people think, so it wouldn't surprise me.
04-04-13, 07:25 PM
Ok... and if I wanted to feed a diet of mostly mice... How many and how often would you guys feed her?? Shes eating fuzzies... F/T. But she would eat until she blew up if I let her.
04-04-13, 07:28 PM
I feed mine 1 wiened rat every other day usually and between those days i switch between roaches shrimp and night crawlers
04-04-13, 07:29 PM
Uromastyx and smaller monitor species. I have not seen flatrocks bask at temps that high, but that may be because I don't have much experience with flatrocks, nor do I know anyone who has offered them temps that high. I think more lizards will use those temps than most people think, so it wouldn't surprise me.
Slayer has some flat rock lizards I don't know if he is on this forum or not but he offers same husbandry as monitors and they love it.
04-04-13, 07:29 PM
Uromastyx and smaller monitor species. I have not seen flatrocks bask at temps that high, but that may be because I don't have much experience with flatrocks, nor do I know anyone who has offered them temps that high. I think more lizards will use those temps than most people think, so it wouldn't surprise me.
well I know that uros cover some very very hot parts of the middle east (like saudi) where the air temps reach 120 during the day so that doesn't surprise me at all. I'm going to Jordan in about 1 month, I will bring my temp gun with me and take some pics, although it won't be the hottest season they will still be basking.
04-04-13, 07:34 PM
Slayer has some flat rock lizards I don't know if he is on this forum or not but he offers same husbandry as monitors and they love it.Most animals do. My retic happily utilizes basking temps of 130F...
04-04-13, 07:42 PM
Ok cool. Thanks. My petstore doesnt carry much for reptile food. Half the time they are out of mice which is ridiculous. But im just trying to get an idea of the correct amount to feed her. Thats about what Ive been doing every other day.
04-04-13, 07:51 PM
Ok cool. Thanks. My petstore doesnt carry much for reptile food. Half the time they are out of mice which is ridiculous. But im just trying to get an idea of the correct amount to feed her. Thats about what Ive been doing every other day.
Order your mice online or find a local breeder, takes the stress out of going to a petstore to pay double the price every few days. Having them in the freezer is so much easier. You can also get chicks or baby quail, along with other things, but yea, I would advise finding a local breeder with a clean professional setup, or just order online. And seriously consider dubias. I keep mine in my bedroom closet with all my clothes, if they smelled someone would have told me by now :D, and I've never seen an escapee (they are in a tub inside a tub inside an aquarium and they've never even escaped the actual housing into the second tub)
04-04-13, 08:20 PM
Yeah no one does it in my area that I know of. I have ordered online. I cant do roaches... thats freaky. Haha!
04-04-13, 08:22 PM
Yeah no one does it in my area that I know of. I have ordered online. I cant do roaches... thats freaky. Haha!
They aren't as bad as you think, once you eliminate the ability to fly and crawl up walls. I honestly think you would get over the gross factor in a week or 2 of dealing with them. And its very endless supply of food. You can also get frozen roaches though.
Oh, and if you order online and can pay a bit more, order rats not mice, and fuzzy's not pinkys!
04-04-13, 08:30 PM
Yeah no one does it in my area that I know of. I have ordered online. I cant do roaches... thats freaky. Haha!
Your telling me these don't look like fun? jpg
04-04-13, 08:38 PM
Your telling me these don't look like fun? jpg
Are those hissers? I used to keep mine in a bin similar to that one, but I found that the sides did have a slight slant to them, and the nymphs were climbing up (they never got out but still). I ended up switching over to a more vertically oriented tub, drilled a million holes in the bottom so that all the new babies and feces falls through. I like everything to be organized, including my roaches hahahaha
04-04-13, 08:52 PM
Your telling me these don't look like fun? jpg
Nope def. Not! Superworms are about as gross as I can stand.
04-04-13, 09:16 PM
Are those hissers? I used to keep mine in a bin similar to that one, but I found that the sides did have a slight slant to them, and the nymphs were climbing up (they never got out but still). I ended up switching over to a more vertically oriented tub, drilled a million holes in the bottom so that all the new babies and feces falls through. I like everything to be organized, including my roaches hahahaha
Yep they are hissers (funny little feeders when they fight at night lol). They can climb anything from glass to plastic even the adults. I put vaseline around the top so they cant climb out.
04-04-13, 09:17 PM
Nope def. Not! Superworms are about as gross as I can stand.
Its gonna take a lot of super worms to fill up an adult sav lol. I keep both dubias and hissers and they really are not bad. Crickets are just flat out nasty.
04-05-13, 06:55 AM
Its gonna take a lot of super worms to fill up an adult sav lol. I keep both dubias and hissers and they really are not bad. Crickets are just flat out nasty.
And they aren't that great to begin with...10 of those is like a bag of potatoe chips, a few dubias is like a steak dinner hahaha
04-05-13, 07:45 AM
Thats why I feed her mice too. And ill get her some night crawlers. When I feed her crickets I only buy her what I need. I used to keep crickets for my geckos and they smell disgusting.
And they aren't that great to begin with...10 of those is like a bag of potatoe chips, a few dubias is like a steak dinner hahaha
I know you are just trying to use an analogy for ease, but there isnt a great deal of difference nutritionally between the two. Ive noticed its been a growing trend on the forums lately for people to wrongly state that roaches are much more nutritionally superior. While they are somewhat better in some regards, the size is the biggest difference, not the nutrition.
mygabriella, I would again suggest perhaps switching the rodents for crayfish for a little while until your monitor is a little healthier weight.
04-05-13, 09:46 AM
I know you are just trying to use an analogy for ease, but there isnt a great deal of difference nutritionally between the two. Ive noticed its been a growing trend on the forums lately for people to wrongly state that roaches are much more nutritionally superior. While they are somewhat better in some regards, the size is the biggest difference, not the nutrition.
mygabriella, I would again suggest perhaps switching the rodents for crayfish for a little while until your monitor is a little healthier weight.
Yes I was referring to I actually did know that though. I just keep reading about how mealies and supers arent very nutritious and how roaches are the holy grail of insects. I really only got them because they dont smell and are easy to breed though. What is the crude protein % on superworms?
04-05-13, 10:01 AM
Unlike mealworms supers have much thinner shells. So plenty of meat in them.
04-05-13, 10:22 AM
ah ok , never used them. I just thought they were larger mealworms lol. Are they like grubs / larvae-ish
04-05-13, 10:34 AM
supers turn into some sort of nasty black beetle. Where can I get cray fish?
04-05-13, 11:14 AM
supers turn into some sort of nasty black beetle. Where can I get cray fish?
The monitor may also eat the beetles.
04-05-13, 11:48 AM
I keep all my superworms together. I buy them in bulk of 500. So they wont turn into beetles. From what I understand, they will only go on to turn into a beetle if they are kept alone. But she doesnt want superworms anymore. When I put one infront of her she gives me a disgusted look hehe
04-05-13, 12:03 PM
The monitor may also eat the beetles.
Generally varanids dont touch the adult beetles from what ive seen.
I keep all my superworms together. I buy them in bulk of 500. So they wont turn into beetles. From what I understand, they will only go on to turn into a beetle if they are kept alone. But she doesnt want superworms anymore. When I put one infront of her she gives me a disgusted look hehe
Yes, that is true about them having to be separated to pupate. Just like you are finding anyway, they usually stop eating the smaller bugs as they get bigger.
As for finding crayfish, most stores that have fish will also sell them or can get them in for you. Depending on where you live, you can often find them on CL also. I had a guy here sell me 25 for $10. They breed like crazy in an established fish tank and can take over the tank, so fish keepers often sell off their extras. If you want to get them in bulk, there are numerous places online that sell them by the pound from Louisiana and Texas. Shipping is a bit extra, of course, but they are guaranteed live. You can set up a fish tank pretty easily and then breed them yourself too.
04-05-13, 03:26 PM
hmm ill have to look around. I could catch her loads of wild ones this summer!
hmm ill have to look around. I could catch her loads of wild ones this summer!
Avoid wc food stuffs ... They carry parasites ... :eek:
Ideally u want ur moni parasite free ...
04-06-13, 11:18 AM
I got her some night crawlers. She LOVES them! How many of those should I give her? I gave her 2 for now. She thinks they are delish! Thanks for the suggestion
04-06-13, 11:42 AM
I got her some night crawlers. She LOVES them! How many of those should I give her? I gave her 2 for now. She thinks they are delish! Thanks for the suggestion
mine eats about 10..
04-06-13, 11:46 AM
Heres my girl today. I finally got some pics of her walking. Do you still think shes chubby? If so, I dont think shes too too chubby... Just a little bit hehe
04-06-13, 11:48 AM
yea shes chubby, you see how her belly hangs down? it shouldn't these guys are slinder and skinny, most dont even have a belly to hang lol.. just cut back on the rodents and feed a little more seafood and she should get skinnier. I've seen a LOT worse though so just dont stuff her yet.
04-06-13, 11:50 AM
Ok, she takes after her mother :p.
04-06-13, 11:51 AM
Should I feed her about 10 daily? or every other??? All mix some other stuff in with it but just trying to get an idea
04-06-13, 11:51 AM
Ok, she takes after her mother :p.
lol i tell people that all the time about mine. when i got him he was sick, full or parasites, had diarrhea, and was almost 5 pounds. im still in the process of getting him skinnier. takes time. mine is a little bigger than yours though. just measured him couple days go hes just over 2 ft.
04-06-13, 11:54 AM
Should I feed her about 10 daily? or every other??? All mix some other stuff in with it but just trying to get an idea
you dont have to mix if you dont want to, its what *she* likes to eat. she will let you know when she doesn't like something.. try everything! they love it all this is a good website for reading, itll give you everything they can eat just buy it all and try it all out. as for feeding how much, you *should* feed until it takes them a little longer to take the food from your tongs. i would feed her every other day or even ever 3 days until she starts dropping the weight and maybe rodents once a week. like 1 wined rat or so. they love shrimp too. mine will sit and eat a whole container of night crawlers if i let him lol but im still trying to get him to lose weight so i dont let him. others *who have a healthy and skinny monitor* just feed them until they are full which is what you *should* do but you wanna get them skinnier first lol.. dont wanna make them more fat :P thats what im afraid of anyway.
04-06-13, 11:56 AM
Alright, thanks a lot. Im working on finding a bait shop with crayfish. I bet she would like those.
04-06-13, 01:46 PM
Alright, thanks a lot. Im working on finding a bait shop with crayfish. I bet she would like those.
im having to order mine :(
04-06-13, 02:28 PM
yea shes chubby, you see how her belly hangs down? it shouldn't these guys are slinder and skinny, most dont even have a belly to hang lol.. just cut back on the rodents and feed a little more seafood and she should get skinnier. I've seen a LOT worse though so just dont stuff her yet.
Hi, the Savannah monitor is NOT a "slender and skinny" type of Varanid, not to say it`s heavily built, but with the relatively short tail they are almost "stocky" in appearance.
I think the OP`s monitor is slightly overweight but could be easily fixed with a slight reduction in the total ammount of food offered.
Seafoods should only be offered fairly sparingly because of the high salt content.
04-06-13, 02:31 PM
Hi, the Savannah monitor is NOT a "slender and skinny" type of Varanid, not to say it`s heavily built, but with the relatively short tail they are almost "stocky" in appearance.
I think the OP`s monitor is slightly overweight but could be easily fixed with a slight reduction in the total ammount of food offered.
Seafoods should only be offered fairly sparingly because of the high salt content.
i meant in the tummy area they are skinny, a in their tummy doesn't drag any. their legs and tail are stocky yes, sorry i should have specified.
also never heard about the salt thing with seafood, thanks,
04-06-13, 02:42 PM
She does look like she has a beer belly haha. She ate 3 worms and shes full :O_o:
04-06-13, 02:43 PM
She does look like she has a beer belly haha. She ate 3 worms and shes full :O_o:
its probably because its new.. and night crawlers are pretty big so she may be.. as long as shes eating and pooping normally i wouldn't worry about it.
04-06-13, 02:47 PM
My Nile is an eating machine, and I used to just feed him whatever he wanted till he was full, but then he got a little chubby! He was so thin and starved when I got him that I think he went a little crazy on the eating and then ended up with a saggy belly. I've now taken his feeding back to every other day or every three days for his 'big meal' (hopper mice/ nightcrawlers/ clams) with the in between days I only give him like 2 adult dubia roaches to chase down. They aren't enough to fill him up, but he loves them and they are gut loaded and good for him.
I try to steer towards fresh water prey as well to cut back on the salt! That's why fresh water crayfish and clams are a good way to go. Just please make sure that they are organic and not treated with any kind of preservatives.
I'll ask on here, because we are still trying to learn, but I am going to be able to get quail eggs soon and possibly even fertilized goose eggs. Do I let him have the whole thing with the shell or should I just give him the inside in like a bowl?
04-06-13, 03:03 PM
My Nile is an eating machine, and I used to just feed him whatever he wanted till he was full, but then he got a little chubby! He was so thin and starved when I got him that I think he went a little crazy on the eating and then ended up with a saggy belly. I've now taken his feeding back to every other day or every three days for his 'big meal' (hopper mice/ nightcrawlers/ clams) with the in between days I only give him like 2 adult dubia roaches to chase down. They aren't enough to fill him up, but he loves them and they are gut loaded and good for him.
I try to steer towards fresh water prey as well to cut back on the salt! That's why fresh water crayfish and clams are a good way to go. Just please make sure that they are organic and not treated with any kind of preservatives.
I'll ask on here, because we are still trying to learn, but I am going to be able to get quail eggs soon and possibly even fertilized goose eggs. Do I let him have the whole thing with the shell or should I just give him the inside in like a bowl?
Im pretty sure they take them whole
04-06-13, 03:04 PM
its probably because its new.. and night crawlers are pretty big so she may be.. as long as shes eating and pooping normally i wouldn't worry about it.
They are big ones, and shes pooping better than ever LOL before, it didnt even look like poop. It was more like strings of nastiness. She always goes in her water, poops, and crawls out hehe. easy cleaning!
04-06-13, 03:21 PM
I'll ask on here, because we are still trying to learn, but I am going to be able to get quail eggs soon and possibly even fertilized goose eggs. Do I let him have the whole thing with the shell or should I just give him the inside in like a bowl?
Hi, the quail eggs will obviously be small enough to feed whole so yes, shell too. Though they will lose a little in cooking, I would recommend scrambling the goose eggs, at least then the monitor will easily eat it all rather than having it soaked into the substrate if he manages to tip the dish up (which they often do deliberately to spite their owners).... ;)
04-06-13, 06:03 PM
They are big ones, and shes pooping better than ever LOL before, it didnt even look like poop. It was more like strings of nastiness. She always goes in her water, poops, and crawls out hehe. easy cleaning!
im not sure i read this right... most dont poop in water all the time it could be a sign of underlying causes. like dehydration or something else... not always though but sometimes, yes. But are you saying her poop is stringy? if this is true its possible she has worms.
04-06-13, 06:20 PM
Something sounds off about this poop.
My lizards drop cylindrical turds with a little puddle of goop and some urates.
04-06-13, 06:23 PM
The "stringy poop" could aslo mean the food is not being fully digested.
04-06-13, 06:32 PM
Stringy poop from too many worms in his diet hahaha
Just take a picture, maybe your idea of stringy is different than everyone elses. Pictures speak 1000 words, even pictures of feces.
04-06-13, 06:33 PM
Stringy poop from too many worms in his diet hahaha
Just take a picture, maybe your idea of stringy is different than everyone elses. Pictures speak 1000 words, even pictures of feces.
had to giggle @ this lol...
04-06-13, 07:44 PM
LOL, her poop isnt stringy anymore! It was stringy before. I think its because she was so sick. And some lizards just like to poop in water. My JCP always pooped in the water. And my friend has a savannah and 2 black and white tegus and they will only poop in the water.
04-06-13, 10:18 PM
Ok, just keep an eye on it
04-07-13, 03:15 PM
Another question!!!
So, today she seemed like she was starving. And she only ate 3 night crawlers last night. Soooo, I gave her 2, and she was still waiting for more. She bites them and shakes them and then swallows them. but I gave her the 3rd one and after she swallowed it she was rubbing her face on the ground and all of the sudden the slimy sucker came back out her mouth! Haha so im thinking this is why she only ate 3 yesterday. So should I get her worms instead so they are smaller? Or cut the crawlers in half? They are kind of huge. Suggestions??
04-07-13, 03:21 PM
Another question!!!
So, today she seemed like she was starving. And she only ate 3 night crawlers last night. Soooo, I gave her 2, and she was still waiting for more. She bites them and shakes them and then swallows them. but I gave her the 3rd one and after she swallowed it she was rubbing her face on the ground and all of the sudden the slimy sucker came back out her mouth! Haha so im thinking this is why she only ate 3 yesterday. So should I get her worms instead so they are smaller? Or cut the crawlers in half? They are kind of huge. Suggestions??
yea, ive never had this issue before. my guess wouldn't be that it "crawled" back out so much as she may have regurgitated it. you can try cutting them in half but i never have. and i feed whole big ones to my water dragon who is a tiny little thing compared to my monitor. wait for someone else to give an input though.
04-07-13, 03:31 PM
only the head of the worm came out of her mouth and it was wiggling out of her mouth and she swallowed it back down... LOL I dont know!
04-07-13, 03:33 PM
only the head of the worm came out of her mouth and it was wiggling out of her mouth and she swallowed it back down... LOL I dont know!
it may have gotten stuck then instead, mine does this too... but usually i see the worm hanging out the side of his mouth so i grab it with the tweezers and move it so he can swallow it better.
04-07-13, 03:39 PM
Worms are slippery, sometimes they almost slip out.
04-07-13, 04:30 PM
Worms are slippery, sometimes they almost slip out.
never seen that happen before lol.. think it would suck to eat food that wanted to come back out lmfao :P i can picture it screaming in your throat *let me out!!!* lmfao :D:D
04-07-13, 05:02 PM
Its creepy!! And gross. Shes definitely feeling better. I just got whipped for the first time today... hehe
Its creepy!! And gross. Shes definitely feeling better. I just got whipped for the first time today... hehe
That's a good sign!
As for the worm, sounds like it was wriggling and got its way partly back out. Monitors don't have tongues that work the same as ours. Think about how hard it would be to get a live wriggling worm down your throat without a big muscular tongue like we have. ;)
04-07-13, 06:53 PM
Ok, Just gave her another betadine treatment. Here is her belly... 1 week of treatment. I dont think its even going to be noticeable after a month or so! The bad scales are peeling off and the scales underneath arent damaged.
04-07-13, 07:03 PM
I think there will definitely be scarring with that level of damage. Its not a big deal, and its on her belly so it won't be noticeable until you flip her up to see it. Anyways, it looks much better, your doing a great job.
04-07-13, 07:04 PM
A little, but I thought the scales would be wicked damaged. And they look great!
04-08-13, 05:12 PM
After a few sheds you probably won't even notice the damage other than maybe some discoloration. It looks great and it seems like she is on the road to recovery.
That being said, please try and keep an eye on that belly. Check it often, and if it ever gets worse again please seek help. Like I said before, it could be a burn, it could be scale rot, or it could be something that was a result of her previous owner (what I think it was). We may never know, but if it resurfaces then we have an issue on our hands.
Good luck with her- tail whips are a GOOD thing around these parts! ;)
04-08-13, 07:42 PM
tail whips are a GOOD thing around these parts! ;)
Had two of those myself about an hour ago.
04-09-13, 08:14 AM
Thanks, Ive been giving her betadine and ointment treatments twice a day. They scales are shedding in clumps. Its starting to looks really good. Its even coming off her feet now.
04-10-13, 02:31 PM
she dug a super long burrow. And hasnt come out at all today so I wasnt able to give her a betadine treatment... should I just leave her in there or dig her out?
04-10-13, 02:39 PM
she dug a super long burrow. And hasnt come out at all today so I wasnt able to give her a betadine treatment... should I just leave her in there or dig her out?
never ever dig them out, it will ruin their trust, their holes are their sense of security, she will be fine, just let her be and she will come out when she wants, she is healing fine so i wouldn't be worried about it.
04-10-13, 02:44 PM
Alright, I didnt want to dig her out... Just didnt know if I should or not :-/
04-10-13, 02:53 PM
Alright, I didnt want to dig her out... Just didnt know if I should or not :-/
your doing fine!, she is acting like a normal monitor *should* act lol, its good that she is hanging in her borrow, thats where she will get all her humidity and it will help her get back to normal, just be patient, if you want to get her out, you can throw a live mouse down there to check on her and make sure shes ok, just dont ever dig them out unless its an emergency.
04-10-13, 03:12 PM
I cant do live, they are too cute. But she loves frozen thawed.
04-12-13, 09:25 AM
She still hasnt come out of her borrow :(
04-12-13, 12:11 PM
all this killing mice talk is sad!!
She came out, thick chunks of skin coming off! looking great! her feet are starting to look norm.
The more this progresses the more Im inclined to just think that it had multiple layers of stuck shed. Neither scale rot nor burns would heal this quickly and cleanly. The scales underneath look a little pink, but otherwise undamaged. I think you may have just given it the moisture it needed to finally slough off all those layers of skin.
04-12-13, 02:07 PM
The more this progresses the more Im inclined to just think that it had multiple layers of stuck shed. Neither scale rot nor burns would heal this quickly and cleanly. The scales underneath look a little pink, but otherwise undamaged. I think you may have just given it the moisture it needed to finally slough off all those layers of skin.
but before she said it was bleeding and peeling??
04-12-13, 02:23 PM
but before she said it was bleeding and peeling??
Six layers of caked on bad shed will do that.
04-12-13, 02:34 PM
Six layers of caked on bad shed will do that.
oh, ew, poor lil sav :( well hope all goes well and it heals nice and she becomes the monster they all should be!
04-12-13, 02:56 PM
I still think its scale rot. Because the chunks look black but they are red. either way, shes healing nicely :)
04-12-13, 05:37 PM
either way, shes healing nicely :)
and that's all that matters. :D
04-15-13, 04:05 PM
Heres my Zazu today :) Pretty much all healed up.
04-15-13, 04:09 PM
Heres my Zazu today :) Pretty much all healed up.
looks good, just dont keep her/him out of the enclosure too long you dont want the core body temp to drop and wanna keep them in the humidity i take mine out and let him run around for about 5 mins maybe less then back in the enclosure he goes. Hes happier there lol. :D
04-15-13, 05:14 PM
Nah she just came out for a quick photo shoot :)
04-15-13, 08:21 PM
Nah she just came out for a quick photo shoot :)
cool, i love taking mine out, wish i could let him out more, but i want to make sure he stays at his proper temps lol and needs to be in his enclosure to achieve that :P
cool, i love taking mine out, wish i could let him out more, but i want to make sure he stays at his proper temps lol and needs to be in his enclosure to achieve that :P
U do knw they can hold there temp for a while right ....a warm house shouldn't touch there core temp ??
Larger sp can retain a good temperature for a while as they don't need to bask every 10 mins the larger the sp the longer it can hold its temp ....
Take for instance if they couldn't handle the drop in ambient temp for long how could u explain aquatic species staying in the water other than for a thermogradient or take maybe komodos swimming from island to island ... Now that is a real drop with no adverse affects to core temp drop.
Not to mention burrow temps and night time lows ...
04-16-13, 02:04 AM
U do knw they can hold there temp for a while right ....a warm house shouldn't touch there core temp ??
Larger sp can retain a good temperature for a while as they don't need to bask every 10 mins the larger the sp the longer it can hold its temp ....
Take for instance if they couldn't handle the drop in ambient temp for long how could u explain aquatic species staying in the water other than for a thermogradient or take maybe komodos swimming from island to island ... Now that is a real drop with no adverse affects to core temp drop.
Not to mention burrow temps and night time lows ...
im not so much concerned about temps as i am humidity.
04-16-13, 05:53 AM
cool, i love taking mine out, wish i could let him out more, but i want to make sure he stays at his proper temps lol and needs to be in his enclosure to achieve that :P
He wont become ill and dehydrated from an hour...
04-16-13, 07:02 AM
I take mine out in the reptile room, but my house is pretty damn cold.
04-16-13, 10:47 AM
U do knw they can hold there temp for a while right ....a warm house shouldn't touch there core temp ??
Larger sp can retain a good temperature for a while as they don't need to bask every 10 mins the larger the sp the longer it can hold its temp ....
Take for instance if they couldn't handle the drop in ambient temp for long how could u explain aquatic species staying in the water other than for a thermogradient or take maybe komodos swimming from island to island ... Now that is a real drop with no adverse affects to core temp drop.
Not to mention burrow temps and night time lows ...
Hi, when you say a "warm" house, how warm? Unless it`s close to their natural habitat, their core body temps most certainly DO drop.
They don`t operate at one specific temp, they have a range.
As far as some of the semi aquatic species, some of the waters they inhabit are actually warmer than the land at certain times, and these species also operate at somewhat lower "activity" temps.
The temps in the burrows/hides are often significantly higher than the outside air temps.
As you say, the larger the animal the longer it can operate before needing to bask, but some of the small species and all hatchling/juvenile monitors will lose heat very quickly.
I think it`s a good thing to allow a fully acclimated monitor "outside" time when possible (outside the enclosure), not only for the excercise, but also for mental stimulation, they are by nature "explorers", to my mind it`s enrichment, and they surely need that, having to spend so much time in their tiny matchboxes!
Hi, when you say a "warm" house, how warm? Unless it`s close to their natural habitat, their core body temps most certainly DO drop.
They don`t operate at one specific temp, they have a range.
As far as some of the semi aquatic species, some of the waters they inhabit are actually warmer than the land at certain times, and these species also operate at somewhat lower "activity" temps.
The temps in the burrows/hides are often significantly higher than the outside air temps.
As you say, the larger the animal the longer it can operate before needing to bask, but some of the small species and all hatchling/juvenile monitors will lose heat very quickly.
I think it`s a good thing to allow a fully acclimated monitor "outside" time when possible (outside the enclosure), not only for the excercise, but also for mental stimulation, they are by nature "explorers", to my mind it`s enrichment, and they surely need that, having to spend so much time in their tiny matchboxes!
I agree with u about being out of the box It should b encouraged IMO ... And i knw they work at a range of temps .... sucking eggs right about now ....But I merely saying that 5 mins out of a viv isn't going to drop the core temp of a healthy warm monitor .... :) also would love to b interested in the water that is warmer than land surface temps in the midday sun ??? And the lows of night time temps ...????
04-16-13, 12:11 PM
I agree with u about being out of the box It should b encouraged IMO ... And i knw they work at a range of temps .... sucking eggs right about now ....But I merely saying that 5 mins out of a viv isn't going to drop the core temp of a healthy warm monitor .... :) also would love to b interested in the water that is warmer than land surface temps in the midday sun ??? And the lows of night time temps ...????
Neither I nor you mentioned water temps being warmer than the midday sun? For your info and anyone else who isn`t familiar with these animals in the wild, there are many locations where there are lakes which have higher temps than the early morning air, in these places the monitors will often leave their night retreats to soak in the water to actually warm up!
The temps in burrows are usually higher than the air outside during the night/early morning, surely you can accept that?
And a hatchling Varanid WILL lose core body temp in 5 minutes (not to suggest it will become immobile)! :)
04-16-13, 12:26 PM
The water will retain heat much better than the air. This is why coastal areas show less yearly temp fluctuations between night and day, winter and summer as well I believe. And in hot areas with minimal cloud cover, night temps drop significantly so i would think theres a few times during the day where the water was warmer than the air.
Neither I nor you mentioned water temps being warmer than the midday sun? For your info and anyone else who isn`t familiar with these animals in the wild, there are many locations where there are lakes which have higher temps than the early morning air, in these places the monitors will often leave their night retreats to soak in the water to actually warm up!
The temps in burrows are usually higher than the air outside during the night/early morning, surely you can accept that?
And a hatchling Varanid WILL lose core body temp in 5 minutes (not to suggest it will become immobile)! :)
I accept all of wot u say but a fully warmed sub adult sav monitor is not goin have any health affects for being out of its viv for more than 5 mind which is wot I first started off saying ... And yes I believe u abou hatchlings but we are talking about a sub adult Bosc not any hatchling ...
04-16-13, 01:00 PM
I agree that my monitor will not get ill and die from me taking it out for a bit
04-16-13, 01:04 PM
I agree with u about being out of the box It should b encouraged IMO ... And i knw they work at a range of temps .... sucking eggs right about now ....But I merely saying that 5 mins out of a viv isn't going to drop the core temp of a healthy warm monitor .... :) also would love to b interested in the water that is warmer than land surface temps in the midday sun ??? And the lows of night time temps ...????
i didnt say that it will drop in 5 minutes, i said i dont keep them out longer than 5 minutes because i dont know how long i can keep him out without causing health risks so i just do it for a few minutes, and its always freezing in my apt. when summer rolls around he will get to go outside in the sun and walk around all he wants. but i dont even let my snakes out longer than 5 minutes about once a week. i tend to just leave my reptiles be.
looks good, just dont keep her/him out of the enclosure too long you dont want the core body temp to drop and wanna keep them in the humidity i take mine out and let him run around for about 5 mins maybe less then back in the enclosure he goes. Hes happier there lol. :D
Kinda says that here ...:hmm:
Sounds like I'm trying to start an argument ... I'm not I'm just pointing out a healthy warm moni will not drop core temps with 5 mins or more out of its viv unless u love in Iceland or extreme cold ....
04-16-13, 01:08 PM
Kinda says that here ...:hmm:
all that says is how long i keep mine out *personally*.... i just said dont keep him out too long, and then said thats how long i keep mine out but thats my opinion, i dont konw how long he can stay out, i wouldn't agree with an hour deff. but5 minutes is what i give all my reptiles. not just the one.
I agree that my monitor will not get ill and die from me taking it out for a bit
That's all I was trying to get across ...:D
Someone saw my point ...:D
04-16-13, 01:12 PM
That's all I was trying to get across ...:D
Someone saw my point ...:D
never said it would die either, i stated that they are happier in there with all their heat and humidity,
also, i have dogs that run around too, and i dont have a reptile room so i follow my man everywhere he goes to make sure my dogs dont mess with him, although they dont have a problem with him i still wont take that chance so 5 min's is what im comfortable with.
all that says is how long i keep mine out *personally*.... i just said dont keep him out too long, and then said thats how long i keep mine out but thats my opinion, i dont konw how long he can stay out, i wouldn't agree with an hour deff. but5 minutes is what i give all my reptiles. not just the one.
And telling someone they shouldn't keep there moni out for more than 5 mins ...:O_o:
never said it would die either, i stated that they are happier in there with all their heat and humidity,
also, i have dogs that run around too, and i dont have a reptile room so i follow my man everywhere he goes to make sure my dogs dont mess with him, although they dont have a problem with him i still wont take that chance so 5 min's is what im comfortable with.
I never said u did say it would die ? And that's cool I don't have a problem with ur opinion that is personal to u but to advise someone that it may have adverse effects ... Also I do believe they are for a portion of the time happier out of the box after a time of getting used to the outside of the box as its enriching ...:D
04-16-13, 01:15 PM
And telling someone they shouldn't keep there moni out for more than 5 mins ...:O_o:
OMG, i didnt tell her not to keep her monitor out longer than 5 minutes, please show me where i said that *exactly* because i didnt, i said that I IIIIIIII IIIII IIII IIII dont keep mine out longer, if you misunderstood me im sorry but my intention was not to say longer than 5 minutes would harm the lizard. its not what i said nor is it was i was meaning.
04-16-13, 01:17 PM
And that's cool I don't have a problem with ur opinion that is personal to u but to advise someone that it may have adverse effects ... Also I do believe they are for a portion of the time happier out of the box after a time of getting used to the outside of the box as its enriching ...:D
i will agree with this, but only the ones that are stressed out constantly by owners that dont know how to properly take care of their monitor and are constantly force handling them and making them stressed out, and i also believe that if you would take said monitor out around a lot of other animals i could stress them out more thus they would be happier back inside their enclosure where they feel safer.
OMG, i didnt tell her not to keep her monitor out longer than 5 minutes, please show me where i said that *exactly* because i didnt, i said that I IIIIIIII IIIII IIII IIII dont keep mine out longer, if you misunderstood me im sorry but my intention was not to say longer than 5 minutes would harm the lizard. its not what i said nor is it was i was meaning.
Dude I'm not trying to attack u I'm just saying ... Maybe I have read or interpreted it wrong if so my bad I haven't ment to cause offence ... Peace dude .... I'm just debating wot u said not trying to attack u ...:o
i will agree with this, but only the ones that are stressed out constantly by owners that dont know how to properly take care of their monitor and are constantly force handling them and making them stressed out, and i also believe that if you would take said monitor out around a lot of other animals i could stress them out more thus they would be happier back inside their enclosure where they feel safer.
Totally agree ...;)
04-16-13, 01:22 PM
Dude I'm not trying to attack u I'm just saying ... Maybe I have read or interpreted it wrong if so my bad I haven't ment to cause offence ... Peace dude .... I'm just debating wot u said not trying to attack u ...:o
im not mad, just aggravated because i said it twice already lol, and im a girl :D by the way, but anyway no, that is not what i meant just my preference.
im not mad, just aggravated because i said it twice already lol, and im a girl :D by the way, but anyway no, that is not what i meant just my preference.
Oooooops sorry u lady ship ...;)
Anyway sorry if I offended ...
04-16-13, 01:27 PM
Oooooops sorry u lady ship ...;)
Anyway sorry if I offended ...
lol wish more people would call me that :P
04-16-13, 01:53 PM
I accept all of wot u say but a fully warmed sub adult sav monitor is not goin have any health affects for being out of its viv for more than 5 mind which is wot I first started off saying ... And yes I believe u abou hatchlings but we are talking about a sub adult Bosc not any hatchling ...
I don`t think you quite understand how small a sub adult Savannah monitor can be. In the wild in the areas they were studied, the females were sexually mature (adult) at 27cm (10.5 inches) ToL, that`s a very small monitor, and it will lose heat quite quickly (a few minutes).
I`m not giving these details just because of your comments, you raise some interesting points. I suspect many, many people who keep them in captivity don`t know these details, especially as most new owners of this species are beginners to Varanids, and the majority of beginners probably do force handle them outside their enclosures, at least before they learn better!
04-16-13, 01:55 PM
lol wish more people would call me that :P
You lady, you..... (Your wish just came true).... :D
04-16-13, 02:31 PM
deadly gets angry easy, be careful V ;-)
oh, btw deadly you stated initially temps, then change to humidity and noww back to temps and humidity ....:-/
deadly gets angry easy, be careful V ;-)
oh, btw deadly you stated initially temps, then change to humidity and noww back to temps and humidity ....:-/
Hmmmmmmmmm suspicious I am now...of deadly ..
Cheers smy
04-16-13, 04:32 PM
deadly gets angry easy, be careful V ;-)
oh, btw deadly you stated initially temps, then change to humidity and noww back to temps and humidity ....:-/
seriously?? who are you to question what i say??? i actually stated both, and said i was more worried about humidity, and with me yes i am more worried since his core wont go down in 5 mins but he will be without any humidity, enough of your stupid comments to everything i say, from now on you will be ignored you are being childish and making sure you point out everything i say and im tired of it and tired of you. this is over..
04-16-13, 04:32 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm suspicious I am now...of deadly ..
Cheers smy
he wasn't joking, he doesnt like me, and i dont care. there is no need to be suspicious of me i have dont nothing wrong.
04-16-13, 04:33 PM
You lady, you..... (Your wish just came true).... :D
lol....... :D
04-16-13, 06:30 PM
he wasn't joking, he doesnt like me, and i dont care. there is no need to be suspicious of me i have dont nothing wrong.
I've been called alot of things in my day, but thats a low blow man. Lets keep it g-rated and friendly here and not get off topic.
Goosefrabaaaa , oh and I'm not suspicious of you...I just can't help myself when someone on the internet starts talking in capital letters when theyre angry;)
I don`t think you quite understand how small a sub adult Savannah monitor can be. In the wild in the areas they were studied, the females were sexually mature (adult) at 27cm (10.5 inches) ToL, that`s a very small monitor, and it will lose heat quite quickly (a few minutes).
I`m not giving these details just because of your comments, you raise some interesting points. I suspect many, many people who keep them in captivity don`t know these details, especially as most new owners of this species are beginners to Varanids, and the majority of beginners probably do force handle them outside their enclosures, at least before they learn better!
I understand but this still being said I doubt highly the monitor in question the captive sub adult sav not a wild parasite infested sav is goin to drop its core in a house for for over 5 mins ....
04-17-13, 02:17 AM
seriously?? who are you to question what i say??? i actually stated both, and said i was more worried about humidity, and with me yes i am more worried since his core wont go down in 5 mins but he will be without any humidity, enough of your stupid comments to everything i say, from now on you will be ignored you are being childish and making sure you point out everything i say and im tired of it and tired of you. this is over..
I've missed ten pages but I will tell you what I have noticed across board. You like to pick everyone's post apart or ad info that is not relevant. I can honestly say I don't see a difference in what you are accusing him of doing.
I personally don't find you blunt or abrasive, i find you suspicious and misinformed.
04-17-13, 02:39 AM
I've missed ten pages but I will tell you what I have noticed across board. You like to pick everyone's post apart or ad info that is not relevant. I can honestly say I don't see a difference in what you are accusing him of doing.
I personally don't find you blunt or abrasive, i find you suspicious and misinformed.
yea, you missed other posts, anyway, i dont really care what anyone says anymore.. im finished with it. which means im done talking about it as well.
04-17-13, 10:36 AM
I understand but this still being said I doubt highly the monitor in question the captive sub adult sav not a wild parasite infested sav is goin to drop its core in a house for for over 5 mins ....
I don`t think you understand at all, can you give me the length and mass of this monitor, and maybe you can actually specify what you mean by "drop it`s core" (are you suggesting there will not be a drop, and it`s core temp will remain the same)? Of course the core body temp will fall somewhat in a few minutes in a small monitor, unless obviously the room is heated close to their "preferred body temp" of around 94f.
I`d like to ask you a question; if the monitor in question was left in the room with an ambient temp of 80f for an hour, what would it`s core body temp be after the 60 minutes? Thanks! ;)
04-17-13, 10:49 AM
I don`t think you understand at all, can you give me the length and mass of this monitor, and maybe you can actually specify what you mean by "drop it`s core" (are you suggesting there will not be a drop, and it`s core temp will remain the same)? Of course the core body temp will fall somewhat in a few minutes in a small monitor, unless obviously the room is heated close to their "preferred body temp" of around 94f.
I`d like to ask you a question; if the monitor in question was left in the room with an ambient temp of 80f for an hour, what would it`s core body temp be after the 60 minutes? Thanks! ;)
Colder than 94 and on its way to 80? do I get a prize if I win???
04-17-13, 10:54 AM
Colder than 94 and on its way to 80? do I get a prize if I win???
It wasn`t a trick question, they have the ability to raise their core temps to some degree by endogenous means (shhhh, that`s between me and you).
I believe Deadly desires won the only prize offered on this website (a trip around the world), compliments of Wayne (Infernalis), so no, you don`t win a thing....
04-17-13, 10:56 AM
It wasn`t a trick question, they have the ability to raise their core temps to some degree by endogenous means (shhhh, that`s between me and you).
I believe Deadly desires won the only prize offered on this website (a trip around the world), compliments of Wayne (Infernalis), so no, you don`t win a thing....
They are not strictly exothermic? Im such a noob, but surely it was colder than 94 which makes it on its way to 80 , no? Can they actually maintain core temps completely , for how long ???
04-17-13, 11:04 AM
They are not strictly exothermic? Im such a noob, but surely it was colder than 94 which makes it on its way to 80 , no? Can they actually maintain core temps completely , for how long ???
They are capable of raising their core temps by 2c which is very useful, as it means they can begin/continue activity that much quicker/longer.
Now you`ve gone and made me give the answer to the question I wanted V87 to answer (unless he never returns)..... (I bet he will, though).... :)
I don`t think you understand at all, can you give me the length and mass of this monitor, and maybe you can actually specify what you mean by "drop it`s core" (are you suggesting there will not be a drop, and it`s core temp will remain the same)? Of course the core body temp will fall somewhat in a few minutes in a small monitor, unless obviously the room is heated close to their "preferred body temp" of around 94f.
I`d like to ask you a question; if the monitor in question was left in the room with an ambient temp of 80f for an hour, what would it`s core body temp be after the 60 minutes? Thanks! ;)
I'm truth I don't knw and I don't think anyone could say it all depends not the activity and the size and the health of the moni and sp ... But I knw they can raise their temp by a few degrees in order to maintain activity levels and such in a pinch but other sp of reps can do this also ....
04-17-13, 11:40 AM
yea, you missed other posts, anyway, i dont really care what anyone says anymore.. im finished with it. which means im done talking about it as well.
That's a good idea. Talking about things you really don't know is never a good idea.:)
04-17-13, 12:27 PM
It wasn`t a trick question, they have the ability to raise their core temps to some degree by endogenous means (shhhh, that`s between me and you).
I believe Deadly desires won the only prize offered on this website (a trip around the world), compliments of Wayne (Infernalis), so no, you don`t win a thing....
i might be stupid right now,but....... i dont quite understand this statement lol...
I don`t think you understand at all, can you give me the length and mass of this monitor, and maybe you can actually specify what you mean by "drop it`s core" (are you suggesting there will not be a drop, and it`s core temp will remain the same)? Of course the core body temp will fall somewhat in a few minutes in a small monitor, unless obviously the room is heated close to their "preferred body temp" of around 94f.
I`d like to ask you a question; if the monitor in question was left in the room with an ambient temp of 80f for an hour, what would it`s core body temp be after the 60 minutes? Thanks! ;)
So that being said ... Dont think u understand....When people take there moni out in the summer months for a hour at a time or sometimes more can u tell me how this does not have detrimental affects to a monitors health .other than stress ... As I don't knw many places that reach 34 degrees Celsius in the summer in the uk ... As it is the preferred moni body temp don't u knw ...
They are capable of raising their core temps by 2c which is very useful, as it means they can begin/continue activity that much quicker/longer.
Now you`ve gone and made me give the answer to the question I wanted V87 to answer (unless he never returns)..... (I bet he will, though).... :)
Sorry to disappoint ....:Wow:
04-17-13, 01:00 PM
i might be stupid right now,but....... i dont quite understand this statement lol...
I can`t remember what it was that I agreed with, but something you said made sense, therefore you were entitled to a prize, I kindly suggested Wayne would probably like offer you a trip around the world at his expense.... Or maybe I`m a little confused, and you didn`t say anything I agreed with, and Wayne isn`t sending you on the trip??? :crazy2:
04-17-13, 01:02 PM
I can`t remember what it was that I agreed with, but something you said made sense, therefore you were entitled to a prize, I kindly suggested Wayne would probably like offer you a trip around the world at his expense.... Or maybe I`m a little confused, and you didn`t say anything I agreed with, and Wayne isn`t sending you on the trip??? :crazy2:
oh nevermind lol i remember, it was on a different thread lmfao :P
04-17-13, 01:14 PM
So that being said ... Dont think u understand....When people take there moni out in the summer months for a hour at a time or sometimes more can u tell me how this does not have detrimental affects to a monitors health .other than stress ... As I don't knw many places that reach 34 degrees Celsius in the summer in the uk ... As it is the preferred moni body temp don't u knw ...
I`m definitely getting confused now, I`ve never suggested their core body temp doesn`t drop, YOU said it wouldn`t change in 5 minutes or so, I said it would (inside a "warm" house), but you didn`t state any temps!?
I allow my Asian Water monitor outside when the weather gets warmer (not often here in England, obviously).
It doesn`t need to be in the 90`sF, the surfaces can be quite high even if the ambient is around 75 to 80f. I don`t think my monitor suffers in the least, and he`s as calm as can be, so it is enrichment (so he gains from it). I must point out my animal is 6 feet long and weighs around 20lbs just now so he won`t lose too much (core) heat during the time he`s out (maybe 15mins).
I`m definitely getting confused now, I`ve never suggested their core body temp doesn`t drop, YOU said it wouldn`t change in 5 minutes or so, I said it would (inside a "warm" house), but you didn`t state any temps!?
I allow my Asian Water monitor outside when the weather gets warmer (not often here in England, obviously).
It doesn`t need to be in the 90`sF, the surfaces can be quite high even if the ambient is around 75 to 80f. I don`t think my monitor suffers in the least, and he`s as calm as can be, so it is enrichment (so he gains from it). I must point out my animal is 6 feet long and weighs around 20lbs just now so he won`t lose too much (core) heat during the time he`s out (maybe 15mins).
This is getting confusing ... My whole main point posters earlier was that the 5 mins out of an enclosure will not b detrimental to a monis health aslong as its not a freezer obviously ... And 2 that there core would not drop after five mins in a house that hopefully isn't at artic conditions ... To which u said it would ??? And I have already stated that out time out of an enclosure is good and enriching to which u asked me a question in which to try and show off about wether there core would drop in a 80f room to which I answerd ...... So where am I getting things confused ???
04-23-13, 02:24 PM
Here is Zazu today with 100% healed belly and feet. Crazy to think at one point I thought she was going to die. She wasnt interested in food and wouldnt move. Now she tries to eat me when I go in her enclosure haha
04-23-13, 03:15 PM
Hi, that`s great, well done!
04-23-13, 03:53 PM
Glad she healed. I would have been so sad without her
04-23-13, 05:04 PM
im gunna have to change to stuck shed too now lol... no scars or anything just looks normal so prob improper husbandry, im glad shes doing better! keep the pics coming we love them:D
04-24-13, 08:00 AM
She was dieing though. I doubt she would be dieing from some spots of stuck shed. She wasnt moving or eating, bloated, her poops were pure goop. ... I dont know what it was, but shes back to how a monitor should be
04-24-13, 11:08 AM
Off the subject of my savannah. But my darling woma python, Roman, shed today. Just wanted to share his beauty :D. Im proud of him.
04-24-13, 01:35 PM
She was dieing though. I doubt she would be dieing from some spots of stuck shed. She wasnt moving or eating, bloated, her poops were pure goop. ... I dont know what it was, but shes back to how a monitor should be
probably improper husbandry, dehydration, and pain... which all would cause stress, which would cause death.
04-24-13, 03:32 PM
Off the subject of my savannah. But my darling woma python, Roman, shed today. Just wanted to share his beauty :D. Im proud of him.
Trollbie will be jealous when she see's this beautiful woma haha
04-24-13, 05:11 PM
I got him about a year ago I think. Hes grown so much. Cant wait until he gets bigger. I got him for a great deal because the guy was moving to vegas.
04-25-13, 12:13 AM
I have a pair womas coming soon!
I have a pair womas coming soon!
As in M/F? Are they related? What are you paying?
04-25-13, 07:59 AM
I would love a female. Maybe some day :P
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