View Full Version : Product Review (sort of)

03-30-13, 11:31 AM
I was wanting to get a lens adapter for my iPhone as we will be going to Italy this summer and wanted a way to grab pics without pulling out the huge camera. So I went to the Apple store today and picked up the Olloclip.


It has Wide, Fish eye, and Macro. I thought I'd check out the Macro on some of my snakes...










First the Pros:
It's quick and small. Fairly cheep.

Can't use flash. Gotta be really close for the macro (2-3 cm)..

I haven't tried the Fish Eye or the Wide angle yet. I thought I'd try it out on my snakes first :)

At this point, I'd halfway recommend.

03-30-13, 12:12 PM
I think I still would rather use my DSLR
That being said when I went to Italy 7years ago I used 3mega pixel point and shoot and got some pretty amazing shots

03-30-13, 12:24 PM
LB87...I think you're right. Ultimately, I'll prob end up doing just that...

03-30-13, 01:51 PM
It honestly depends on you and the type of photographer you are. I am no expert when it comes to photography but I like to take pictures as a hobby.

Even a disposable camera can take an awesome picture. If I were you I would bring both. When I went, I only had my point and shoot which was fine but I found I was really limited when it came to distances (Obviously) and lighting (double obviously) my cousin had a DSLR and her pictures were much better than mine when it came to nigh time and distance shots

then again I have a better eye than my cousin,

In the end throw this thingy in your camera bag and then use your discretion

03-30-13, 01:57 PM
I will say, I am impressed with the vessels in the eye of the scrub. I thought that was pretty good for a "clip on" lens.

03-30-13, 01:58 PM
definitely not bad, a bit grainy but not terrible

03-30-13, 05:28 PM
I have something similar, but its held on by magnets. You attach a small metal plate to the back of the iPhone and then the magnet in the lens holds it on. It allows you to use the flash as its not so big. I got the same lenses, fish eye, macro and wide, for about $35 I think. I love them for when dont want to carry around the big DSLR.