View Full Version : Reverse Hook Training?

03-28-13, 03:39 PM
I've seen many posts here describing "hook training" and using the hook to gently touch the snake on the nose before handling.

Thing is, since snakes only get fed once a week/2 weeks/month (depending on their age), wouldn't it be far more efficient to train them oppositely?

In other words, instead of tapping on the nose before handling, tap them on the nose before a feeding? If you handle your adult snakes more than once a month, it would seem that this method would be far more efficient...

03-28-13, 03:47 PM
Tapping a reluctant/nervous feeder on the nose would not help get it to eat for you.

It's best in my opinion to just let them associate the hook with handling..

03-28-13, 04:47 PM
I agree. The "aware" state the snake is in you actually want when trying to induce a feed responce. You want the hook to end this state and bring calm to the snake before handling. Associating touch of the hook with food might end up in touch of the anything equals food. Not a good plan but nice shot at thinking outside the box ;)

03-28-13, 05:18 PM
Well, I tried, lol. =P

03-28-13, 07:17 PM
You touch to get the snake out of a feeding or defensive mode. The tapping lets them know you are not food nor are going to attack them. You never need to get them out of a handling mode as snake never really want to be handled, they only tolerate it.

03-28-13, 07:34 PM
I'll put my opinion this way:
Are you going to volunteer to stick your hand (a moving, hot target) in with a retic without tapping it a few times?