View Full Version : Getting a hognose any tips?

03-27-13, 11:19 AM
So we should be picking up this guy this afternoon I've been doing as much research as I can on them but I was wondering if you all may have some tips a well.

03-27-13, 01:52 PM
Don't let it "chew" on you if your bitten. What I mean is if one of my smalle snakes bit me and hung on I would give it a minute or 2 to figure out it bit the wrong thing before I took any measures to get it off. Not worth the reaction you could have to the bite from a hog nose so if this happens get it off right away. We have a member here had her hand swell right up from a hoggie bite so just be cautious.

03-27-13, 03:45 PM
I heard that they're slightly venomous, so I'd be careful if it tried to bite you; I also heard, however, that most of the time when they strike, it's just a bluff and won't bite.

Have fun with your new pet! :)

03-27-13, 04:04 PM
I heard that they're slightly venomous, so I'd be careful if it tried to bite you; I also heard, however, that most of the time when they strike, it's just a bluff and won't bite.

Have fun with your new pet! :)

That's like saying a woman is 'slightly pregnant'

03-27-13, 09:17 PM
Thanks I knew that they are venomous but didn't think it effected people so I will keep that in mind. He is so cute I love him! Anyone know how the venom will effect dogs our cats? I don't plan on letting it escape but we all know how that goes. And I need to know if I will have to rush them to the vet.

03-27-13, 09:42 PM
It is venom - Venom by definition is harmful.
So yes, if it bites one of your other pets I would take them to the vet.
Hognose venom is pretty dilute so it is not as dangerous as say a diamond back, but still not something you should ignore.

Venom moves through the blood stream - and its goal is your heart,
so the smaller and faster the heart pumps, the faster the blood moves, and the quicker venom kills. Therefor a bite to a smaller animal would be more dangerous.

03-28-13, 01:02 AM
Some will say they are not Venomous, rather they just cause a strong allergic reaction.

But I still would not risk not being very careful - especially for other pets in the home.
Don't be deathly afraid, just cautious.

03-29-13, 11:09 AM
I am no expert on the matter but I believe that any concern over being bitten would be a localized reaction at the bite site. Also I believe that the vast majority of bites would be feeding responses as defensive/aggressive bites are very uncommon.

03-29-13, 11:20 AM
Ok. So lets some it up as don't let it bite you. Anyone got anything else hognose related?

Gregg M
03-30-13, 10:10 AM
Firstly, hognose venom is completely harmless. It will not kill a human or one of your pets. It is nothing to be worried about. Personally, I have taken several bites and had nothing happen at all. Worst case, you can get a little swollen from a bite but that rarely ever happns. Besides, they very rarely bite in defense.

Now, for some tips on keepin your hog happy and healthy.

Your hognose snake will need a hot basking spot. 95 degrees F at the basking sot works well for the species. They have very high metabolisms and need to eat often. You should be feeding your hognose every 3 days.

Offer your hognose a small humid hide. They will utilize this hide to help shedding and to help maintain hydration.