View Full Version : Interested in scholorly and scientific information on varanus?

03-25-13, 11:02 AM
I have been researching monitors for some time. I am learning about them as a hobby not for work or school, monitors blow my mind. I have been meaning to share where I find a lot of information here but seem to let it slip my mind. JSTOR it is full of scientific journals and scholarly articles which most are peer reviewed and published. You do have to register and there are some fees if you are not a college student or university employee but they are cheap. You can preview all things for free. Some things you can read online free or pay for your own copy. If your interested it is worht checking out. All you have to do is google JSTOR and it should come up or access it through your local library or university library web page. I hope you all find it as resourceful and interesting as I have.


03-25-13, 07:56 PM
I'll check that out later, google venomdoc, BGF has done some amazing work on varanus.

03-26-13, 12:02 PM
Thank you, I will go shortly

03-26-13, 04:33 PM
Here are some helpful tips for filtering through all of the crummy information on the internet to access actual studies/scientific research on "Varanus".

1) Google Scholar is a magnificent tool (located under "more" ---> "even more", or if you google "Google Scholar it will immediately pop up). A search for "Varanus" on Google Scholar will return hundreds of results on just scholarly publications, the downside is that many are only abstracts. Full articles that are open-access and available via a pdf will show a "PDF" link to the right of each search result.

2) Using a conventional Google search, type in "Varanus". Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Advanced Search". Here, scroll down to "File type", and select Adobe PDF. This will limit all search results to PDFs, which are typically the file used for scientific papers. That should give you hundreds of papers to read through.