View Full Version : Animal / Human descrimination by snakes ...

03-19-13, 11:54 AM
This is probably totally random, and I can not put scientific backing to it at all - but I swear Both of my snakes can discriminate between my two cats.

I have had both snakes out on numerous occasions to test the theory.

One of the cats (the larger of the two cat ironically) I could literally put either snake next to (Not that I would- I watch all the animals very closely, but I can get them close) With out any reaction what so ever.

The other cat seems to be the bane of both snakes existence. Both react negitivly, and my milk, will actually strike out at it, if the cat gets close to the enclosure and the snake is out of the substrate.

I am sure that part of it is the smell .. but if that is the case wouldn't they strike out at both cats?

I have a friend that also swore up and down that his snake hated his mother. She was the only person the snake ever really acted up for (as far as showing aggression) The mothers fear response I am sure was part of the aggravation - but I know that other people were fearful around the snake as well and it never got quite as bad as it did with the mother.

Has anyone else picked up odd behaviors like this in any of their animals?

Mark Taylor
03-19-13, 12:00 PM
No. If you could video it so we can see that would be great.

03-19-13, 12:06 PM
I didn't have my camera with me this morning, and was to lazy to get my phone when I observed them this morning. Perhaps tonight or tomorrow I'll be able to get a good video.

I am not forcing the animals upon one another - just so I don't seem as crazy. Both cats usually stroll around at one point or another when I have the snakes out - just to see whats happening.

I am not suggesting that they feel affection for either cat, or myself - I just find it is strange that both snakes react in the same manor towards the different cats

Mark Taylor
03-19-13, 12:33 PM
Maybe they smell fear in one of the cats?

03-19-13, 01:04 PM

This might be part of the problem. Perhaps it just recognizes the smell of this cat more ? The snake is not out so I could not get the striking action but ...
I dunno - It doesn't sleep on the boas cage, so I am not sure why the boa would act so negatively.

Sounds like I am just crazy though.

03-19-13, 02:11 PM
I think one of my snakes- a juvenile pine snake- is definitely more fearful of men. I am a woman, so he has had most of his handling experience with me, and only been held by a guy 2-5 times his entire life... I'm thinking he gets nervous (he is a jumpy snake anyways) due to the deeper vibrations of their voices; as he especially acts up if they are talking loudly, or leaning on the desk that houses his tank. I'm not sure about your boas though :) none of my other snakes have ever seemed to prefer/hate any of my cats/friends before lol :)

03-19-13, 02:16 PM
My male carpet will reach out and come back to me if I am within reach while someone else is handling him. Not sure if it's sight or smell but he associates me with safety or something and always comes to me. Even on a couch he comes to me. I will post a video later.

03-19-13, 02:32 PM
My cat is not allowed anywhere near my snakes just because my big burm girl hates him. She has since she first sighted him as a kitten and struck out at him while in her tub. He even goes outside when I bring them out for a romp around the house. She's the only one that hates him. I don't know if it's just a dislike, she see him as a threat or if she thinks he's food. We'll never find out because I don't let them anywhere near each other! :laugh:

My burm girls bluff my son....a lot. He can touch them and they'll attempt to throw his touch off, but I can go right in after him and touch them and they're just fine. Even though they've grown up with him, I think he's still a bit afraid of them because of their size and they know it. He can hold them, but they do like to mess with him while they're in their enclosures. It's quite funny :laugh:

I work with my burms more than any other of my animals. Like Terranaut's carpet, they will come back to me if I'm not touching them if they're being touched or handled by strangers (I usually tail spot and it's for them to feel safe lol). When I let them out to roam (under supervision) they always wander back to me then go off again. They do it when I take them outside and they usually don't go far outside since it's still a foreign concept to them.

I do have a video I took with my phone when I had Baby Girl out (my big burm) and one of my son's friend's came over. Notice how she lifts her chin up and studies him for a while, then swings back around to me like I'm supposed to protect her or something

http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g191/SVRogue/th_20130131_191143_zps7789ba00.jpg (http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g191/SVRogue/20130131_191143_zps7789ba00.mp4)

03-19-13, 05:01 PM
I think its the smell (In my opinion). they recognize you as a safe sent. The only other 2 people who have held my snakes is my sister, and my girlfriend. they just sit very still. and stick there tongues a lot. and smell around. But when I am holding them they are relaxed and moving around all over me lol.

03-19-13, 05:27 PM
You're giving your snakes WAY too much credit: snakes are stupid, stupid creatures.

03-19-13, 06:18 PM
You're giving your snakes WAY too much credit: snakes are stupid, stupid creatures.
I would never consider them smart enough to think they know I am their keeper or anything but I smell safety is not much of a stretch from I smell food. Almost all wild snakes bite but captive learn to tolerate you so there is some brain power there even if small.

03-19-13, 06:56 PM
I would never consider them smart enough to think they know I am their keeper or anything but I smell safety is not much of a stretch from I smell food. Almost all wild snakes bite but captive learn to tolerate you so there is some brain power there even if small.

I agree and disagree.

Agreement: I think snakes go by smell; the familiar smell of the person who feeds represents safety. I too have had snakes try to get back to me when being handled by a stranger.

Disagreement: In my experience of 54 years of catching wild snakes, very FEW bite, and I've caught LOTS of snakes. I've only had a yellow-bellied water snake bite me. It may depend on how someone catches them and holds them; most will certainly try to escape, but many will settle relatively quickly and let a gentle but firm person hold them without biting.

03-19-13, 08:34 PM
For some reason I wish they where smarter.. But then again maybe that would not be so good.

03-19-13, 08:47 PM
I Am not suggesting that they are geniuses ;)
I just find it funny that both snakes could careless about one cat and hate the other.

I have heard about snakes trying to get back to the person they re most comfortable with. I find that pretty cool - I don't know that either of mine are to that point yet.

03-19-13, 09:06 PM
You should take it to PetSmart puppy classes. After all, snakes are just smaller, less furry, slithery dogs, right?

03-19-13, 09:12 PM
You should take it to PetSmart puppy classes. After all, snakes are just smaller, less furry, slithery dogs, right?

Yeah, riiiiiiiiight!


03-19-13, 09:33 PM
I would but they're not open this late. Perhaps tomorrow .. only if I can find a jewel studded collar , wouldn't want to take them out in anything but the best.

03-20-13, 09:31 AM
You should take it to PetSmart puppy classes. After all, snakes are just smaller, less furry, slithery dogs, right?

Why bother when I can teach them to roll over for a treat at home ;) .I agree they are dumb as stumps but there us some instinctive reason some snakes do this. Sometimes when I let my snakes roam the reptile room they crawl atound a bit then go back to their cages without my intervention. Even today it's 80° in there so I doubt it would be just for heat. Security is a concept I personaly believe they are capable of feeling or understanding.

03-21-13, 06:09 AM
Our snakes react differently to all of us here. I can see a significant difference on how they move and act in regards to my daughter holding them or my wife vs. me. Nothing like aggression but they seem to be more aware of their surroundings and are more careful about how they move. Mainly that's with my daughter, with my wife, they want to climb on her glasses and explore more.

With most strangers to them, they'll want to come back to me but there have been a few people that they get comfortable with very quickly.

One of my dogs nearly got tagged on the nose by one of our BP's. When that particular dog is around and I have that BP, I can immediately sense a change in her posture and attitude. She wants to sink teeth into him bad. The other dogs she couldn't care less about... and these are not small dogs.

03-21-13, 08:43 AM
You're giving your snakes WAY too much credit: snakes are stupid, stupid creatures.

cunning stupid Mykee.:)