View Full Version : Maude

01-30-03, 01:57 PM
This is my Bolivian Salmon Pink (Acanthoscurria chacoana), Maude.
I really love this spider, like you know as much as I love my dog. *LOL* She is just awesome. Until two months ago a day didn't go by where she wasn't out of her hide walking around etc. She eats like a pig, and has just an amazing growth rate. Two months ago she made a crazy hiding spot and hasn't come out since. She wasn't molting or eating so I was worried. But today! Bam. There she was all the sudden. :)

<img src="http://members.rogers.com/mattl/Maude.jpg">
<img src="http://members.rogers.com/mattl/Maude2.jpg">

Thanks for looking!
P.S. the pics are like so low qaulity but I didn't want to get close and disturb her on her first day out in so long.

01-30-03, 05:15 PM
Cool Tarantula!:)

01-30-03, 05:53 PM
She looks great......:D

02-01-03, 09:14 AM
She look great!!