View Full Version : What type of Python? im going to adopt

03-14-13, 11:59 PM
hey so someone threw this guy in the trash can with his enclosure and im going to pick him up from some guy who found him, hes about 4 feet. any feedback on what kind of python he is? thanks

03-15-13, 12:06 AM
Ball python, they need 24/7 heat as well.

03-15-13, 12:25 AM
ya i know its a bp i just wasnt sure what kind

03-15-13, 04:24 AM
Looks like a "normal" to me, and i wouldnt let it that close to the dog, one or the other could get hurt

03-15-13, 07:34 AM
Seriously in the garbage?
I would find out who owned it and bust a chair over their head but thats just me .
Tons of care instructions on this site. Please for the love of god take care of it or give it to someone who will.
People suck. That is a prime example. He even looks healthy. Brutal.

03-15-13, 08:58 AM
That's horrible!!!
Look up care sheets on all pythons, their care is easy
I'm glad s/he is ok

03-15-13, 10:08 AM
Looks like a "normal" to me, and i wouldnt let it that close to the dog, one or the other could get hurt

It's not in his care yet.

Enjoy man. I personally didn't like mine but lots of people do.

03-15-13, 10:27 AM
Best thing about my royal is that I never have to check for attitude before just pulling him out and handing him to someone. I can flip his hide and pick him up. Of course not when shedding but any other time is play time for him. Now my adult carpets are like this too but not my yearling or subadults. My king and gopher need a min of chill time in my hand before going to someone else and my boas need a solid 5 min out of their viv before I would recomend even touching them. So royals have their place too. But they don't typically do alot during daylight hours.

03-15-13, 10:33 AM
Seriously in the garbage?
I would find out who owned it and bust a chair over their head but thats just me .

Unfortunately it happens quite often. Maybe not being thrown in the trash per-say but lots of people find just getting rid of their reptiles/ whether that be letting them go, or throwing them away easier than trying to find a new home for them. Reptiles are much harder to place if you are not looking in the right places, and people get impatient.

Congrats on your new snake though - he does look healthy c:
I hope he gets a wonderful home with you.

Mark Taylor
03-15-13, 10:58 AM
Looks like a normal to me hope it's healthy when you get it.