View Full Version : Just a few of my Enclosures

03-12-13, 10:50 AM
Hey everyone, please let me know your thoughts or any suggestions you migh have to make my enclosures a better home for my babies.

This is my white lipped python enclosure...
My corn snake, which will have to be replaced with larger soon
And my newest enclosure added to the small collection, my frogs, unsure of what type exactly they are :/

03-12-13, 12:17 PM
Nice looking enclosures.

Only thing I noticed is in the top enclosure, would the light be better on the left side above the hide? I personally keep my water bowls on the opposite end of all my lights/heat pads, but it may be that your trying to evaporate that water to get the humidity up (I honestly don't know, just thinking out loud).

03-12-13, 12:29 PM
Actually your right, I do typically have the light over the hide, but the weather we have been having in texas right now has been giving me all kids of hectic controlling the humidity. I have recently changed my floor cover to Eco earth and bark which has really helped alot and he seems to be alot happier as well

Jack C
03-12-13, 04:17 PM
I like the hide for the white lip, is it home made or shop bought?

03-12-13, 06:24 PM
Thank y'all very much, as far as the setup for my WLP. I picked out all the accessories in his tank mainly from pet smart and a local store, it wasn't a kit or nothin though.

I really prefer all my enclosures to have a little more of a natural look to them. They are spread through out the house, and no matter what room your in, except the bathroom (I haven't been able to talk my fiancé into a tank above the toilet, yet) you will see some type of herp, and the collection just seems to continue to grow.

03-12-13, 06:26 PM
I like the hide for the white lip, is it home made or shop bought?

I'm sorry, the hide itself was from PetsMart, I believe it was one of their online only