View Full Version : New Enclosure - Suggestions?

03-11-13, 06:53 AM
We just finished out our new 4' tall x 4' long x 2ft wide enclosure! :D Completely sealed with a full length basking ledge, vines, artificial plants, and installed repti-fogger...... Now comes the fun part..... deciding what shall go in it....:bouncy:? Any suggestions.... We definitely want something with decent size that's handle able. Now we have done test runs with it and depending on what lighting we run we can range from 70-95F degrees and humidity from 60%-80%. We have looked at a couple snakes and lizards but can't seem to decide what we want (we also have a very limited selection nearby, only local pet shops.... Not big on those) Any suggestions would be great of course we plan on doing tons of research before selecting a new family member. I will try and get pics up soon!

03-11-13, 07:15 AM
Most lizards of any size would need much higher temps, can you hit 130 or 150f+?

personally i would suggest an ackie or two for an enclosure that size.

03-11-13, 07:19 AM
Oh without a doubt, I just posted ambient temps, we still have to install a couple more gizmos we're just researching options right now. And they are relatively low watt bulbs we have in currently just to do our test runs.

03-11-13, 08:05 AM
I was checking out the leachies at the last expo; very cool lizards too.

03-11-13, 08:10 AM
My immediate thought was CHAMELEON!! but then I read the word "handleable."

I've always liked the Jeweled Lacerta (Lacerta lepida). They are gorgeous animals. They like to burrow, though, and are not arboreal, though they do like to climb some on larger branches, rocks, etc. The temps and humidity you have currently are about right for the Jeweled Lacerta. Just a thought . . .

Have you looked for a herp society or herp shows near you? In nearly every state in the US, you can find one or the other or both within a few hours drive. I live in central Oklahoma, so am lucky to have shows in three major cities within 3 hours drive (OKC, Tulsa, and Dallas, TX). Fellow herpers who live in your state can help you find a reputable breeder near you (or hopefully not too far!).

Good luck!