View Full Version : Crabs diet suplement

03-06-13, 06:26 AM

Has some people know i am from Portugal, we dont realy have rivers or lakes from where you can get crayfish, and on a store they are very expensive as they are considered a "fancy food".

I would like to introduce some type of crustacean to the diets of my monitors, and being that we spear hunt regularly and catch this Necora puber (By hand not with harpoons :P) i was thinking if it would be good to give them the smaller ones we don't eat.

My main concern would be the salt, being that they come from the Atlantic, i m not sure if it would be good or bad?

any ideas?

03-06-13, 06:43 AM
I am sure that if you rinse them off with fresh water first, they should be OK.

I know quite a few people who give seafood items to their lizards.