View Full Version : To small enclosure?

03-05-13, 07:09 PM
Was wondering if this is to small for my royal. Been using it for a while and works great keeping temps and humidity, crappy pic, but that is a red night light. And the screen part is Bolted on not taped on lol. The tape is just to hold the aluminum foil.

Enclosure : 21" x 12" x 11" Sterlite container.

Snake : 17" Ball Python.

Thank you =)

03-05-13, 07:42 PM
i would say it might be time to upgrade soon, but not time to panic. keep an eye on the classifieds and im sure something bigger will pop up.

03-05-13, 07:55 PM
for my royals i use a tub that is 36 long, by 17 deep, by 6 1/4 tall... and they are fine in that as adults, i would say yours is just fine, from judging by the pic it looks about 3 foot long, cant really tell.

03-05-13, 08:28 PM
oops, did not see you had the dimensions listed... yup, i would upgrade ... sorry :P

03-05-13, 08:31 PM
Yeah I kinda thought it was time or atleast almost time. Thank you for your inputs :)