View Full Version : Ontario Pit Bull Ban Petition
Little Wise Owl
03-04-13, 12:22 PM
I don't usually post things like this but I'm getting really tired of this ban. Bill 16 is what will repeal the ban on Pit Bull type dogs in Ontario (this law also condemns dogs that simply LOOK like pits as well). Bill 16 was killed when our Premier Dalton McGuinty resigned. The Bill was in the process of going to a third reading. This petition is supposedly supposed to help bring it back. I'm not usually a petition person as I don't think they work but I feel desperate. lol This ban really rustles my jimmies.
It's close to it's goal so I thought I'd post it here:
Bring Back Bill 16 for Third Reading (
wait Im confused lol so this is to ban pitbulls or take the ban of pitbulls off???
Little Wise Owl
03-04-13, 12:59 PM
This is going to remove the ban on pit bull type dogs.
oh ok Im signing!! I live in the country and have a pit mix..Ive been at war with my neighbors for over a yr now bc of it!! Damn rednecks have never even tried to meet my dog but bc he has a pit "look" he is a lethal dog!! they have even told animal control that he is going to kill their children. ugh I can go on a rant on this subject!!
03-04-13, 01:56 PM
Would it even help for us in the US to sign it?
BTW, watch a documentary called Beyond the Myth. Great behind the scenes look at all these BS Pitty bans. Like they say in the documentary, it's not the pit at the end of the leash that is the problem.
Little Wise Owl
03-04-13, 01:59 PM
I'm not sure but I know there are a lot of Canadians on this forum.
I've seen Beyond the Myth. Very good documentary.
03-04-13, 04:41 PM
I hope they drop the bans... my sister breeds pits and her bf breeds chihuahuas, lol. The only good vet is in ottawa and they can't go to that vet :(
03-04-13, 05:12 PM
Tell them to stop breeding pits cause there are literally thousands and thousands in the shelters down here in the US.
03-04-13, 05:28 PM
Tell them to stop breeding pits cause there are literally thousands and thousands in the shelters down here in the US.
We aren't in the US... That and my sister takes back any and all pits that she has sold if the new owners change their mind.
03-04-13, 06:16 PM
I know your not in the US, just making the point that, at least here in the US, we have a HUGE issue with too many people breeding pits and shelters literally overflowing with pits. The shelters here in our state are 75%-85% pits.
03-04-13, 07:25 PM
I know your not in the US, just making the point that, at least here in the US, we have a HUGE issue with too many people breeding pits and shelters literally overflowing with pits. The shelters here in our state are 75%-85% pits.
But what does the state of American shelters have to do with breading them in Canada? ?
03-04-13, 07:31 PM
Everything if US readers are seeing this. ;)
Plus, it apparently isn't like there is zero problems with it in Canada. I count no less than 9 pitbull rescues in Canada. Must be too many if they need that many rescues for them. ;)
03-04-13, 07:35 PM
But what does the state of American shelters have to do with breading them in Canada? ?
Why on earth would you be BREADING pit bulls?!?!?! :shocked::shocked:
Hahaha all in good fun, I just got this image of a pit bull, beside himself with joy, completely covered in batter and licking all of it off :P
In all seriousness, American shelter conditions have no bearing on the Canadian situation, yet. In fact, they may never; I suspect that there exists a different cross-section of society in Canada than in America. The fact of the matter is, a lot of the pit owners I know here have some aversion to neutering and/or controlling their animals. I think the fear is that if Pits are legalized in Canada, there will be the same kind of wanton, unplanned breeding of the animals that transpires here.
In this light, the request that breeders stop is given above, to my understanding, because they are likely responsible enough TO stop. I believe this is what Bloedig is driving at. And, as he notes above, there are pit rescues in Canada already. However, I'm not sure if those exist due to overpopulation or due to the legal situation; I'm inclined to believe it's due to their legality.
03-04-13, 07:50 PM
Yes, the last thing we want is Canada to end up in the same situation as the US is in with the massive pitbull / shelter issues. So many dogs being destroyed each day it's overwhelming.
03-04-13, 08:36 PM
Why on earth would you be BREADING pit bulls?!?!?! :shocked::shocked:
Hahaha all in good fun, I just got this image of a pit bull, beside himself with joy, completely covered in batter and licking all of it off :P
In all seriousness, American shelter conditions have no bearing on the Canadian situation, yet. In fact, they may never; I suspect that there exists a different cross-section of society in Canada than in America. The fact of the matter is, a lot of the pit owners I know here have some aversion to neutering and/or controlling their animals. I think the fear is that if Pits are legalized in Canada, there will be the same kind of wanton, unplanned breeding of the animals that transpires here.
In this light, the request that breeders stop is given above, to my understanding, because they are likely responsible enough TO stop. I believe this is what Bloedig is driving at. And, as he notes above, there are pit rescues in Canada already. However, I'm not sure if those exist due to overpopulation or due to the legal situation; I'm inclined to believe it's due to their legality.
What exactly is wrong with breeding pitbulls?
03-04-13, 09:16 PM
What exactly is wrong with breeding pitbulls?
In America, too many (in my personal experience) litters come about through owner irresponsibility. This in an environment where supply far exceeds demand as is, and thousands are euthanized daily. I have no beef with people who ACTUALLY BREED PIT BULLS; when I finally am able to house a Pit, I'd like to be able to obtain one from a reputable source. I think these breeders should consider changing the focus of their business, but if they are being responsible, I have no issue with it. My problem is with Joe Schmuck who can't be bothered to neuter his Pit and/or contain him properly and now there are half-pit (or more!) puppies popping up all over the neighborhood.
To frame in a herpetological stance: there are probably far more ball pythons in existence than are justified by the demand. However, breeders of balls are not irresponsible, nor doing a disservice, by maintaining proper care, educating their customers, and developing new morphs (or even refining old ones). In contrast, it would be extremely irresponsible indeed for someone to house two balls of breeding age together, and then wind up with a clutch they neither desired nor expected. This, I have an issue with.
Finally, if you are responding to my mock shock at the very top of the post, that's a joke playing off of a minor typo in a post above; the joke is explained in the next paragraph. :yes:
In america Im going to jump on the dont breed pitbull train. Get them fixed!! There are free pit bull spay/nueter clinics everywhere literally 10s of thousands pitbulls are being put down daily!!! Even if you try to screen buyers life happens people go thru unemployment, bankruptcy, divorce and for whatever reason usually new landlord rules, neighbors or lack of adequate fencing people have to get rid of them. Pit bulls should not be bred unless asking a sizeable payment to hopefully attract more stable responsible people. A pet should be life long!
03-04-13, 10:01 PM
In america Im going to jump on the dont breed pitbull train. Get them fixed!! There are free pit bull spay/nueter clinics everywhere literally 10s of thousands pitbulls are being put down daily!!! Even if you try to screen buyers life happens people go thru unemployment, bankruptcy, divorce and for whatever reason usually new landlord rules, neighbors or lack of adequate fencing people have to get rid of them. Pit bulls should not be bred unless asking a sizeable payment to hopefully attract more stable responsible people. A pet should be life long!
I will not get my pup neutered, but he will never be around another dog unattended nor out of my yard. I have fencing surrounding my property 100% around that he can not hop over. Pit bulls shouldn't be put into their own little bubble, they're not the only dog being over bred. (not implying you meant pit bulls only)
I did mean pitbulls...pitbulls are in a FAR lead amongst homeless dogs not being adopted and put down. A very very sad truth. I dont agree with them being labeled as dangerous dogs fact is most people do which is why they are impossible to adopt. Which is why my neighbors refuse to meet my dog. Which is why they die in the thousands everyday. Why not get him nuetered. Over 60% of dog bites are unaltered males. Its healthier for him and much better looking. Pittys are escape artist as well lol let him get bored in a yard and some b*tch go in heat hell find a way
03-04-13, 11:07 PM
As I stated, I believe the way she does it is one of the only truly responsible ways. She HAZES the prospective buyers, makes sure they are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into and her prices aren't cheap. She makes sure they understand that at any point in the dogs life, if they change their mind or can't take care of him she will take the dog back. She has done it before but its rare that it happens, I do the same with the retics I sell, they aren't for everyone so I make damn sure that I don't just sell to anyone.
03-04-13, 11:17 PM
I'd also like to point out that when I looked at Petitions - Randy Hillier ( an hour ago, it was 4921/5000... and now its 5257/7500...
It's like the Big 9 petition of 50,000 we pulled out of our asses in 24 hours that jumped to 100,000
Little Wise Owl
03-05-13, 05:12 AM
I have zero issues with anyone breeding any dog breed responsibly. If done right, a responsibly bred dog will never, ever see a shelter and never need to be rehomed.
Little Wise Owl
03-05-13, 01:45 PM
There was a poll/article in the Ottawa Sun and this was in the comment section:
"I knew a pit bull, sweetest dog I ever met. Then one day someone accidentally ran into the dog and it proceeded to bit the calf and not let go. The dog was put down eventually.
One split second is all it took for this dog to lose it, then lose it's life because of it.
Tell me, who could of stopped that from happening? The dog was so well trained it would play dead on command and still lashed out like it did out of fear.
So your little experience is just yours alone. Fact is these dogs do "lose it" and "snap" and when they do they will destroy the human they attack.
Fact is fear cannot be controlled, if your dog is afraid it will defend itself and it will do some major damage. You owning a monster like this is not responsible or caring at all.
It's plain selfish and ignorant."
This person posted several things like this and it just... astounds me how ignorant some people are about these dogs
03-05-13, 02:04 PM
I have zero issues with anyone breeding any dog breed responsibly. If done right, a responsibly bred dog will never, ever see a shelter and never need to be rehomed.
That's the exact problem in the US.
I would venture to guess that 1 or 2 out of 100 "breeders" in the US are actually responsible and humane. I work in a "pet related" business and so frequently see and hear of so many irresponsible people breeding dogs it's sickening.
03-05-13, 02:16 PM
That's the exact problem in the US.
I would venture to guess that 1 or 2 out of 100 "breeders" in the US are actually responsible and humane. I work in a "pet related" business and so frequently see and hear of so many irresponsible people breeding dogs it's sickening.
1 or 2 of ever 100 (probably much crappier odds then that) breeders of ANY species are irresponsible.
I don't know if you guys are getting the point though maybe bc in your country its not an epidemic like it is here but its not any breeders are any species.. or responsible people that's clearly not the case. its pit bulls they are dying in mass quantities daily far exceeding any other dog/cat issues! I think it goes like 4 million pets a yr are put down in the US and 1 million are pit bulls alone. infact most shelters kill pit bulls upon arrival while some give a 24 hr hold on pits before being euthinazed. they don't even get a chance for adoption. only 7% of pittys sheltered make it to adoption the other 93% gets put down (pulling frm a 2010 study) Im sure its far worse by now!!
we aren't changing the way people are thinking about this breed quick enough and people are breeding them with no thought in it!! can you look at those puppies your making and picture them in a pile of dead dogs at a shelter!! ugh the whole pit bull thing makes me sooo upset. Its also another known stastic that pitbulls have the best personality scores..average for a pitbull is 82% while "other" breeds average at 77% not much but enough for me to use in every pitty argument I get into haha
its soooo sad!! I wish you can just make a wish and change the world but you cant :(
03-05-13, 02:54 PM
Can you cite any of these studies?
google it lol that's what I did youll find these studies for every yr!! the earliest I found was 2010.
Signed! Hopefully this pulls through :)
03-05-13, 03:50 PM
I think the goal is full of crap, the goal was 5k then jumped to 7500, the same thing happened with the big 9 bill and they claimed we never reached the goal... jumped from 50,000 to 100,000
03-05-13, 09:26 PM
Any of my friends or aquaintances who had pitbulls did not have an aggressive or dysfunctional dog. I thought they were all great. Now, the white trash low lives who owned them around my area to act tough and project an image of intimidation, and who backyard "bred" without any thought or care to inbreeding issues, well, that was becoming a problem. Once the pit ban was in effect, you saw a surge in ownership of boxers, and I was worried they would become the next breed put in the crosshairs.
Ban the idiots not the dogs.
03-05-13, 11:04 PM
I noticed the surge of boxers. Closest/cheapest thing they can get to the appearence of a pit in a way. But i agree i have friends who own pits and let their dog off leash in their neighborhood. Now if you ask me it doesnt sound too responsible, but still the dog is known in the area and has never caused a problem.
Still though, well behaved or not, the presence of a pitbull is something else. the power displayed by the posture, attitude, and awareness of a high end pit is something not seen in most other dogs from what i've seen. Id say they could cause serious damage and really are intimidating animals, just require more training as they are hard headed, but very smart.
I signed it though. Im in the area and i hope to own a brindle bluenose myself one day.
03-05-13, 11:41 PM
Yeh, I love the big bluenoses my sister breeds, MASSIVE heads on those guys. Super well behaved, she actually doesn't sell them to people who want them as guard dogs... they were built to love.
We let them off leash at my cottage, 4-5 pits running around but they are super well behaved and obedient. My only complaint is that their brains get them into trouble :P They try and trick people into doing what they want all the time lol
03-05-13, 11:50 PM
I took my pup (blue nose american bully) to the pet store Sunday where they have a weekly thing for microchipping, vaccines and any other medicine you'll need. He was the most behaved dog there while the others were barking at him and anything they saw my pup was sitting still behaved. People were scared of him though haha.
03-06-13, 06:25 AM
Signed, hope they reconsider it as its a crazy ban!!
Little Wise Owl
03-10-13, 02:58 PM
It is disappointing that the petition jumped from 5000 to 7500... It's slowing down now too.
I would love to have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. This law makes me so mad.
04-07-13, 07:24 AM
Hope the ban is lifted. I had pits for about 5 years now. Best dogs I've ever had.
04-10-13, 05:59 PM
I don't think that they should be banned, its not the dog that's evil, its the person that teaches the dog to be evil. no questions asked.
I signed it.
04-15-13, 03:55 PM
So any new info or updates about this?
04-15-13, 06:00 PM
I got the following email about this about five days ago
I'm writing to thank you for your support of ending breed specific legislation in Ontario and for signing my petition to bring back my Bill to end it once and for all.
I fully understand that the legislative process in this Province can be confusing and I thought it might be helpful to explain to you the difficult place our Bill is in.
Last session in the Legislature, my Bill to repeal BSL, as you may remember, passed through first reading, second reading and a legislative committee. The only step left was for the Bill to be voted on one final time at third reading. Unfortunately, only the Government can call a Bill for third reading. It is a legislative power that only the Government possesses. When Premier McGuinty resigned and prorogued the Legislature last October, our Bill died in the process.
So, where does that leave us? Well, we're sort of between a rock and a hard place. Many of you have asked me why I simply don't reintroduce the Bill. The reality is that while I can and may still do just that, we will find ourselves stuck at the same roadblock if we take that path. Given the current minority parliament, we would probably be able to get a new Bill back through first reading, second reading and committee. Unfortunately, we would still be stuck waiting on the Government to call it for third reading.
So, what can we do to end BSL? The only way that we'll ever get the Liberals to call this Bill is for them to see just the outrage that everyday families have with BSL. They need to see that everyone is fed up with it.
This is where you can help me end BSL. With your help, over 6,800 people have signed my petition to recall my Bill to repeal BSL for third reading. That's a good start, but we need to reach out to as many people as possible. Please continue to share the petition and push it out to new people who also share our concern.
But that's not all we need to do. As I've been doing for the past two years, I've been making your concerns known through the halls of Queen's Park and trying to exercise every possible avenue for BSL's repeal. As well, I have been introducing petitions to repeal breed specific legislation and let our politicians know what you want.
I hope to have an exciting update for you in the near future and will keep you abreast of all developments on this important issue. Please continue to share our petition and tell your MPP what you think of BSL.
Together we will get this awful law repealed.
Randy Hillier, MPP
Randy Hillier, MPP - Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox & Addington (
Little Wise Owl
04-15-13, 06:29 PM
I got the same email. The petition has sort of stopped growing ):
04-15-13, 08:53 PM
i dont live in canada but i signed it anyway, i dont believe its the breed of animal there is every breed of animal out there that would attack you for different reasons, can't just label one breed. 1 week ago my 4 year old nephew was attacked by a pit bull that was on a leash and he had to undergo 3 hours of surgery to his face from the attack, just because this happened i dont hate all pits, thats stupid thats like saying if a white, black, mexican, or whatever race you are went out and killed someone you hate that whole race. it just doesn't happen like that, for some people, yes, but they are just stupid, there is bad in every race just like there is bad in every breed.
04-16-13, 12:55 PM
I signed the ban, We had a pitter years ago, best dog we ever had, we loved him dearly and he loved us even more. As far as pitbull breeders/breed goes, here is my rant about BAD< breeders that lead to dirtying of the breeds name. Are dog was bread by some highly reputable dog breeder here in BC, they were also very well linked to the pitbull shows held here, well, these people breed dogs for show, but what we didn't know was they breed dogs to fight as well, and are dogs were an accidental breeding of one of there nasty fighting dog blood lines they had, and one of the show dog lines they had, it was a grand champion show dog, with a load of title for weight pull, at the time she even held the record for it, a simply amazing dog, we never met the father and now we know why..., and being how the mothers puppies were worth so freaking much, they sold them to families looking house pets that wanted to join the pitbull shows and show are dogs, which we did, we got one and my sister got one, so anyways, are dog were GREAT with us, as in people in general, well only when we introduced said people to are dog, every time he was around, but once you told are dog Its ok for him to be in are house, he went back to being like a massive puppy dog, but until then, he would not hesitate to rip anyone or anything apart on sight, this is the best we could do, that's only because we raised them very well, with lots of love and guidance and rules, and punishment if the laws were broken, as are dog would test us, but we never hit him, yell and scream and lock them up in a kennel for a few minutes 15/20min tops, dogs are not smart enough to realize after then why they are in this little kennel, that's what we would do, well one day I had no choice but to hit him one day, as he was hitting puberty/adult hood around 1 year or so, he decided he wanted to be the boss, as he was pushing the limits more and more, until one day he attacked my cat, so that day i punched him in the head as hard as i could and he dropped, then i jumped on him as he fell and I wrapped my arms and legs around him with him in a head lock with my arms,I held him upside down on his back,and put the squeeze on him as i yelled at him until he stopped fighting me and gave up, which took a few minutes, well it worked, and he learned right there real fast i was not going to take his **** no more... he was over 100 pounds and his head was 26" just so you know before anyone says anything about what i did, but it had to be done, he had just half way killed my cat in the kitchen, which he had been living peacefully with for the past 2 years, even as a puppy he would sleep with the cat a lot, he started getting really bad and doing what he wanted when he wanted, stopped listening to commands he used to, like come here, sit, laydown... nothing would work, no yelling or locking up was correcting his aggression toward everything, he started even stacking himself up when you yelled at him for not listening or when he was trying to claw his way through the window to rip your friends apart for entering the yard.... all up until that day, right after that day, he was the obedient dog he was as a puppy, but even then are dog as well as the one my sister took could not be trusted with children or other animals, specially not animals... IMHO its the Bad people that breed bad dogs, like this dog breeder, they didn't tell us that he had been breeding the nastiest of the nasty dogs that were bread to fight and did just that and only that, if the dog won enough to be retired, it was bread and the blood line is carried on, until you got what are dog came from, a blood line that breeds a dog that it instinctually a killer, then these assholes sell these dogs to a family looking for a loving house pet for $.... it was no easy task taming are puppies down and we had no idea why they were acting this way, we know how to train dogs and raise dogs and these dogs were so hard headed and would attack any animal it got close to, we raised them very well, after that day with my cat, he learned his lesson and started listening more and more and he went on to being the best dog i ever owned and i miss him very much, it was not until years later of taking are dogs to the dog shows, and got to know the pitbull community here, and eventually my brother inlaw was invited to the fighting side of it, which I think is so freeking sick to my stomach, I don't ever want to see these people again and we did just that...i was outraged!! quit going to the shows and everything, these freaks << this IMHO is why pitters get a bad name, you get these sick people breed dogs inherently dog bread to be vicious, and the will to fight to the death even enduring the most pain you can think of, and win... these dogs bread for fighting like this, need special care to keep them safe, and keep them tame, if they are then to be sold as house pets, its no ordinary pitbull puppy at this points, its a potential man made killing machine, and some unsuspecting people just don't have the experience to raise them, and one day... I believe its these pitters that you read about on the news, as well as the sick freaks that raise regular pitters from loving blood lines and turn a loving pitbull bad. that's my rant about these animals that breed these dogs for sick reasons and then release said puppies into the unsuspecting homes, and destroying the name of the best breed of dogs on the planet, the Pitbull. Im in no means talking about actually good breeders who breed regular pitbull lines and raise them in a loving home and sell puppies to good loving homes, only the ones like the breeder we got are dog from. If i had know the truth about my dog before we got him we would have never done business and never got my beloved dog, but im glad in the end I didn't, because i never would have had the privilege of getting to have those years in my life with him, I cant wait to buy another pitter, it will be a blue pitter with a blue nose :) RIP Cody.
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