View Full Version : Can I make a humid out of cedar?

01-29-03, 07:36 PM
I have seen where wood shavings are not good for substrate. While i was at work today we were getting rid of bass wood splints, and I started thinking about making a humid box out of it, then one of my co workers suggested cedar, as it would last longer. Is this feasable, or will it leach things out that can harm my Leo? We were thinking no glue just brad nails in the shape of a box with hole in the side.

beth wallbank
01-29-03, 08:23 PM
cedar is dangerous to all herps as it contains oils that can harm or kill. I suggest NOT using cedar anything with herps.

01-29-03, 08:51 PM
I agree with Beth, don't use cedar!

01-29-03, 09:07 PM
Ok cedar is out thanks, what about bass wood? Or jst to be safe stay awayfrom all woods?
Then my question is when people make enclosures what kind of wood do they use or is it the paint that seals in anything dangerous?

Kyle Barker
01-30-03, 03:22 AM
I use a laminate on my cages, then its water proof too :) . For decore I use only certain hard woods such as: Arbutus (i LOVE this wood), maple and oak. I would stay away from exotic hard woods (like paduk, walnut, purple heart etc...) because the dust from those woods is very bad for humans, and some people even break out just touching certain types, so im guessing its not great for herps.


Big Mike
01-30-03, 10:43 AM
If it's for a humid hide then you will want it to be as water proof/resistant as possible. You will want to seal it with a water based sealant and let it air out for a while before you use it. You could always use another material like plastic etc.

01-30-03, 08:52 PM
Well I made one out of tupperware but she didnt like it, wouldnt go in for 2 days so back to the cave with half of it with paper towel and boy she ran in and ploped herself on top......I think i spoil her...lol

Kyle Barker
01-30-03, 09:00 PM
The tubs may not get dark enough, that happened to me. I have made soem using a mesh structure, then covering with Plaster of Paris. This product dries really fast making it easy to work with (like 5 mins and you can pick it up and manhandle it), but you want to leave it to cure for a couple weeks. I post some pics for you later this week, it really works great and you can make any shape(s) you want.


01-30-03, 09:04 PM
Thanks Kyle would appreciate the pics and i bet others would also. Almost bought a waterfall today to put on one side but I think i would need a bigger tank....and dont think my wife would like that yet...lol, have to slowly ease it to her.....

Kyle Barker
01-30-03, 09:04 PM
ohh ya i should point out that it doesnt liek to get wet, but it is fine in humid condtions. It just goes sorf if it gets wet for a while.
Waterfalls, well... They look sweet but cleaning out rotting crickets will probably drive you mad:)

01-31-03, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Kyle Barker
I use a laminate on my cages, then its water proof too :) .

Do tell :) I've been searching high and low far and wide for something to waterproof my cages with and the only thing I can come up with is an epoxy resin, which I cannot work with at this time of year (too cold in the garage). Water-based polyurethanes don't even come close to cutting it with the kind of environments I have.

Kyle Barker
02-01-03, 07:47 PM
It is the sort of thing that is best done while your building the cage. I will explain the whole procedure, but i will get pics, and post it in the "enclosure discution forum". It will probably be next weekend that i am able to get the pics on.


02-01-03, 08:24 PM
Linds: If you need a good sealent that is waterproof you should try "mudpodge". If you dont know what it is; it's a kind of chunky gel that you put with your hands and when it drys it's water proof. you only have to put one lair. I'm french and thats what I found in french, and I dont know if youll find it with the same name :/. Look for it, its a wonderful product!


Kyle Barker
02-09-03, 04:49 AM
Heres those pics of the retreats. If you want to know the specifics on how to build them just pm/e-mail/phone me.
