View Full Version : Do these looks healthy? (Alligator and Caiman, both females)

03-02-13, 03:01 PM
Caiman Female & Alligator Female - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkr6PqQeHLs)

He said he got them both in '09, so why are they so small if they're four years or so old? Is this a normal size for them?

03-02-13, 06:16 PM
the tails look chubby, they seemed "bright eyed"....no idea what growth should be for them, but they look ok (says a guy who had a caiman once in 6th grade).....

03-02-13, 06:57 PM
They don't really look malnourished or anything like that... but I'm fairly certain they aren't up to par with their growth rates...

03-02-13, 08:25 PM
Same thing I was thinking; they're fat and bright-eyed, so they can't be sick, they must be happy gators. I know the caiman is a dwarf as he stated, but I'm not really sure if dwarf American Alligators exist?

03-02-13, 08:27 PM
maybe it's like feet binding in ancient japan :)
cram it into a box and it wont grow much

(i know, i know...he said the small cage was only for video)

03-02-13, 09:22 PM
Same thing I was thinking; they're fat and bright-eyed, so they can't be sick, they must be happy gators. I know the caiman is a dwarf as he stated, but I'm not really sure if dwarf American Alligators exist?

As far as Dwarf species, I thought only Cuvier's and Schneider's were the only Dwarf crocodilian species. He said the female on the left was a hybrid between a Yacare and a Spectacled Caiman. Neither of those crocodiles stay little by any means... same goes for the American Alligator.

03-02-13, 10:26 PM
This guy.... Is a new breed of stupid/insane. Just visit one of his (MANY) Facebook accounts. You can rest assured that those animals live in those cages or in ones only slightly larger. Biggest cage I've seen pictured was maybe a 125g tank with three gators, all of which were 3-4 feet long. All other cages pictured were the size of the ones in the video. The owner belongs in a mental institution... (Again, look through his Facebook accounts.)
That sounds harsh, but believe me that's putting it lightly..

03-02-13, 11:13 PM
This guy.... Is a new breed of stupid/insane. Just visit one of his (MANY) Facebook accounts. You can rest assured that those animals live in those cages or in ones only slightly larger. Biggest cage I've seen pictured was maybe a 125g tank with three gators, all of which were 3-4 feet long. All other cages pictured were the size of the ones in the video. The owner belongs in a mental institution... (Again, look through his Facebook accounts.)
That sounds harsh, but believe me that's putting it lightly..

I REALLY hope you're kidding, that's horrible :(

(talking about how the gators are kept)