View Full Version : Ackies having some fun...

Gregg M
02-24-13, 08:00 PM
Got two clutches incubating, 2 females nesting now, and some of this going on. The season is rockin out. Didnt even start the snakes up yet...


02-24-13, 08:10 PM
Giggety... Looking good!

War Machine
02-24-13, 08:39 PM
Ackies are next on my list. Very envious of you!

02-24-13, 08:43 PM
Lizard porn......

02-24-13, 10:04 PM
Congrats always happy to know that some more varanus eggs are incubating,more of a chance of me getting them!

02-25-13, 07:36 AM
Congrats Greg. My ackies started up again. She is the largest I have ever seen her so I'm hoping for a massive clutch. She has had two clutches of 15 before so I hope to see 18 this time :). Love the yellow siding on that male. I got the hogs out and start to heat up Sunday. Hoping to have my first successful breedings from hogs and corns. Last year everything was to young.

02-25-13, 11:58 AM
Nice! Congratulations man. Good seeing you yesterday. Ill have to swing down soon and see the animals.

02-25-13, 07:19 PM
Gregg, what insects do you keep in your enclosures that are capable of decomposing the feces of monitors?

02-26-13, 07:32 PM
How much for a baby im intrested in buying when they hatch

Gregg M
02-26-13, 08:10 PM
Gregg, what insects do you keep in your enclosures that are capable of decomposing the feces of monitors?

Isppods, meal worm beetle and larva, super worm beetle and larva, dermestid beetle and larva, milipedess, spring tails, and the thousands of good bacteria.

How much for a baby im intrested in buying when they hatch

$600 for sexed pairs. $250 each for unsexed individuals.

02-26-13, 08:35 PM
I thought millipedes released toxins as a defense?

02-26-13, 08:36 PM
And if you were to have only one in there(excluding bacteria) what would it be?

02-26-13, 08:59 PM
$600 for sexed pairs. $250 each for unsexed individuals.
Alright im intrested in buying one ill email you

02-26-13, 09:25 PM
And if you were to have only one in there(excluding bacteria) what would it be?

I don't think you fully understand bio active.

Beneficial bacteria is GOOD.

02-26-13, 09:30 PM
I don't think you fully understand bio active.

Beneficial bacteria is GOOD.

I know that it is good, but if I said didn't say excluding bacteria, he probably would've said bacteria. And I was more concerned about the insects/crustaceans.

02-26-13, 09:32 PM
isopods, wood mites and springtail are also helpful insects to have in a bio active enclosure.

Gregg M
02-27-13, 06:55 AM
I thought millipedes released toxins as a defense?

not all species of milipede have that defence. And the species that I use is so small. not even the smallest of varanid would bother trying to eat one.

And if you were to have only one in there(excluding bacteria) what would it be?

To be honest, the way our substrate is running, I would not have only one other besides the bacteria.

I also forgot to mention that even though they are food, roaches have been able to establish smal colonies inside the varanid cages.