View Full Version : Handling

Mark Taylor
02-22-13, 01:43 PM
Handling my female when I am pretty sure she is gravid, OK or not?

Also Got some frozen rabbits for her but she has never tryed them before, should I try now or keep with rats till after?

Here is a couple of pics I know she is not ovulating as that happened on the 26th of December.

I noticed these 2 bumps and scale separation yesterday.



02-22-13, 01:50 PM
I don't tend to handle the gravid snakes much, it can be uncomfortable for them, and they tend to be a bit more defensive because of that, I tend to keep handling to a minimum just for cleaning purposes.
As for feeding, i'd stick to the rats for a bit, if she is still feeding willingly, some snakes aren't fond of rabbit, and can put her off, and whilst she is gravid and still feeding, can make the most of that by giving her the rats up until she refuses.

Mark Taylor
02-22-13, 02:59 PM
Just to let you all know I have not been handling her.:sad: Only asking if it was OK as this is my first time and want to get it right.:) I did obviously..... think it would be stressful to handle, so when I clean her viv I do it with her in no chemicals used just simple remove the old news paper and replace wipe down with clean rag and water.

Also the rats that,s what I thought thanks for confirming.:)
She does still feed at the moment due tomorrow I half expect her to refuse!

One more question!
If I noticed ovulation on the 26/12/12 and gravid on 21/02/13 what would be the expected due date be. Please bare in mind I check/look closely at all my snakes every day so I am sure on dates.
I forgot what I researched and you guys know a lot more than me so I will get a better answer also.:D

02-22-13, 07:30 PM
I wouldn't handle her. Just to be sure you don't stress her out or damage the eggs. As for the due date, it varies. The gestation period for Boa Constrictors is between 4-8 months. Good luck and absolutely beautiful snake!

Mark Taylor
02-23-13, 12:46 PM
They don't have eggs its live birth.

02-23-13, 12:52 PM
They don't have eggs its live birth.

Didn't you know your python is wearing a boa costume??

Technically, she still has eggs, very thin membranes over the embryos that she incubates inside her.

Garter snakes, water snakes & Storeria are the same.

Mark Taylor
02-23-13, 01:04 PM
I thought he meant eggs like I would need to incubate, my bad.